OS News Archive

PearPC 0.2.0 released

From the PearPC site: "The most important change of this release is certainly that network now also works with Windows as host. Since we now have conditional redraw code, you can take a smaller redraw interval without dramatic speed decrease. With this release, you can switch the screen resolution (i.e. the size of the window) at runtime via the video.x driver. Note that there are some small config file changes, so please update your config file from the shipped ppccfg.example."

ChoX11 and Porting

"Ever seen some Linux application and thought: "the source is available, why can't we have that on RISC OS?" And indeed, because of the efforts that have been made on the GCC port for RISC OS and its C library, Unixlib, this is possible for a large number of Unix applications." Read the article at Drobe.

Virtually Minix: A Tutorial & Intro to Minix on XP via Bochs

This tutorial will walk the reader through setting up Minix 2.0.4 on Windows XP via Bochs 2.1.1. These are the latest versions of Minix, Bochs and Windows XP as of May of 2004. In this era of Linux and Windows domination of the OS scene, it is important to remember that there are alternatives. Hence, this article will also serve as an introduction to one such alternative, Minix, which has a very rich heritage, indeed.

SoftPear’s PowerPC to i386 Recompiler Now Works

The SoftPear Project aims to create compatibility software between the IBM PC and the Apple Macintosh architecture. This is not an emulator for PowerPC Macintosh machines (like "PearPC", "Basilisk" or "UAE"), the project has more similarities to Digital's "FX!32", FreeBSD's "Linux Binary Compatbility" and "WINE" instead. Darwin/x86 or GNU/Linux will run on the PC, and the Mac OS X user interface, its libraries and all applications running on top of it will run on Darwin or GNU/Linux, using SoftPear's compatibility layer. Since today, the PowerPC to i386 recompiler works with many small test programs. The code is in the CVS.

OSNews Pricegrabber Updated

We've made some updates to the Pricegrabber menu (at the lower left hand side of the site). For your convenience, we've updated some of the products there, and added some new gadgets. It's a great way to compare prices, and if you use osnews.pricegrabber.com when you buy (or even just research), you support OSNews. Bookmark it! If anyone has any ideas for products or categories that should be added to the list, let us know.

Return to Hell: Inferno 4 Available for Download

Inferno is a compact operating system designed for building distributed and networked systems on a wide variety of devices and platforms. With many advanced and unique features, Inferno puts an unrivalled set of tools into your hands. It runs in hosted mode for: Windows (Nt, 2000, XP), FreeBSD (x86), Irix (mips), Linux (x86), MacOSX (PPC), Solaris (sparc), and Plan 9.

Opinion: Common OS Myths Debunked

One day while doing my daily browsing through the web, I came across a message board post that was in response to a Linux zealot's rant. It went a little something like this, "If Linux had the market share of Windows, and Windows was the underdog you would be saying how great, and easy to use Windows is, and how it just works." My first reaction was of anger and dismissal, "Linux is open source Linux uses protected memory..." But the more I thought about it the more it disturbed me because I knew it was true. What do you do when you think an opinion you have may be in jeopardy of being wrong? You compare the facts and sort out the myths.

Having fun with unattended installation

In an ideal world, all your code is packaged into a universal install script, with dependency checking, updating, and logging services handled automatically. Conflicts between resources required by different applications are resolved according to predefined policies. Site-specific configuration changes are automatically applied as part of the unattended installation, and tests are run across the environment to confirm that everything is good to go. This article shows you how the general tenets of autonomic computing are applied to software installation.