Pepper is a great text editor for programmers whose main principle is to help its user be as productive as possible. A typical example of Pepper’s innovations is the invention of the “Accelerator”. The Accelerator allows you to enter text or code quickly with a simple keystroke. Hekkelman Programmatuur, the company behind Pepper, will give away for free a copy of Pepper 4 to a lucky OSNews reader. Pepper currently runs on MacOS/X, Windows2k/XP, while a release for Linux and FreeBSD (and possibly IRIX and Solaris) will be ready in the next few months. The winner will receive a “keycode” unlocking the software for all platforms. Read more to see how you can enter the competition. Update: Competition is now closed! Thanks everyone who participated!Basically, there is not much you will have to do. Just download Pepper (it is only 1.3 MB), have a look at it, use it a bit, get a feel from it, and then reply to the form below with your comments for the product and how Hekkelman Programmatuur could better the product. Easy!
Things you need to know before entering the competition:
Good luck everyone!
Update: Competition is now closed! Thanks everyone who participated!
Well, I don’t know how good the Pepper editor is but Linux obviously has a lot of FREE/OPEN/GOOD editors.
I bought the predecessor “Pe” for BeOS and am very satisfied with it. I’d again buy Pepper if it were available. Provided it offers a significant gain over “Pe” and its development is kept up…
Downloaded Pepper, unfortunately without a kep you can’t use it to evaluate the product.. What did I miss?
I work in Linux and in Windows. On both platforms I use VIM. Actually, gvim.It has syntax highlighting for alot of programming languages, shellscripts included, virtually unlimited filesize, many other features.
Just launch it, wait a couple of seconds,
and then close the registration pop-up. It’ll work.
I found it just after I sent the comment, don’t press cancel, just the [X] box 🙂
It’s not that much different from version 3.3.6 (except for the Windows port), is it? However, I couldn’t see much to improve anyway – it’s a good editor and the presence of a Windows version makes it even more attractive to me (poor cross-platform developer).
No, it isn’t very different externally. Internally there’s a lot of changes. From a marketing perspective it probably should have been called 3.7, since it sounds like 4.1 will have more features. I think the program’s author has always been a better programmer than a marketer, though.
As for competing on Unix platforms with high-quality free editors like NEdit, VIM and Emacs, it’s a good question. I suspect Pepper purchases for those platforms will mostly be people who are used to the editor from BeOS or Mac (or perhaps Windows, now) and want to be using the same editor cross-platform. The main advantage of Pepper to me at this point is that it runs in the Aqua GUI well–Emacs and NEdit both require X, and VIM’s Cocoa port is kind of wonky.
Pepper <em>does</em> have some cool features, most notably (to me) the non-modal search function and the different functions relating to marking lines.
Hehe, just kidding….. although I would love to update my Pe
Well, it’s nice to see Pepper coming to *nix, so I’ll have Pepper @ wurq very soon…. and don’t have to wait for my new PowerBook this summer.
I would gladly pay for an editor I could use for PHP/HTML on BeOS if it was more useful than Eddie. I _really_ love Eddie’s FTP open/save features…
xfte. xfte is the best damn editor there is. Plus, it runs on like every platform there is.
I have to disagree. I believe that jEdit is the best editor available. It will run on any platform that supports Java. has support for just about every editing mode known to man, has a ton of plugins (debugger, tabs, code reformatting, xml, ftp, drag & drop, visual diff tool, etc). And best of all, it is free and rapidly being improved. Check it out at
…is almost great. Just a few usability and speed issues for it to overcome.
You are right that jEdit has some performance issues to overcome, but that is a swing problem, not really a jEdit issue. However, the performance seems to be improved when using JDK 1.4 which has many performance improvements compared to 1.3.
Yup, JEdit is great. I use it currently at work with FreeBSD and Win2k. The performance is not that bad
And with SkinLF (Aqua) or Kunststoff it looks great