“Many customers have asked us about having a better way to enter IE bugs. It is asked ‘Why don’t you have Bugzilla like Firefox or other groups do?’ We haven’t always had a good answer except it is something that the IE team has never done before. After much discussion on the team, we’ve decided that people are right and that we should have a public way for people to give us feedback or make product suggestions. We wanted to build a system that is searchable and can benefit from the active community that IE has here. As of today, our new Internet Explorer Feedback site is live.”
Its not Explorer.. its . EXPLODER… 😉
Just sign all your personal details… including VISA pin number.
Sorry you’re not a valid license holder…
A way for the public to vent their frustrations openly towards the makers of MSIE? Oi..they could regret this and reverse course at some point, or make it hidden and obscure like so many features of Microsoft’s website.
I hope this helps MS improving its declining browser…
As most people use IE, if MS can improve it, it’s good for its users, and created more competition for the browser market…
To make this work and improve IE make sure you leave good quality comments. Saying “IE is teh suxx0r” isn’t going to get bugs fixed. Saying “While browsing osnews.com the fonts didn’t display right using standard font= tags” would be a lot more descriptive. I fear that there will be a backlash from Microsoft haters filling up the bug reports with false info. They made that site for us, now everyone who didn’t like certain aspects of IE tell them what they didn’t like so they can improve those areas.
I think the IE team is heading in the right direction. First the meeting with developers from Firefox, Konqueror, was Opera there too? Now opening up for public feedback, makes me feel like IE is starting to become a mature browser. After years of using Mozilla/Firefox and Konqueror, avoiding using IE where possible, I’m feeling more confident about being able to feel safe browsing the web in the future with it. But that will also depend on the upper management of course, as long as they’ll let the team keep running things in a more open manner it should be fine and might make for a great example to other divisions/teams.
One thing is funny though, while browsing the faq; “This goes over some of the best practices for putting a bug into the system”, might reword that bit of fodder for the MS bashers. *lol*
Internet Explorer.. ?
..HMMM wasn’t it the unreliable Internet navigator that took off the market “Netscape”, with unfair monoplictic measures, and in the mid 2000 was replaced in most PCs by Firefox, Seamonkey, Opera… ???
Sorry, too little, too late…
I didn’t know Firefox was out in 2000, nor that Mozilla or Opera had any significant market share?
Wow, you learn something new every day!
And IE took the market by being better then Netscape.
sappy, you are so bright, that you must be working for Ms…
– Where in My post did I say that Firefox was out in 2000 ???
– Opera and Mozilla are not as widely used as they deserve, probalbly, but they have a “significant Niche in some areas”.
– Try ro read my post again. And try to guess the overall meaning and pupose of the post.. is not so difficult. Sometimes the meanings are literal, sometimes not.. got it???
– Wow, Some people learn something new every day! Some people obviously do not!
– and filnally: IE took the market while being worst than Netscape, and by unfair monopolistic competition, and threats to associates and retailers. This is a fact. It Has been proved and aknowleded by Justice Courts in the USA and in other coutries!
sappy , you are so bright, that you must be working for Ms…
Grow up.
– Where in My post did I say that Firefox was out in 2000 ???
“. .HMMM wasn’t it the unreliable Internet navigator that took off the market “Netscape”, with unfair monoplictic measures, and in the mid 2000 was replaced in most PCs by Firefox, Seamonkey, Opera… ???”
– and filnally: IE took the market while being worst than Netscape, and by unfair monopolistic competition, and threats to associates and retailers. This is a fact. It Has been proved and aknowleded by Justice Courts in the USA and in other coutries!
Um, no. First of all, it is well accepted in the community that Netscape 4 SUCKED and IE4 and 5 is when it started to get good and blew Netscape away. Netscape killed itself.
Second, the ruling related to bundling IE unfairly was ruled VOID by an appealates court, thus your argument about that is well.. pointless.
“Um, no. First of all, it is well accepted in the community that Netscape 4 SUCKED and IE4 and 5 is when it started to get good and blew Netscape away. Netscape killed itself.
Second, the ruling related to bundling IE unfairly was ruled VOID by an appealates court, thus your argument about that is well.. pointless.”
Sorry, but I have to disagree again.
Many decissions about that (and other things) were solved by Ms with cash, and pression to the US Administration and legal system…
IF in all of the courts in the US States that were being judged about that they managed to sneak alive and kicking, I can not tell for sure…
But in other parts of the world they have been comdenned; and in the European Union is an ackowledge fact …!!!
You think Netscape was better at the time? That’s laughable.
You think that the appealates court DIDN’T void the previous ruling about bundling IE? Um.. ok, but it’s the truth, sorry.
“Um, no. First of all, it is well accepted in the community that Netscape 4 SUCKED and IE4 and 5 is when it started to get good and blew Netscape away. Netscape killed itself”
and NO again …
I am using the Internet since 1991. I started at the university at that moment, and I remember well the differences of quality amnong Netscape and IE. IE did not became really acceptable until ver 5 and by them all the dirty monopolisty job of Ms aginst Netscape had given results…
Netscape was taken out of the market with unfair monoplictic measures. Thats is an indeniable fact!!!
Fact? Hahahaha.. oh come , please. You can’t be serious?
I already stated 5 is when IE started to really take over.
IE was the better product, plain and simple. It was more stable, less bloated and faster.
As a side note, know that I despise IE now. I’ve preferred Opera for years now, and would even prefer Firefox over IE most of the time.
Edited 2006-03-26 18:43
” As a side note, know that I despise IE now. I’ve preferred Opera for years now, and would even prefer Firefox over IE most of the time ”
Wel done then… At least you are reasonable in something.
Opera is the best now, although not free software. And Firefox is also excellent and better than IE.
Now you just need to read my posts carefully before answering, and everything would be perfect…!!!
When IE was good,stable, less bloated and faster than Netscape, the damage tru monopolistic mesures was already done…
In fact, Netscape did quite well, fighting in such disadvantageus conditions (in any terms, even financial)
Opera is the best now, although not free software.
Actually, it is free.
Now you just need to read my posts carefully before answering, and everything would be perfect…!!!
I fail to see where I misread something in your posts.
When IE was good,stable, less bloated and faster than Netscape, the damage tru monopolistic mesures was already done…
No, when IE was good is when it finally started to get the greater market-share. There are plenty examples of products that ship with Windows that have an equal or far smaller market share than competing products.
Edited 2006-03-26 21:13
Godness.. it is never ending with you Sappy(entisimus)…
only that you are not right!
– Opera is not free… its is costless, or free as beer, but you do not have more freedom in it than just use it… (its already some years that I use Opera, and I have the last beta installed in the PC i am using now…, although now i am browsing with Mozilla)
– IE took out of the market Nestcape being still a very mediocre navigator, thanks to the MS unfair monopolistic actions…
I will not discuss more about that! It is very clear for the whole world, but you, that Ms its a monopoly and take advantage of unfair competition measures… Even for plenty of MS and windows users.. only that they do not give a damn, they just pirate Windows and use it, and do not mind about anything else…
Sappy, i’m sure you are a nice chap, but… does Ms pay you??? or you are just too stuborn???
only that you are not right!
Saying it does not make it so.
– Opera is not free…
Look up the definition:
7a. Costing nothing;
– IE took out of the market Nestcape being still a very mediocre navigator, thanks to the MS unfair monopolistic actions…
I have pointed out that there are plenty of other MS bundled products that have not overtaken the competition in the market. You seemed to have ignored that and instead to believe Netscape was not simply an inferior product.
does Ms pay you??? or you are just too stuborn???
Are you really that immature that you can’t stick the topic and instead attempt to discredit me with a load of crap just because I don’t agree with you? If you are going to keep asking me such a stupid question, then I see no purpose trying to discuss anything with you in the future.
” Are you really that immature that you can’t stick the topic and instead attempt to discredit me with a load of crap just because I don’t agree with you? If you are going to keep asking me such a stupid question, then I see no purpose trying to discuss anything with you in the future”
LOL. It is your right anyway. I told you in my last post to read carefully my post before anwsering.. (you obviously do not do it).
You stick to some trues and to some bias to defend your arguments.
Anyone with a basic knoledge of economics, competition law etc., understand the way Ms appropiates itself to the market,how they managed to overtake some competitors products (like Netscape, Winamp, Real and so many other players, mails clients etc.), and how bad it is ultimately for the economy and for the consumers.
If you do not want to accept it, it is your right, but I have to think that it is for one of the reasons that I asked you before…
– I’ll tell you again. Opera is very good. It cost you nothing, but it is not free… Obiously you think “free” is related only to money. The basic, first, and ultimate comcept of freedom is not related to money.
The concept of freedom existed before the money was created. Not sure if you know what free software (the overall concept) is.
– Check the site of FSF.org ( http://www.fsf.org/ ) !!!
You can disagree with this concepts, of course, because you are “free” to do so…
Other people, companies etc, do not let you the oportunity to disagree, and they do it by different means. They take, or they try, to take your freedom away from you… !
Listen, you said Opera is not free. Something only has to fit ONE definition of a word for that word to be able to describe it. Opera does. Opera is free and that is a true statement. I think what you mean to say is that Opera is not open-source.
As far as the rest of your reply, it’s full of crap. You keep making assertions with nothing to back them up, and act like I’m a fool for not agreeing with your load of crap. Sorry, but repeating the same thing over and over does not make it true.
I am gonna help you a bit more so you get it…
Maybe I should have said clearly in “the mid 2000 decade”…(that is to say: were we are now 2005-6; isn’t it?), when other browsers are taking a part of the IE market…
I did not felt the need to say everything word by word, literally… Sometimes I assume too much about the capacities of everybody…
Fair enough. You should have said the mid 2000s then.
Mid 2000 means the middle of the year. Mid 2000s would mean middle of the decade.
“While browsing osnews.com the fonts didn’t display right using standard font= tags”
wow, OSNews does indeed have font tags! C’mon guys, “class=leftmenu” and the corresponding style would be cleaner and save bandwith… 😉
I fear that there will be a backlash from Microsoft haters filling up the bug reports with false info.
No need, there are plenty of real bugs in IE’s rendering engine. No web developer would waste time making up fake bugs if they think there is at least a chance that Microsoft would take a look at the reports.
They’ll probably get a LOT of duplicate bug reports though…
About the font tags with osnews, fonts display just fine. I was only using that as an example. I’m not a web developer so I don’t know what common issues there are for browsers displaying pages, but saying font tags was the only example I could think of. Again, the fonts are fine.
If MS gets duplicate reports that would be good. At least then they would know there is an actual problem with IE in that specific area.
Can’t even browse the database without signing in? Whoops. Fails at the first hurdle.
I wonder if they will be charging $35 a pop as they do with filing other product reports at MS (refundable – allegedly – IF MS agrees that what is reported is a bug).
Yes, they should charge $35 for each bug report – They would make a million dollar per week.
As other people have pointed out, this is a pathetic attempt to make it look like the IE team look like they’re “transparent” w.r.t. bug reporting. The fact that the Internet Explorer Feedback Site *immediately* requires a Passport login is a user-interface disaster of the highest magnitude. Yes, I have to register and give a lot of personal details (not just e-mail and name like with Mozilla’s Bugzilla) before I’m even allowed to *view* a single bug report – sorry, MS, try again – you’re languishing in last place w.r.t. to this.
Of course, the even more cynical amongst you might say that it’s a deliberate move by MS to block the site with a high barrier to entry like MS Passport, simply to discourage all but the hard-core users from reporting bugs, thus keeping the volume of bugs to deal with low (and, of course, allowing them to brag that they have less bugs reported than on Mozilla’s bugzilla)…
IE 7 Beta 2 is nice. I love it. No, it’s not perfect, but it’s good enough for me.
I am sure I will be rated down by this great community.
Anything from Microsoft that gets a positive review is always modded down.
God forbid that Microsoft is making better and better products and the jealousy is coming on strong.