“The Amadeus project was initiated by USL as a successor or alternative to UNIX. As well as SCO other industrial contributors include USL, Novell, Chorus Systemes, Unisys1, Fujitsu and Sequoia. Amadeus has existed as a labs project for many years with Unisys being the first to put it into production usage in their OPUS high end database server.” Read more [UNIX SSI Documentation => My notes on…].
Am I the only one who thought of the song “Rock me, Amadeus”?
ROFL. Nope. Your not alone there. That was the first thing that popped into my head.
The problem with that song is that then immediately cues a trigger in my brain to think of the Simpsons version….ahh, Dr Zaius
The Amadeus project was initiated by USL as a successor or alternative to UNIX. As well as SCO other industrial contributors
This was a turn off for me to actualy avoid RTFA:)
Is this 1992 or something? A Word document? Did the Internet not happen? As far as I’m concerned, there’s no FA to read.
a word document?
is it not possible to put that into an html file?
also, the site being a lycos free website, does little to bode towards it’s legitimacy
People who juge articles without reading them… Quite elitist. You might be a world-leading researcher on operating systems and processor design, but that does not automatically mean you must also be a highly skilled html coder.
Read the damn thing, else, please do not judge.
People who juge articles without reading them… Quite elitist. You might be a world-leading researcher on operating systems and processor design, but that does not automatically mean you must also be a highly skilled html coder.
Okay, after reading your post but before replying I read the article in Word.
The figures are *still* messed up.
While I wouldn’t necessarily expect a “world-leading researcher on operating systems and processor design” to be an HTML expert, I would expect them to publish stuff in plain text or postscript/pdf. Even informal notes, if they were going to put them on a web page.
… but it’s a damn interesting read. This makes you wonder how much nice research, done by commercial entities, actually never gets widespread use. For those to eleet to read because it’s Word: it just some notes on what parts of a standard unix they rewrote to make it more suitable as an SSI.