Solaris Archive

One Million Solaris 10 Licenses Distributed in First Two Months

Sun today announced that it has distributed more than one million registered licenses for the Solaris 10 OS since Jan. 31, when the software became available on Sun's Web site. Sun also announced that the Solaris 10 OS has set fourteen world-record benchmarks in this same timeframe and demonstrated application performance improvements greater than 50 times that of previous versions of Solaris.

Solaris 10 Heads for Linux Territory

Sun is gunning for some of Linux's rising popularity in the enterprise with the newest release of its Unix derivative, Solaris (screenshots). In this Clear Choice Test, they found that Solaris 10 has been torn from its SPARC-only roots now runs very quickly and very easily on generic 32-bit x86 Intel- and 64-bit Advanced Micro Devices-based servers. It also has new security features and supports a range of Linux applications. And it's free.

Review of Solaris 10

The vast majority of operating system reviews are the result of a user spending a few days or weeks using a particular operating system and writing about their observations. This review is the result of my continued use of Solaris 10 (previously Solaris Express) from August 2003 to February 2005.

First Look At Solaris 10

Sun has recently released Solaris 10. It is currently free, as in beer, and most of it is promised to be released under an OSI approved license in the second quarter of 2005. Most everyone reading this probably knows all of that. The release and subsequent open sourcing of Solaris 10 has caused quite an uproar in the Open Source community and the IT industry as a whole. Read the review here.

Sun Solaris Patent Release Questioned

A patent watchdog group is raising questions about the legal language behind Sun Microsystems' recent open source offering called OpenSolaris. The Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) is criticizing Sun and its CEO Scott McNealy for potentially misleading developers into thinking Sun's latest open source contribution is free of any legal land mines.

Solaris 10 Gets Ready to Roll

For some time now, Sun has been trying to push its way into non-proprietary Unix markets, and Solaris 10 is its crowning achievement. An abundance of innovative new features, mostly aimed at administrators rather than users, contributes further to Solaris 10's value proposition. An interesting balance of administrative features and support for new hardware implies Sun is trying hard to maintain its current niche, as well as move into server and workstation territories where Linux has encroached. Read more here.