“The tc1100 is an incredibly powerful tool, and makes a terrific supplement to a desktop. The software side of the equation is also fairly solid, and actually quite useful, because of digital Ink, not handwriting recognition. Tablet PC is a killer app. Just don’t expect to throw your keyboard away just yet.”
Thank goodness they didn’t sacrifice the Windows or menu keys! I find them indespensible.
I have owned a toshiba 3500 for about and year and a half . It a great little machine and the tablet pen functions have really worked out well. Its great for causal web browsing and use as a A4 book for proof reading and general reading all those PDF files. Plus for without a desk the pen can work out well for some work, pen actions are great.
The best killer application so far to the pen is mindjet mind manager. Use this in a meeting and you soon find other people coming round to the idea of a tablet.
On the downside its never been great with my handwriting and typing much faster.
You could really do with a < 1kg more CPU power and 8+ hours battery life. But who couldn’t with any portable.
One of the unique features of the Compaq/HP Tablet PC family is the fact that the screens are covered with tempered glass, not plastic as mentioned in this review.
The HP/Compaq Tablet PC screens are virtually scratch resistant to the normal daily use of the Tablet PC stylus. The screens can be cleaned easily with any household glass cleaner.
This was one of the major selling points for me when choosing a Tablet PC. At the Tablet PC launch, all of the other vendors Tablets had scratches and marks in the plastic screen coverings at the end of the day. The TC1000 only required a simple wipe with a moistened cloth. All RF digitizer based pen input displays should be like this!
Has there been suport for the Compaq/HP Tablets on Linux yet?
Why bother? Know anyone who owns a tablet pc?
Yes, I own one.
No need to be mean about it
Why bother? Know anyone who owns a tablet pc?
Yes, many people. I personnaly think that my next laptop will be one of those tabletPC/laptop hybrids. Use them as Tablet, then rotate the screen if you need a keyboard.
If tabletPC doesn’t become the de-facto standard, at least the hybrids ones are poised to be.
Doing a simple Google search will provide you with the answer
Here’s one link provided http://tuxmobil.org/tablet_unix.html Now until more manufacturers offer Linux on a Tablet PC preinstalled you’re option is either run with the current OS or overwrite with Linux and run software such as Alias Sketchbook Pro 2 on Wine. My hope is that companies such as HP, etc will start offering Linux as an alternative to Windows on their Tablets.
Thanks a bunch. I had actually googled, but could not find anything when I did. I must of not looked very well
Thanks again!
i own a ibmlenovo x41tablet and the wacom works in X11 under freebsd. under linux i think the support is even better. http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/
Funny, when this was introduced to the market as the WebPad more than 10 years ago – it was laughed at. But now when it is an Microsoft invension eveybody can’t wait to get their hands on it.