“The SkyOS service collection has been extended with a web server service. Thanks to Gareth Owen (developer of ghttpd) and Cody Mays (ported ghttpd to SkyOS) you can use SkyOS as a web server now. The web server configuration is done with the common graphical service configuration plugin for the System Manager. Using Nvu and Firefox you have great tools available to develop and maintain websites from within SkyOS.” A screenshot’s here. This web server and the service plugin will be made available in an update package, available via the SkyOS Software store.
Appolgies for me not knowing better here, but is such a system security as a feature, or security through obscurity? For example, SkyOS is a very little known, little used OS being written mainly by one person (!). I’m willing to believe that the OS has security flaws and that the use of SkyOS a server would be secure through the fact that it is only generally used by the people who develop it anyway.
A webserver can also be handy in environments where security-matters aren’t that important. Think of local servers in small intranets or offline testing environments for future web-projects.
So why would you want to use SkyOS in this type of scenario over something tried and true…like Apache, or IIS?
Maybe because, if You already use SkyOS, such webserver is smaller and easier to install?
Or maybe SkyOS is better then other solutions for some cases?
Try it and let us know
Because trying something new brought us from the stone age to the computer age?
Because trying something new brought us from the stone age to the computer age?
Well said!
I can’t believe the people here that have such a limited view…
But what is new about running a web server, NVU and Firefox?
That you can do it in an efficient, clean and malware free environment that’s easy to configure, that is what’s new. (At least according to most people I’ve heard SkyOS is this).
The most obvious advantage is that since applications for SkyOS can depend on a webserver being present, they can offer rich functionality like web-based interfaces by default, without having to roll their own webserver or include a bulky package with their installer.
Because you fix vulnerabilities after you get them?
its cheaper than IIS
its easier than apache/linux/bsd/whatever
OSX is kind of pretty easy on the webserver thing.
1. Switch on machine
2. Tick “Personal Web Sharing” in Preferences > Sharing (3 Clicks)
3. You have a working web server open to the internet.
Congratulations. Copy your HTML files to /system/webserver/documents
apache is easy to use once you learn how to use it.
It’s also has some really awsome features, it’s enterprise-grade.
I’d like to see some
MacOSX doesn’t seem to intuitive to me, I don’t want to share anything, I just want to have a webserver runing. probably a matter of taste what to call it…
what I orginally wanted to say, bluefish should be chosen over nvu, it is -way- easier. again a matter of taste but oh well..
Wow, you leave for university work, come back and bang, another great feature in SkyOS. I’m afraid what might happen tomorrow
is there any demo or Live CD to play a bit with this OS ?
SkyOS HAS open sourced GPL’d code in its codebase, and they must release this source code to comply with the licensing terms.
Years ago I talked with the developer of skyOS, he told me that he heavily uses open source code (and a little gpl’d code). So there is GPL’d code in there and the license states you must release the source to the gpl’d code only. So please release the Gpl’d components of the system on your website.
or you can continue hiding it. One guy can’t do all this code from scratch by himself in a short period of time like this.
riiiight… This has been gone over a million times. Besides, it really hasn’t been that ‘short’ of a period. v5 has been in the works for several years now.
Just for once admit that some people can be fast, decent coders without your precious F/OSS…
i talked to him before and he said theres lots of gpl’d code legally put into the system.
however, he is REQUIRED to show the source of that modified GPL’d code that he has been distributing as closed source.
get it ya moron?
Once you get Apple to post their changes come talk to us about SkyOS.
Does it support PHP?
Does it support PHP?
Considering they didn’t have a webserver publicly available untill yesterday, I think you can figure out the answer.
I think that the question is more along the lines “does it have the potential to support PHP?”. It’s a similar question to the one I erroneously posted on the SkyOS beta 9 thread.
From further reading of this webserver’s homepage, it does support CGI, so in theory a PHP port could be made to allow server-side scripting. That would be nice.
Speaking of Firefox on SkyOS, What ever happened to that 30+ page porting guide that was in the works about a year ago? The SkyOS web page doesn’t seem to have a link for it, nor does Google have much to say about it…
When the hell is 5.0 going to be done already???
It looks like SkyOS’s new graphics editor, Pixel, has a built-in “desktop” pager, of all things..
Does photoshop have one, yet?
I hope you people like it, it was a hassle to port, as I had to write some libc functions which were now passed upstream to Robert.
@Smartpatrol: It can once skyos has a php port, as it is cgi cabable, just like the regular ghttpd.
@Smartpatrol: It can once skyos has a php port, as it is cgi cabable, just like the regular ghttpd.
Thanks! and thank you for your work. I didn’t think it through i forgot that PHP would need to be ported Doh! I have been waiting for something like a webserver so that i would have a use for SkyOS I need to get in on the beta and start playing with it.