Introducing the TriangleOS and Sartoris

OSNews reader and OS developer Wim Cools writes: “I’m writing a hobby OS (TriangleOS) and I’ve just released the second version of it. The OS isn’t very big yet, but I’ve managed to begin with a GUI and have applications running inside the windows. Anyway, here’s my site. There are a few screenshots of the GUI in an early stage but I haven’t been able to create any up to date screenshots yet, with the shell and applications running but there’s a floppy image available for everyone to check it out.”
Another interesting new OS is Sartoris. Santiago Bazerque is part of the Sartoris team and he writes: “Me and my friends from the Univeridad de Buenos Aires are working on an experimental microkernel. We are now finishing our second release. We are not OS gurus, just a few students (our Computer Organization professor looked at us in a quite funny way when we told her we wanted to build an operative system, but hey, we did it!). The webpage is here, in case you feel like taking a look.”
Note: Before everyone starts again “what does that OS do and why do we need it?” please let me clarify that these hobby/small OSes are built with the purpose of gaining knowledge. They were never meant to create userbases or user communities or markets. They are solely of developer-only interest, users can try them, but they won’t directly benefit.


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