OS News Archive

Interview: Mark Gorham, HP Vice President for OpenVMS

From HP World Magazine: "At press time, Hewlett-Packard planned to announce in January its long-awaited version of OpenVMS that runs on Itanium-based Integrity servers. We spoke with Mark Gorham, vice president for HP’s OpenVMS Systems Division. He is responsible for worldwide engineering, customer satisfaction, quality, partner management and business management of the OpenVMS Systems product portfolio."

Happy New Year!

From all of us here at OSNews, Happy New Year! 2005 promises to be an exciting year in technology - what surprises do you think this year will hold? What news do you think will top the technology news sites in 2005 - Linux? SCO? Microsoft? Firefox? Security? Wireless networking? A destructive new worm? Share your thoughts here.

Rethinking the OS

Every hard-core OS aficionado has done it: Laid out a grand scheme for creating the perfect OS. Taking all the best features and attributes from the OSes we love, and making sure to assiduously avoid the pitfalls of the OSes we don't. Maybe our goals were modest, and we just wanted a slightly tweaked version of an existing OS. But sometimes we're feeling ambitious, and we have large, creative ideas for revolutionizing computing. Long-time OSNews reader and contributor J. Scott Edwards just couldn't help himself, and he has set about to not only plan, but to try to build his dream OS.

LSE/OS A new nanokernel

A new kernel for an OS caled LSE/OS was developed by a french research laboratory: Epita System Laboratory. This laboratory is specialized in low-level system programming.For more than one year this laboratory has been developing an extremely stable nanokernel with specific features that place it in a very special class of systems. Read on for more. Update: English version here.

OSNews Membership Drive

Do you love to read OSNews? Do you hate banner ads? Do you have slow internet access, or use a slow computer? Do you like to win free stuff? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you should consider becoming an OSNews member. And if you sign up in the next three weeks, you'll be eligible for several special members-only giveaways.

Introducing McOS Re 0.4.2f

The next version of McOS Re is now avaiable. McOS Re 0.4.2f has been released in two StuffIt archives: "Boot" (for users) and "Build" (for devs). The project's website is now featuring FAQ and Progress pages. Please note that this project is still not at "pactical use" stage, it's more at "demo" stage.

FreeVMS 0.1.0 Released

FreeVMS is an OpenVMS-like operating system which can run on several architectures like i386, PPC, Alpha, and many others. CONFIG_VMS can now execute on ODS-2. GRUB with ODS-2 support was added, and diskimage builder was updated accordingly. The kernel can also be booted from ODS-2. Partition support for both ODS-2 and Ext2 was improved. Directory creation functionality for ODS-2 was implemented. In CONFIG_VMS, a partition related bug with RMS Ext2 read and write was fixed. A problem in which Init set 000000.dir fat ffbyte to length when it should be 0 was fixed.

hOp, a Haskell OS

hOp is a micro-kernel based on the RTS of GHC. It is meant to enable people to experiment with writing device drivers in Haskell. Currently, hOp is still very hackish, and IA32-specific. More info here and here.

SVISTA Virtual Machine Released

Serenity Systems International (SSI) has announced the release of their Serenity Virtual Station, SVISTA, family of virtual machine products . This is the latest entry into the hot field of virtual machine software which allows users to run multiple operating systems on their PC. A field dominated by VMWare and Microsoft's Virtual PC.