This is the first installment in ThinkSecret’s series of news coverage for the next major update to Mac OS X, code-named Jaguar. They take a look at tweaks to OS X’s Finder and System Preferences, as seen in the first developer preview of Jaguar, build 6C35, and include lots of screenshots.
I do not get the screen shot thing with Jaguar…….very little has changed, the big changes are all under the hood.
yeah, a few screen shots of new applets and the new shadow efects are ok, but they are showing almost everything.
diffrent strokes I guess, but I would much rather have a good performance break down.
Why are you calling this a major update?
becasue that is how apple’s release system works.
x = OS version
y = revision version
z = patch level
so uping the revision version would be a major update.
You have a point there. Most software developers call “major updates” when the number to the left of the decimal point increments. Beyond Quartz Extreme, there is a list of new features/changes in 10.2.
It’s a major upgrade. I’d LIST all the damn reasons why it’s a major upgrade, but gee, I tend to abide by my NDAs…
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