It’s release time again for OpenBSD! The upcoming 3.8 will include some wonderful features for network gurus (trunking, tracking wireless roaming users, interface groups, a new ipsec configuration tool, and failover of ipsec links), a great rework of malloc() that will provide further security protections by default, and the first version of bioctl–a universal RAID management interface.
This looks cool. I Like to use Gnu/Linux but I might give OpenBSD a try on the server. As you know it can be a little bit difficault to change if you have a habit
I’ve always wanted to give OpenBSD a go. But it fails to boot on my crappy compaq test system.
– Jesse McNelis
I’m always looking forward to the OpenBSD interview on ONLamp (there was an interview for each release in the past, which is twice a year
). Thanks a lot to the OpenBSD developers and Federico Biancuzzi for these very informative interviews on ONLamp and SecurityFocus.
and btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OpenBSD (it was 10 years on 18th)!
OpenBSD network devices are the best. DNS, DHCP, Firewalls, Routers, VPN endpoints. For servers, you can’t beat Linux. The disk management tools, and journaling filesystems can’t be matched on OpenBSD.
I Agree, OpenBSD is the best and most secure for server systems.
@Home i’m running an OpenBSD 3.7 firewall system with Snort IDS, DHCP, DNS, PF, etc.
It also provides NAT and E-mail services for my home systems and it never fails on me!
OpenBSD’s PF is so easy to configure! It’s great.
I think it leaves IPTables miles behind.
Of course for desktop usage I still stick to my favorite stro, Slackware 10.2
Thanks I didn’t know that. I will use OpenBSD if I in the future build some network device.
It’s great for servers too.
I was at a great presentation about the techniques OBSD employs to beat stack smashing exploits. Slides here:
I’ve been counting down for the 3.8 release. Only 11 more days
I was hoping to post the news article when it came out, but someone has beat me to it! :-X
lol Good article though.
I have yet to see any other OS that is built from the ground up with security in mind at the start. I’ve heard of a couple distros, but I doubt they can compete with OpenBSD
PLUS, release a new song every release XD
I love the 3.6 song
and I love the Puffy Wireframe T-shirt (
OpenBSD’s PF rocks!!!
Yeah, I just wish they also could’ve made a t-shirt with the “Wizard of OS” (3.7) artwork