Sponsor Archive
OSNews Sponsor OS-SCi is educating the next generation FOSS engineers, and as part of their coursework, they’re looking for worthy open source projects to which they can contribute their time and effort. In addition to the work they provide during their studies, these volunteers will be encouraged to continue to be involved after they finish their courses and proceed into the workforce. If you are involved in an open source project and would like some help, please register here. Also, please leave a comment below to share some details about your project with the OSNews community. Perhaps we can use this forum to bring some OSNews readers together as long term collaborators. In other news, OS-SCi is organizing an international Open Source Hackathon on 21-22 February online and on multiple university campuses. Register for the hackathon here. Read more details here.
We’re grateful for our weekly sponsor, OpenSource Science B.V., an educational institution focused on Open Source software. OS-SCi is training the next generation FOSS engineers, by using Open Source technologies and philosophy in a project learning environment. One final reminder: OS-SCi is offering OSNews readers a free / gratis online masterclass by Prof. Ir. Erik Mols on how the proprietary ecosystem is killing itself. This is a live event, on January 9, 2025 at 17:00 PM CET. Sign up here.
We’re grateful for our weekly sponsor, OpenSource Science B.V., an educational institution focused on Open Source software. OS-SCi is training the next generation FOSS engineers, by using Open Source technologies and philosophy in a project learning environment. OS-SCi is offering OSNews readers a free / gratis online masterclass by Prof. Ir. Erik Mols on how the proprietary ecosystem is killing itself. This is a live event, on January 9, 2025 at 17:00 PM CET. Sign up here.
AppSumo is a marketplace where software developers and other entrepreneurs can launch their products, giving special offers to early adopters. Many AppSumo deals offer lifetime licenses, so you can throw in your support for an up-and-coming product and be rewarded with a deal-for-life that will save you up to 95% compared to paying monthly. If you’re a developer, AppSumo is a great way to get attention for your launch, and quickly find a cohort of savvy paying customers. AppSumo deals are all limited-time offers, but this week they’re doing their “Last Call” event, where crowd favorite deals are brought back for a limited time (but only for members paying for the Plus tier).
Snikket is a FOSS project for creating private chat spaces for small groups, such as families, friends, or clubs. It doesn’t depend on a phone number, doesn’t upload address books anywhere, and doesn’t sell data to advertisers. It supports all the features you expect, including media and voice messages, audio and video calls, end-to-end encryption, group messaging, and more. Use it from multiple devices at once with the official apps, or even with unofficial, third-party apps. Snikket is easy to self-host, and professional managed hosting is also available. Our previous sponsor, JMP, opted to donate a free week’s sponsorship to Snikket, which any paying OSNews sponsor can opt to do. This is our very small way of giving something back to the countless open source and/or smaller projects out there. Thank you Snikket for sponsoring OSNews!
Snikket is a FOSS project for creating private chat spaces for small groups, such as families, friends, or clubs. It doesn’t depend on a phone number, doesn’t upload address books anywhere, and doesn’t sell data to advertisers. It supports all the features you expect, including media and voice messages, audio and video calls, end-to-end encryption, group messaging, and more. Use it from multiple devices at once with the official apps, or even with unofficial, third-party apps. Snikket is easy to self-host, and professional managed hosting is also available. Our previous sponsor, JMP, opted to donate a free week’s sponsorship to Snikket, which any paying OSNews sponsor can opt to do. This is our very small way of giving something back to the countless open source and/or smaller projects out there. Thank you Snikket for sponsoring OSNews!
We’d like to thank this past week’s sponsor JMP for sponsoring OSNews. As a reminder, JMP is a fully FOSS service providing a way to get a real phone number that operates over the internet using XMPP. They provide numbers in the USA and Canada with everything you need to access SMS/MMS/etc. and voice calls using your XMPP (or SIP) clients of choice across all your devices. They are committed to growing the use of open communications technology such as XMPP, ultimately working to help people move their communication off the unencrypted telephone network and onto the federated, encrypted, and diverse Jabber network. Once again, thanks to JMP for sponsoring OSNews!
JMP is a fully FOSS service providing a way to get a real phone number that operates over the internet using XMPP. They provide numbers in the USA and Canada with everything you need to access SMS/MMS/etc. and voice calls using your XMPP (or SIP) clients of choice across all your devices. They are committed to growing the use of open communications technology such as XMPP, ultimately working to help people move their communication off the unencrypted telephone network and onto the federated, encrypted, and diverse Jabber network. We thank JMP for sponsoring OSNews this week, and they even offer a discount code for OSNews readers who sign up for the service. Use the code OSNEWS for one free month after paying for your account initially.
We’re very grateful to this week’s sponsor: UnitySync®. For a unified GAL and more, UnitySync helps sync objects between LDAP and cloud directories with this highly scalable and customizable tool. Directory Wizards offers responsive technical support before and after your purchase, as well as other directory tools to simplify directory maintenance. A free evaluation available to test drive your solution. Please visit their website to learn more: https://www.dirwiz.com/unitysync .
If you want to learn more about how to run existing Linux applications as unikernels, visit their website. If you know of someone who might be interested in being a sponsor, please let us know.
We’re very grateful to this week’s (and our inaugural) sponsor: OPS is a new free open source tool that allows anyone including non-developers to run existing Linux applications as unikernels. Long predicted to be the next generation of cloud infrastructure, unikernels have remained inaccessible to developers because of their low level nature. OPS fixes that. Please visit their website to learn more: https://ops.city