Internet Archive

Why Web Services will Kill HTTP – Eventually

"Is Microsoft out to get HTTP? That was the implication of a news article that appeared a couple months ago, but the story overstated matters a bit. As Microsoft XML Web services architect Don Box said in a conversation with me, HTTP is way too pervasive not to dominate Web services for some time now. But it's still a less-than-ideal protocol for much of what's planned for Web services." Editorial at ZDNews.

Apache ‘General Availability’ 2.0.35 Released

Apache 2.0 offers numerous enhancements, improvements and performance boosts over the 1.3 codebase. The most visible and noteworthy addition is the ability to run Apache in a hybrid thread/process mode on any platform that supports both threads and processes. This has shown to improve the scalability of the Apache HTTP Server significantly in our testing. Apache 2.0 also includes support for filtered I/O. This allows modules to modify the output of other modules before it is sent to the client. There is also support for IPv6 on any platform that supports IPv6. This version of Apache is known to work on many versions of Unix, BeOS, OS/2, Windows, and Netware.

Distributed Computing: An Introduction

"There are many ways to define distributed computing, and there are many different levels and types of distributed computing models and distributed application development techniques. Various vendors have created and marketed distributed computing systems for years, and numerous initiatives and architectures have been developed to permit distributed processing of data and objects across a network of connected systems." An excellent, must read, introduction to distributed computing. Especially, have a look at its interesting comparison with clusters and supercomputers.

Web Services: Why Care?

"Anyone made leery by the unfulfilled promises of the dot-com era may feel skeptical, or at least confused, about Web services, the latest wave of innovation on the Internet. Sky-high expectations and reams of hype are too often the death knell for emerging technologies. Will this one be any different?" Read the rest of the story at C|Net

Is IIS 6.0 Worth the Effort?

"Whether you're an administrator or a developer, you must understand what's in store for you when you start using Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, which ships as part of the Windows .NET Server product line. The key interests of developers and administrators alike include security, stability, scalability, and programmability. Here's how IIS addresses those needs". Read the interesting review at .NETMag, while you can also similar explore interesting articles like "Evaluate Windows .NET Server" and "Internet Information Services 6.0 Overview - Beta 3".

LinuxJournal Reviews the Roxen WebServer 2.2

"An alternative to Apache, this Swedish company's web server offers modularity, a built-in macro language (RXML) and Pike. The Roxen WebServer, from the Swedish company Roxen Internet Software, is a viable alternative for those who find Apache inappropriate for their needs. Although Apache dominates the internet web server market, it has some weak points: it lacks a built-in SQL database backend, flexible administration tools and easy SSL certificate management. All of these features can be found, however, in the Roxen WebServer. In fact, Roxen includes so many additional features that it seems more like an application server than an ordinary web server." Read the rest of the review at LinuxJournal.

New Version of NetOptimist Released

Macintosh has iCab, Windows has OffByOne, Linux has Dillo and BeOS has NetOptimist. These are home brewed, coded-from-scratch web browsers. NetOptimist was created to replace NetPositive (a Netscape 2+ compliant browser which is still the default BeOS web browser) and add more capabilities like Javascript and CSS. There is still lots of work to be done, so the main developer, Stephane Fritsch, asks for more developers to join him. Stephane has also made a preliminary port of the browser to Solaris/X11. Check out the screenshots at the SourceForge NetOptimist web site and download version Preview 14 from BeBits.

Solaris Server Ported of the BeOS-based BeServed Network Filesystem

BeServed is a native network file system for BeOS. It allows you to share files between computers running BeOS. You can connect to (i.e., mount) folders from remote computers and access files just as if those files were local to your computer. Unlike NFS and CIFS, BeServed supports all the unique benefits of the Be File System (BFS), such as attributes, MIME-based typing, indexes, querying etc. (BFS features are only available on the BeOS platform; foreign versions of the file server do no yet support attributes, indexing, etc.) BeServed includes a network browsing application called 'My Network', which lists the available computers on your network in much the same way as Microsoft's Network Neighborhood. The company now ported their product to Solaris, following releases of Linux & Windows.

Linux Firewall Roundup: SuSE, Mandrake & Coyote Linux

"Whether you run a small business or large corporation -- or just have a desktop PC at home -- if you're connected to the Internet for any amount of time, you need a firewall to keep your data safe. People with ill intentions will try everything from stealing your credit card data, to exploiting open mail relays for spam, or even manipulating potential (and unwitting) participants in Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks." Read the interesting Linux firewall roundup article at UnixReview.

Understanding NFS

"We've discussed sharing filesystems via SMB a few times. SMB lets you access files shared by a Windows system after jumping through only half a dozen loops. Sharing files with another Unix system is much, much simpler. FreeBSD supports the Unix standard Network File System out of the box. NFS intimidates many junior system administrators, but it's really quite simple once you know what's going on." Read the rest of the article at O'Reilly's BSD column.

The Race for a New Internet

"There is another internet - already operational - where users are receiving connections up to 100 times faster than people at home. It is a network so swift and so powerful its advocates are claiming it has already changed the way we will interact with the internet in the future. This new internet is being developed in universities and research laboratories across the globe. And although its usage might be confined to academics, its benefits could spill over into the mainstream in only a few years. Until now, the race to build the next generation of the internet has been dominated by the US, and by one project. Internet2 is a consortium of 180 universities backed by the National Science Foundation and the US Federal government." Read the rest of the interesting article at the Guardian.

Freenet: Opinion, Opinion: Freenet

John Everitt writes: "This is an opinion page, it is riddled with minor inconsistencies and represents nobody's opinion other than my own. Some of it is not based on hard evidence, but observation and wit. If you don't like that stop reading here. Freenet is a realisation of many concepts that have been floated in the charged ether of the Internet. It is a distributed, survivable, efficient, secure publishing and storage system. In practice this has proven largely true, with minor caveats (documented in the FAQ), and I believe that Freenet should be a discussion point for everyone."