Solaris Archive

Review: BeleniX Live CD

"BeleniX is a free live CD based on the OpenSolaris kernel. With it you can have Solaris, which once ran exclusively on SPARC, powering your modest desktop computer. But with few applications and lacking an installation script, the Live CD does little more than slake a nerd's thirst for a taste of Solaris."

Story of OpenGrok, Source Code Browser

"OpenGrok in that sense is a true enabler for source code that is open source. It lets people easily and quickly find the source code, look at it, understand the history and changes made to the source. It certainly has made my life easy when I am looking for security holes in software."

Solaris Desktop Gap Analysis

"The purpose of this document is to detail proposed projects and direction based on an analysis of the existing desktops on Solaris and Linux, but with input from MS Windows and Mac OS/X also being taken into account. Post Solaris 10 a significant effort is being put into making Solaris simple for everyone (not just sys-admins), and this is being done from the ground up. The Keep it Simple Solaris (KiSS) project is at the heart of this."

Schillix 0.2 Released

The Schillix OpenSolaris project has announced its second release, SchilliX 0.2, and a Live CD available for download. Highlights of 0.2 include 30 second boot time, boot from CD or USB-stick, installation to hard drive, and self-healing services. Software includes cdrecord, star, bash, bz2, fakeroot, gmake, gpatch, gtar, gzip, pod2man, texinfo, unzip, wget and much more.

Open Source Java Desktop System Released

The OpenSolaris desktop community released an opensource version of the Java Desktop System. "The Java Desktop System is a secure and comprehensive enterprise desktop software solution that combines the best of open source innovation. Java Desktop System is a major component of the Solaris 10 Operating System, x86 and SPARC architecure editions, and an earlier release is also available with a Linux OS."

Sun Freezes Hell, Gets IBM To Sell Solaris on Blades

Yet again hell freezes over. As if Apple's switch to Intel wasn't enough, Sun has announced that IBM is going to sell Solaris on its blade servers. "IBM has agreed to sell Sun's operating system with its BladeCenter servers in "the coming months," according to an IBM spokesman. This is quite the surprise given IBM's contentious relationship with Sun. IBM's services organization, however, does do a large amount of business selling Sun servers and Solaris, which may have helped seal the deal." Jonathan Schwartz announced it in his blog as well.