Dell will use AMD’s Opteron chip. The PC maker has long been an Intel shop. But it intends to change that later in 2006, when it will begin offering a multi-processor AMD Opteron server. Dell, which announced its first-quarter earnings May 18, said in a statement that it would begin offering “AMD Opteron processors in our multi-processor servers by the end of the year offering a great new technology to our customers at the high-end of our server line.” The Opteron server, likely to be a four-processor machine, will be sold alongside new Intel-based servers, Dell indicated.
Some how we all saw this coming.
Better late than never, right Dell?
Edited 2006-05-18 21:50
The more mature this library is when KDE 4.x comes out, the better. Looks like they’re getting there, to me.
I gotta say, this is a pretty huge deal. Now I can get away from those AWFULLY hot Intel Xeons, especially the new PowerEdge 2850s and 6850s. Anyone that’s stood behind a rack full of 2850s will know exactly what I’m talking about. Get a cool glass of Lemonade cause it’s HOT back there!
I don’t mind the heat becasue the server room is so cold that stading behind a stack of 2850’s is one of the best ways to keep warm
I guess that means that your department doesn’t have to pay the power bill for the Aircon. Hey guess what, your company still has to pay it, you will be indirectly hurt by it.
Unless his company is in a cold environment and they don’t pay for much heat.:)
Ha! Aint’ that the truth! Over the cold Northeast winter last year, as soon as I got into my office, I headed right to the back of that 2850 PowerEdge rack. MAN, I got warm in a few moments. ๐
I do the same thing…lol..
Our server room is freezing. When I run come cables underneath the floor, I always stand next to a rack of 2850’s. Oh yeah, and EMC Clarion will warm you up too…
Does you data center deploy hot/cold isles? Man…that’s some serios heat…
This says something for Intels product roadmap in this area. It looks like Dell isn’t too pleased where Intel was taking them in the server market.
What’s there not to like about Intel’s server product roadmap from the last couple years? They had the Itanium chip! Dell even sold Itanium servers!
I’m being facetious by the way.
This is really some cool news, I love to see some intense competition between AMD and Intel as it makes both produce better products and drives prices down on both fronts. This has the potential to give Intel a major kick in the hind quarters to develop a superior product.
The bottom line is, I think AMD produces a superior processor for most every type of system except notebooks. This is not to say I wouldn’t love to see Intel make something better but it’s only because I am confident that AMD will couquor again.
Competition is the only a free market can work properly and thrive.
I wonder how much of the Xeon’s market share is due solely to the fact that you can only get Dell servers with Xeons. Someone at Intel must be throwing chairs today.
Are you suggesting Balmer was over for a visit?
i want to see how much will dell actually devote to amd. if dell markets 10 different intel based servers against to 2 amd based servers for anybody to buy, like the other companies are doing then it. then i think it will not matter much. are amd sales going down all of a sudden they are selling their cpu more expensive then many of intel’s
| i want to see how much will dell actually devote to amd. if dell markets 10 different intel based servers against to 2 amd based servers for anybody to buy, like the other companies are doing then it. then i think it will not matter much. are amd sales going down all of a sudden they are selling their cpu more expensive then many of intel’s
Beg to differ. Dell’s challenge has been that high performance computing (e.g. oil & has, research) prefers the Opteron over Xeon. This has hurt Dell’s share of a fast growing market, and I would imagine that’s one of the reasons Dell begins to market an AMD based system.
This is also an area where you don’t need 10 different server types.
Why is Osnews website database always down ?
i really hate that too
Why is Osnews website database always down ?
MySQL is fast. But bad PHP coders can make it very slow
I can just guess who is in the fault here
Edited 2006-05-19 08:53
Why is Osnews website database always down ?
Is their a terrible flaw with MySQL?
At first I thought is was because they were usig linux. maybe one of those current buggy linux kernels.
…I guess Hell finally froze over.
Some people suspect that Dell’s purchase of Alienware had something to do with this – as Alienware had an existing AMD product line.
I’ve got a big wall of Xeons too (well, not PERSONALLY, but I work on them) and those things are quite toasty indeed. They use up about half the air conditioning we have – and they’re only like 25% of our machines (number-wise). Happily, they will be removed soon to make way for a nice, big, grizzly Opteron cluster (I can’t wait).
… for Apple.
If DELL is leaving Intel only, Apple will be privileged instead of DELL by Intel.
I don’t think apple will ever represent a market as big and lucrative as the server market. So yeah, I think they might be quite pissed off right now ๐
As much as i dislike mysql i dont think that’s the problem here. It runs on much heavier loaded sites without constantly going down.
Also notice how there’s never any official responses to these questions.
i agree with you on that. it was meant in jest.
Finally Dell made the expected move.
But how is Conroe gonna fare against the Opteron in the server area? I guess we’ll see both lines.
One thing that yours must have clear, is just in the 4 ways space.