Java Archive

Oracle Making Java, Solaris Certifications Pricier

Later this year, Oracle will begin requiring people interested in gaining Java and Solaris certifications to attend "hands-on" training courses, at an additional cost of thousands of dollars. The new rule goes into effect Aug. 1 and regards Java Architect, Java Developer, Solaris System Administrator and Solaris Security Administrator certification paths, according to a notice on Oracle's website.

The ASF Resigns From the JCP Executive Committee

"The Apache Software Foundation concludes that that JCP is not an open specification process - that Java specifications are proprietary technology that must be licensed directly from the spec lead under whatever terms the spec lead chooses; that the commercial concerns of a single entity, Oracle, will continue to seriously interfere with and bias the transparent governance of the ecosystem; that it is impossible to distribute independent implementations of JSRs under open source licenses such that users are protected from IP litigation by expert group members or the spec lead; and finally, the EC is unwilling or unable to assert the basic power of their role in the JCP governance process."

The Coming War Over the Future of Java

Fatal Exception's Neil McAllister writes about what could be the end of the Java Community Process as we know it. With the Apache Software Foundation declaring war on Oracle over Java, the next likely step would be a vote of no confidence in the JCP, which, if the ASF can convince enough members to follow suit, "could effectively unravel the Java community as a whole", McAllister writes, with educators, academics, and researchers having little incentive to remain loyal to an Oracle-controlled platform. "Independent developers could face the toughest decisions of all. Even if the JCP dissolves, many developers will be left with few alternatives", with .Net offering little advantage, and Perl, Python, and Ruby unable to match Java's performance. The dark horse? Google Go - a language Google might just fast-track in light of its patent suit with Oracle over Android.

Gosu Brings Fresh Language Skills to Java Virtual Platform

"Programmers in the Java environment have another tool in their box, following the launch of a new programming language called Gosu. Publicly released by Guidewire Software, Gosu is a general purpose programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. According to the developers, Gosu is an object-oriented language that is 100% compatible with Java and has a promising set of attributes compared to other JVM languages. For example, Gosu boasts solid IDE tooling and static typing (meaning variables don't have to be defined before they're used), which remain rare in the world of JVMs."

Apache Declares War on Oracle over Java

"Charging that Oracle has willfully disregarded the licensing terms for its own Java technology, the Apache Software Foundation has called upon other members of the Java Community Process (JCP) to vote against the next proposed version of the language, should Oracle continue to impose restrictions on open-source Java use. The nonprofit organization has also indicated that it could end its involvement in the JCP if the licensing restrictions stay in place."

Watch Out Java, Here Comes JavaScript

Fatal Exception's Neil McAllister sees recent experiments enabling a resurgence for JavaScript on the server, one likely to dent Java's role in the data center. 'Today, projects such as CommonJS and Node.js are extending JavaScript even further, allowing it to take on Java's traditional role in the data center. In a fascinating role reversal, JavaScript is becoming the versatile, powerful, all-purpose language for the Web, while Java risks becoming a kind of modern-day Cobol," McAllister writes. And though such experiments have a ways to go, the benefits of JavaScript as a server-side language are clear and striking.

Top 5 Scripting Languages on the JVM

InfoWorld's Andrew Binstock takes an in-depth look at scripting language performance on the JVM. While Java has become more complex, the JVM has become one of the fastest and most efficient execution platforms available, creating an opening for a new generation of languages that lack Java's syntax overload to take advantage of the JVM. The report examines Groovy, JRuby, Scala, Fanthom, and Jython. Of the five, Groovy and JRuby have risen from the niche, a trend that will also likely benefit Scala and Fanthom as well. Jython's moment in the sun, Binstock writes, has probably come and gone.

Is It Too Late For JavaFX To Succeed?

Nearly three years after its introduction, the JavaFX multimedia application development platform that Oracle inherited from Sun remains just another entrant in a crowded field, with questions looming about how much momentum the platform can gather. With a debut that saw JavaFX trailing behind RIA technologies such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and AJAX and the emergence of HTML5, some view JavaFX on the ropes, despite Oracle's claims of commitment to the technology. "It's superior , but maybe that doesn't count anymore," says the chair of one Java Special Interest Group. Red Hat CTO of Middleware Mark Little echoed the skepticism building around JavaFX's future, saying that at this stage, JavaFX will survive only if Oracle can build a business around it. "Otherwise, it will die."

Oracle’s Bold Plans for Java Bode Well

Any doubts regarding Oracle's stewardship of Java were dispelled yesterday, as Ellison and company have made it clear that they are very interested in making Java an even stronger alternative to .Net, writes Fatal Exception's Neil McAllister. "We have the money to invest in Java, because Java is a very profitable business for us already," said Ellison, whose plan for integrating Sun technology is ambitious, serving an even more ambitious goal: to create a soup-to-nuts tech juggernaut akin to IBM in the 1960s. Java will remain a key component of this push, with a new Java runtime, greater modularity, better support for non-Java languages, improved performance, and multicore-optimized garbage collection in the works, McAllister writes. Also revealed are plans to unify the Java SE and Java ME programming models and APIs and to enable JVM to run natively on hypervisors, allowing developers to run multiple Java instances on a single virtualized server.

It’s Official: Sun Debuts Java EE 6

"On the heels of last week's vote to ratify the new Java specification, Sun Microsystems, the leader of the Java community, formally announced the release of Java EE 6. Along with the news, Sun today also released Glassfish version 3--the first Java EE 6-compliant Java server--as well as NetBeans 6.8 IDE, which also includes full Java EE 6 support. With the releases, Sun is providing the first major update to the Java EE platform in over three years. This month also marks another significant milestone with the tenth anniversary of the first J2EE release (the former name of Java EE) in 1999."

Exploit Real-Time Java’s Unique Features

Real-time Java combines ease of programming in the Java language with the performance required by applications that must conform to real-time constraints. Extensions to the Java language provide features for real-time environments that are lacking in the traditional Java runtime environment. This article, the first in a three-part series, describes some of these features and explains how you can apply them to enable real-time performance in your own applications.

Tech Chat: Rich Sharples on OpenJDK

In this exclusive interview, Rich Sharples, Product Management Director at Red Hat, talks about OpenJDK. the free and open source implementation of the Java SE platform. The IcedTea project, one of Red Hat's major contributions to the OpenJDK ecosystem, has done a great deal to enable upstream adoption of Java on the Linux platform; however, the question remains whether Java would've been more ubiquitous throughout the Linux universe had Sun open sourced Java much sooner than it actually did. Rich discusses some of these issues and talks about some of the new features in OpenJDK 7, as well as the impact that dynamic languages, increased modularity and virtualization will have on the Java platform. He also describes the impact he thinks Oracle's acquisition will have on licensing options around OpenJDK.