“Many times, you want to execute a command not only on one server, but also on several servers. With the help of tool called tentakel, you run distributed command execution. It is a program for executing the same command on many hosts in parallel using ssh (it supports other methods too).”
It is possible to subimt one command to many sub shells of Konsole in KDE
“not only on one server, but also on several servers”.
Do you want to set up a X with KDE just to send commands by shell in a server?
what a name tentakel..huh…..why not a simply name like remoteexec or rcmd or something?
Because that’s already taken, I suppose
Coming up with good untaken names for programs gets harder and harder – but that also probably means you should take a good look at existing solutions before starting a new project. Joining forces is Good.
If you like this you’ll love Ganglia http://ganglia.info/
Ganglia seems nice (I’ve just quickly browsed the readme of the site) but it also seems kinda overkill if your administrating a relative small server park (10-15 machines). Afterall, Ganglia is directed towards “high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids.”.
But nonetheless it seems quite nifty for the job 🙂
As described in the May 2004 issue of SysAdmin magazine is fanout and fanterm:
Execute Order 66
dsh does this better. I use it on 10’s of seperate clusters and non-cluster setups.
Just like gsh and pdsh before it…
I didn’t like this story when it was posted on digg 2 days ago and I don’t like it now. No digg.
only installing software on 1 single admin server,
no key distribution nessesary,
ssh, rexec, telnet, etc…
=> use included DS2 toolkit!
only install software on 1 server,
no key distribution requiered,
use ssh, rexec or telnet.
==> use included DS2 toolkit
I wonder how it deals with the controlling terminal issues for commands issued from cron or a CGI environment. This is the problem with ssh that I have seen.
Shouldn’t “tentakel” be the anchored word instead of “help”?
Distribulator was written by the operations team at Orbitz to control and configure all the servers in the various staging and production environments. It allows you to name server groups for executing commands on a certain set of servers. Very powerful and similar to this program it looks like.