O.A.S.E. 2002 Show Report

Last weekend at 4 different Amiga shows held across the world Amiga fans were introduced to AmigaOS4, AmigaDE and MorphOS solutions. An in depth show report by GFXBase of an earlier show in Austria, includes many interesting pictures regarding the AmigaOS4/AmigaOne and Pegasos/MorphOS (PPC AmigaOS clone) projects. Some additional pictures of this event can be found here at Elbox' website.

Better Screen Fonts in OpenOffice Under Linux

OSNews reader David Chester writes: "I've posted a modified version of freetype with hardcoded hinting options. (There are new hinting options available in freetype CVS, but apparently they will remain unaccessable from outside the library, so it has to be hacked by hand for now.) Anyway, I think the main reason it's nice to have a hardcoded libfreetype like this, is that you can have OpenOffice link against it, which improves the readablity of it's screen fonts to my eyes, and makes OpenOffice finally usable. I have some explanation and comparison screenshots".

Ex-BeOS/OpenBeOS Developer Explains Departure

BeGroovy reports that David Reid, a very respected BeOS third party developer (ported Apache among others) and ex-OpenBeOS networking developer published a statement explaining his departure from the OpenBeOS project. David cited lack of direction, management in the project and even lack of engineering knowledge among the OpenBeOS developers. Update: Another important BeOS dev and friend of mine (as also in the case of David :), Frans van Nispen cited similar problems with the project. UPDATE 2: The OpenBeOS leader, Michael Phipps, sent us in his response to the issue.

Sun to Keep Linux Out of the High End Market

Sun Microsystems Inc. is adding another Linux piece to its overall product line, but don't confuse that with a strong endorsement for the open-source operating system. "We don't offer Linux computers; we offer solutions," said Scott McNealy, Sun's chairman, president and CEO, in an interview following the announcement of Sun's desktop initiative, Project Mad Hatter, at the Sun Network conference here last week. Read the article at eWeek.

Opinion: Red Hat’s Heresy

"Red Hat, to its credit and to the utter annoyance of some Linux purists, has engaged in a bold experiment: to produce a simple and easy to use desktop. It has tweaked the default KDE and Gnome GUIs so that they work almost exactly alike, by creating a more Red Hat-centric desktop with simplified menus and attractive graphics." Read the editorial at ExtremeTech.

Gentoo Linux Ported on the Alpha

"In a testament to the power and flexibility of the Portage system and Gentoo Linux, Bjoern Brauel (aka "bjb") has done the amazing job of creating a whole new port for Gentoo Linux in the span of 2 days. Currently, Bjoern has Xfree86, GNOME 2, Gimp and other things running on Gentoo Linux/Alpha, as you can see in this screenshot. The Gentoo Linux/Alpha port is currently being incorporated into our Portage tree; in the mean time, the adventurous may be interested in playing with the Alpha stage 1 tarball."

Windows XP–One Year Later

"I've been using Windows XP as my main desktop OS for about a year now. I'm really very happy with it, as are most XP users I know. It's probably the best job Microsoft has ever done on a desktop operating system. However, there are some things that could have been done better. One year later--especially now that Service Pack 1 has been released--it's worth looking at what Microsoft could have done better, though I don't think any of the flaws are crucial. " Read the article at TechUpdate.

Is Apple’s Innovation Only Skin-Deep?

"Gartner analyst Martin Reynolds credited Apple with delivering the innovative GUI interface to mainstream computer users. "When it comes to something great, it's 5 percent original idea and 95 percent making it reality," he said. Apple is well known for bringing new styles and form factors to the world of computing, but is the fruit inside as tasty as the shiny Apple exterior might imply?" Read the editorial at NewsFactor.

Microsoft Spies for the US, Chinese Claim

"What you are about to read is a true story. China thinks Microsoft software contains secretly embedded code that the United States government can manipulate at will. So, in case of war between the two countries, a Pentagon official can hit a switch and--presto!--cripple China's computing infrastructure. A senior Microsoft executive, who often confers with the Chinese (sorry, no names), told me this tale. I thought he was joking. He wasn't. Some people in the Chinese government actually believe it's true." Read the report at ZDNet.

Java 1.4.1 Released

Java 1.4.1 has recently been released. Over 2,000 bug fixes have been issued in this maintence release. Two new garbage collectors have been added, Concurrent and Parallel. Click here for more information while you can also find the the full list of changes.

FreeBSD 4.7-RC1 Released

KernelTrap reports: "Bruce A. Mah announced today the availability of FreeBSD 4.7 Release Candidate 1. The final release is scheduled for just a week and a half away, on October 1'st. The release notes for FreeBSD 4.7 include quite a few improvements to PPP, updates to the 'ahc' and 'ahd' Adaptec SCSI device drivers, and several ATA fixes. Packages that have been updated included IPFilter (v3.4.29), Sendmail (v8.12.6) and XFree86 (4.2.1). Read on for Bruce's full announcement."