Nintendo, once the unrivaled king of the home video game business, released details of its planned new game console and unveiled a new mini-portable device called the Game Boy Micro. The new console is said to be “only” 3-5 times faster than the GameCube.
The Gameboy Micro looks awesome. All the power of the GBA in the size of the iPod Mini. Too cool!
The Nintendo Revolution has been quite frustrating, because I’ve found no pictures/info on the controller (beyond the fact that it’s wireless, obviously) Nintendo said they were pursuing some sort of “alternative design” and I was really interested in seeing what that was, but none of the photos released have any pictures of the controller.
The original ps2 according to Sony could put out 100 million polys the xbox could output 150 million polys, Nintendo said 6 -12 million polys. Of the three the ps2 and xbox never came close to what MS and Sony said, the gamecube excceded what nintendo said. So remember when SOny and MS say a number it is not a real world number. Also just to add according to ATI and IBM the revolution is a little bit more powerful than the xbox 360, and supposedly both are dwarfed by the ps3. So to sum it up please get your info right eugene before you post.
Nintendo hasn’t revealed much of anything on the new system. No specs and no concrete details about the new input system they’ve been hyping up.
They’d better cough up something because Sony has stolen this year’s E3.
Stealing E3 means nothing, nintendo by most accounts had the best presentation last year and look at all the marketshare nintendo took because of that.
Stealing E3 means a lot to hardcore gamers / early adopters.
Anyway, I am expecting Revolution to be the weakest of the three, I mean the console dimensions are three DVD cases roughly.
I just want something good… both PS3 and Xbox 360 haven’t been showing much compelling to me… PS3 has dazzling tech though.
If the Revolution is actually only 3-5 times faster, etc. than the Gamecube, which would allegedly make it quite a bit slower than the XBox 360 and ps3, then maybe it will be significantly cheaper as well.
This might be a solid strategy move by Nintendo. If I had kids (knock on wood), I wouldn’t feel comfortable buying them an estimated $400-500 ps3 or XBox 360 but would pay the usual $150-$200 for the Revolution.
If XBox 360 and ps3 are over $400, I don’t imagine them to fly off the shelves. The “good enough” attitude will probably plague Sony and M$. (yes, people said the same thing about the ps2@$300 — i bought mine the day of the release and sold it three days later via eBay for $670 — it was different then, holiday season, limited quantity, etc.)
Alas, I know that I am probably wrong about the “buzz,” but maybe that is me just getting older.
I am merely speculating that Nintendo may try drastically undercutting the ps3 and XBox 360 by offering the apparently inferior Revolution at a lower price.
While Mario, Zelda, Metroid are good, most other games done by Nintendo seem to be good only for kids…
Ahhh HELLO, I’m not a kid anymore, Pokemon won’t do for me. Please, better games. Nintendo need something as good as Halo or DOOM.
Even the last Zelda (on GC) looks very kiddy….
Nintendo is more a «Toy» console than a real gamer console.
While the gardcore fans and early adopters are much needed by all three companies, the hardcore gamers would be better labled hardcore fans as they will buy the next generation of console from their favorite company, no matter who has more polygons, better surrond sound or any other whizz-bang features as they firmly beleive in the company first and the hardware second.
The main money spinner for all of them is the unloyal and very critical mass market, and this will (sadly) only be one by who has the best mind-washing ad campaign. Ho hum.
Anyway, back to the GB Micro. Is it just me or does this look a little…
Before you flame me everythere, just take a good look at the picture. It’s very nice loking and all, but it does not give the impression of “It’s small, but these’s a lot of power inside” like the GBA SP has, it just looks like a little too blank. Plus is the 2in screen too small for anyone with less than 20:20 vision?
Just my 2 cents on the matter.
yeah it was a CARTOON look, it was a different take on the Natural look…
the next zelda will be the one that was SUPPOSED to be released…
I cannot wait as the hardware has aged… and the graphice will be pushing the limits of the console!
I don’t understand why they are releasing the 2 button version.. this is FOR HARDCORE gamers and the DS is the PDA, then there is another “kiddy” console or portable that will fill the market.
I am not getting why nintendo is being so irrational…
it is THE MOST known name in gaming…. even grandperents (octogenerians) say “stop playing those Nintendo games” whether or not you are playing Nintendo at all.
“….and fans will also be able to download games from earlier consoles, the company said….”
I no longer will have to emulate Super Nintendo or NES games on my 17″ CRT – SWEET!!! Oh Super Mario 2, and all it’s glory on my 32″ Sony Vega…
Nintendo is for grown-ups, Xbox is for 13-18 year old kids.
Nintendo is for grown-ups, Xbox is for 13-18 year old kids.
When did grown-ups start playing video games?
But seriously, it looks like xbox and ps3 will have grown-up hardware.
I remember when I used to have these stupid arguments over the hardware of vg systems. Now I just hate to see more people acting so stupidly. I remember the hype over the Xbox, and it all fizzled. Why don’t we wait until AFTER the systems are released and people have been able to play them for a while before we argue who’s dad can beat up who’s dad?
im 25 and i find that there is something highly amusing about going about vaccuming ghosts in luigis mansion or spraying water all over the place in super mario sunshine
my sis is 23 and she loves playing pikmin.
but then we both where playing super mario 1 and goonies 2 on our nes (that still works nicely. just had to get some wires in one controler resolderd) when we here kids.
there is something nice and relaxing about a non-bloddy, prima-colored game at times
I think nintendo understood too late (for the gamecube) that games could be sponsored and made for all age ranges (and tastes). Take for example Resident Evil 4 and the new, to-be-realeased Zelda. I guess if they keep up that line since Revolution’s day 1, it will be widely accepted.
I look forward for the wifi support. Online support out of the box was one of the things I missed in the gamecube. What has me thrilled is the fact that you’ll be able to download all pre-cube games for the Revolution. And there’s a chance that downloads will be for free, considering “freedom” has been talked about regarding the DS online connections.
There is one thing that has me worried though: if there’s gonna be a hard disk in the Revolution or not. From what I have read from the conference, it seems the system will only have 512mb for storage. I find that way too low, as several n64 games can easily take up all that space.
Nintendo’s success comes from keeping things simple and fun…Nintendo is the kind of thing you want to buy your kids.. where PS & Xbox are aiming for that “rebellious” teen/young adult group. Personally, I’ve got small kids and prefer Nintendo because they DON’T have the latest superviolent/abusive games.. The games are original and really FUN! After all it’s just a toy!!!
I would like nintendo to go after better licenses… games like Kamatari Damacy they should really go after…even cut a break on the license fees to get better games. The high fees and strict rules are what keeps the crap like GTA OFF nintendo…
Like most gaming boxes, I’m sure the numbers are trumped up some, but yes, IBM is helping to build a line of processors that will trump it’s own line. Why? And how can it be cheap?
Read up around the net. Google ‘cell processor’. Economies of scale will kick in very early because this thing will be in Sony PS3s, IBM servers, Toshiba HDTVs, and more.
And why would IBM do this? Linux Services and control of the premiere chip, they are trying to take back what Intel and MS took during the early PC days.
this isnt osnews not now its ign jr.
Can you idiots not read? THe 2.18 teraflops peak is NOT just teh damned cell cpu. its OVERALL system performance. thats INCLUDING the gpu! the gpu alone accounts for ~1.8teraflops of that 2.18.
that means the cell will get ~380gflops. thats A LOT less than 2180gflops. jeez.
I can’t help myself laughing when I read “real gamers” explaining why Nintedo products are for kids. Should I really explain what the term “gamer” means? Seek for the games, seek for entertainement, seek for the fun, seek for gameplay innovations! Power, stunning graphics, etc. are sure important but what’s the matter if the game is boring? I may not be a “real gamer” as defined by some people here but I know I have more fun playing with any Mario game than the latest version of the 462 Madden FNL games.
I don’t care what the power of my console is. I do care about the games I can play with.
I remember when the last round of consoles was released, everyon wrote Nintendo off then as they seem to be doing now. This is of course a PR blunder by Nintendo, to allow that to continue to affect it’s reputation – but the Revolution will be well powered in relation to it’s competition, just like the Gamecube is (compare Soul Caliber accross platforms if you don’t believe me).
Enough with the kiddy, Nintendo caters to all ages. Sure Mario Party and Kart and the like might not be “mature” but they are still damn fun. Wario Ware Inc was some of the most fun gaming I had lately, and I’m 19.
They have shown a lot of welcome variety, and if the revolution is any indication they are going to address these issues.
As Kiddy as it might be, I have a lot more fun playing Mario Kart than I do playing Gran Turismo or Project Gotham. Next Gen Mario Kart, Tennis, Smash Bros etc online? I am so there.
“Nintendo is more a «Toy» console than a real gamer console. ”
Congratulations. You just won this thread’s stupidest comment. When did _game_ consoles stopped being toys?
I think many posters here have the right idea. Super powerful hardware does not equal more fun. Having said that, I will concede that there is a relationship though. For example, many have mentioned titles such as Mario Kart DoubleDash as being a good game. They are more fun to me on the GameCube than on the 64 because the graphics are better. So, to a point, better hardware does help.
To me, the most enjoyable games are the cartoon’ish games. Of course, there are a few games that are both fun and look very realistic. But, in general cartoon’ish games are more fun to me. In fact, Mario Kart DoubleDash should look like a cartoon. And, I don’t think making the console way more powerful is really necessary for making cartoons look more like cartoons. Don’t get me wrong, a little extra horsepower won’t hurt. But, battling Sony and Microsoft for the most powerful box is probably the wrong approach. The burden is really on the developers to produce games that are fun.
And, for those who say Nintendo GameCube is for kids, bullshit. I’m 41 and I love to play it with my 7 year old son.
A console is a computer and belong here.
Wait a few months and you’ll probably be able to install Linux on one of these anyway 🙂
I agree that Mario can be played by kids, but they are fun for adults as well. You can also play Residient Evil and several action games if you have a need to feel more mature.
Cute! I like the design, it really looks elegant and polished. Plus like it or not, game consoles are *toys* by all definitions of the word, so I don’t get this about kiddie games – hell, most games that come with the top of the line business mobile phones are way more childish than Nintendo games.
As long as there is a follow up to Mario 64 (not Sunshine which was fun, but nothing like M64) Nintendo has my money.
Then again, if there isn’t a follow up they have it anyways
It doesn’t matter if the Revolution is significatly less powerful than the PS3 or the X360. Console owners buy a console for one thing – to play games. Sony and Microsoft appear to be pushing a digital all-in-one solution and you better believe the cost is going to reflect this. Even though I’m an Xbox owner, I seriously think only Nintendo has it right.
When the topic is consoles, there sure are some dumb comments being posted.
Those of you who after 30 years still don’t understand games, I’ll bring the whole equation back to three words: F U N
That’s right, I didn’t mention polygons, GHZ, MB, Dual-Layer and whatever these companies try to make you believe defines gaming at it’s best. Get real people, you buy these things for the fun of playing games.
As for me, I’m gonna buy a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World for 25 euros, and man, am I gonna have fun with that!
its gotten to the point where good graphics are an indication of total garbage in the gameplay department. i have a hell of alot more fun with my rom collection then any game ive played from the last few years.
If I never play another Mario game in my life I’ll be content. He may be a Nintendo icon, but he’s 100x more over-exposed than Paris Hilton. I’m actually not looking forward to any of the games on Nintendos list…big surprise. The same thing happened to the Gamecube except this time the system isn’t purple. It’s sales will still suck b/c little kids aren’t the ones with money to spend during a system launch. Not many parents will buy their child a $350 gaming system right away. Looks like Sony or Microsoft will get my money…again. The Nintendo used to be made for me, now it’s made for the age group I left 14 years ago.
This sums up my opinions well.
It doesn’t matter how “mature” a game is. Such a metric is arbitrary and ridiculous. A lot of people complain about Wind Waker, but how many of them played it? If they had, I imagine they would have seen how Nintendo managed to leverage the look to bring life to the game’s world. The exaggerated character designs allowed for very expressive emotions as well.
Will the next Zelda game be good too? Probably. It will be a different experience visually, which does not make it any better or worse.
I expect that I’ll be enjoying the Revolution next to a PS3 just as I enjoy my Gamecube and PS2 today. Both systems will have a lot to offer. Which one will be prettier? We’ll see. I don’t care. They’ll both be hella fun.
P.S. The Revolution will allow players to download NES, SNES, and N64 games. If this service is free, or at least cheap, it matters much more to me than graphics. I’d much rather have easy access to Super Metroid, Final Fantasy 6, etc than the latest EA titles.
The link to the penny-arcade comic is classic.
I find most of the people that talk about how the Gamecube, and Nintendo in general, is for kids, are teenagers.
I am 24, and I only own a Gamecube. I bought one because I don’t play games that often, but when I play, I want to play the really good, really fun ones. I could care less if the game involves jaw-dropping special effects, guns, gore, etc. There is more than enough of that crap in movies, on TV, and even in the news, for crying out loud. Give me a fun game with nice colors and simple controls. I’d rather play Pikmin than Halo. Really. I don’t need a 17+ rating on my video games to make me feel “mature.” But I don’t say any of that to take away from the adulthood of people who enjoy those kinds of games. I’m just tired of teenagers that play Halo all day talking about how mature they are.
“I’m just tired of teenagers that play Halo all day talking about how mature they are.”
As a teenager who played boatloads of Halo lan in college this past semester, nobody goes around saying “how mature” they are.
We played tons of Wario Ware, Mario Party, Mario Kart, Tennis, F-Zero etc also.
Its the games. This whole “mature” thing is just overblown by the press and people who expect it to be like this. You are 24 so I guess you don’t hang around actual teenagers too much, so you precipitating this rumor doesn’t help.
If Nintendo offers the chance to download and play older games, they will have a winner. Even if its not free – I’d happily pay, say, $5 for Final Fantasy 6, and several other good games from the N64 and Snes. Maybe offer old NES games for free – many of those were fun, too. Those of us old enough remember the first time we played Super Mario Brothers(the ORIGINAL), and would love to do that again. We have our roms and emulators because we don’t want to let go of these great games, and because no one is offering us an alternative. Come on Nintendo, give us that alternative, and we’ll show our love for you, instead of hiding it behind Playstations and Xboxs.
Follow the link:
$450.00. These systems are much more than toys.
Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean it’s not a toy… it’s just an expensive toy.
I agree 100%. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Yeah, I guess your right. But then again some people say that a Ferrari is an expensive toy too….I just tend to think of it as a fast car.
Man, you’re SO right, I agree with every word you said, er.. wrote. As we say, you stole the words from my mouth.
Dude. I didn’t say all teenagers. I’m glad that you and your college buddies don’t seem to have a “Nintendo is for kiddies” complex. It’s the people that do that I find bothersome. I too played boatloads of video games of various types during my early college years. Enjoy it while you can.
Anyways, I wasn’t “precipitating rumors,” I was responding to personal experience, both in real life and on websites like this. The demographic I had in mind wasn’t so much 19-year-old college students as 13-year-old middle school students. Just read the responses to various console video game posts on this site, and you will find that there are lots of *real* people out there basically saying “Nintendo is for kiddies. XBox & PS2 have real mature adult games.” Sorry I offended you.
K, here is my question, why is the hardware so important? I mean, don’t you play games? I’m sorry, but I am a hardcore gamer, and hardware means doesn’t even matter to me.
Most of the people you refer to as hardcore gamers, as just posers, who only listen to hype, and make their purchases based on that.
I want games. I play games, I want good games, and great hardware doesn’t equal great games. I have played some really great games on the gamecube, and some really crappy games on the xbox and ps2. I have played great games on the xbox and ps2 and crappy games on the gamecube.
Likewise, who here got an atari jaguar when it came out? It had the best hardware on the market at the time, but, funny, it seemed to have flopped. Why? Games. They had great hardware, but bad games. There are a few gems for that system, though.
I still play my snes, nes, genesis, and several other older systems, because they have some great games on them.
Plus, I will not buy a game console at 450 or 500 dollars, when I can get a PC or a MAC at that price.
Show me the games, and then I will decided which new system is better.
As for nintendo having kiddy games, well, wasn’t that the point? Wasn’t the gamecube designed for kids? And what makes a game a kids game, opposed to an adult game? Excessive Violence? Excessive Blood? Foul Language? Nudity? What? Theme? Environment?
I am 26, and I love the mario party’s, mario karts, and the mario games. Hell, mario golf and mario tennis were pretty damn fun.
I think that those games are designed for adults and kids.
My point is, show me the games, hardware means nothing, if the development team doesn’t take full advantage of it (and most of the time they don’t).
Hey Jigga,
mario makes a lot of money for Nintendo. They are lucky not to have you as their decision maker.
No, I did not take your remark personally, though ;o))))
Mario has a lot of fun games, defiently mario 64. Mario Sunshine was ok, but 64, and mario 3 are classics for me.
Paper Mario, Mario RPG, and Superstar Saga are really fun RPG’s.
Mario sometimes has fun sports games.
Mario Pary’s and Mario Kart games just rock.
I have had all three consoles (xbox,ps2 and gcn) a long time now, and the only console I’m still using is the Gamecube (which I bought only because of Metroid Prime). There’s something about Nintendo games – I just can’t put the finger on WHAT – But it’s “that something” most other games lack.
“I have had all three consoles (xbox,ps2 and gcn) a long time now, and the only console I’m still using is the Gamecube (which I bought only because of Metroid Prime). There’s something about Nintendo games – I just can’t put the finger on WHAT – But it’s “that something” most other games lack.”
I think that element is fun.
I’ve been playing games since the mid/early eighties. I play computer games every week. But my opinion means nothing, because each to his own. Some people want certain games, let them play them. The main rule is that the game is FUN for you to play, wether it be solitaire, HALO, or pokemon.
New hardware means new games and that brings new life into the game market.
Microsoft mentions 9 billion dot products.
I read somewhere that’s what you get at one altivec / core / Hz (or well, 9.6 then).
Each of them uses approximately 5 floating point instructions it was said, and therefor 45-48 gflops.
Yesterday I looked at the latest “G4s” from freescale (Motorola), like the PPC7447A. It toped 1.42GHz (or something) or something, with FOUR altivec units (xbox cores only have one), so that’s make 5.68 billion dot products per second, or 28.4 gflops. In one single core of the old G4. So what is so impressive of 45 gflops? That’s just twice as much.
I have no idea how many altivecs the ppc970 has, 3? 4?At powermac dual 2.7ghz that still will make it 16.2-21.6 billion dot products and 81-108 gflops. Twice the xbox.
Also the G4 runs happily at under 30watt i think.
Just waiting for the e600- and e700 series, expected to feature dual-core, ddr2 and gigabit ethernet integrated, and 64-bit for the e700.
Correct me if I’m wrong but in order to enjoy the PS3 and Xbox360’s HDTV quality graphics won’t you need a HDTV? Thus if you dont have one you have to buy one. And those are not exactly cheap, the good ones anyway.
Microsoft is using custom PPC processors from IBM, who ever said those processors included an Altivec instruction set?
about 2 years ago they said that they would not be behind but they are behind the should of shown the controler and some grapics.