Intel scientists are putting two chip cores into the same piece of silicon–with promises to improve performance by ‘core hopping’ and keeping the transistors cooler. Read the report at Update: In the meantime, OSNews reader Kelvin Tong tells us that HWExtreme has exclusive pictures and a preview of the AMD “Hammer” Opteron processor.
Wow, how close are they to catching up to IBM in this field?
I am not a hardware tech but that sounds like it is definately cool. Wonder what kind of perfomace it will give.
more importantly…at what cost.
Damn, the article at HWExtreme is filled with nothing but praise for AMD. I sifted through it for a few minutes before I realized that (other than some pictures of what looked to be a manufacturer’s prototype of an Opteron), that the review was low on details, high on marketing fluff. Who was it that said AMD’s worst enemy is the army of fanboys it has spawned?
> Who was it that said AMD’s worst enemy is the army of fanboys it has spawned?
I believe it was Tom (THG). And yes, he’s absolutely right!
So far the only benchmarks I have seen for the hammer were done on the 800MHz samples.
Theinquirer article here
More benchmarks here
Results from an 800MHz Hammer
signs/sec verifies/sec
rsa 512 965.9 12211.9
rsa 1024 205.0 3980.0
rsa 2048 33.0 1093.3
rsa 4096 4.7 288.5
Results from an Athlon XP 1800+ (1.53GHz)
sign/s verify/s
rsa 512 1109.2 14497.3
rsa 1024 252.8 5308.0
rsa 2048 45.6 1635.9
rsa 4096 7.0 468.6
I don’t know what clock speed the hammer will be introduced at.
On the fanboy thing: Yes it was THG and I agree with him, I would also say the same thing applies to Linux.
3DNow!™ Professional technology and SSE/SSE2. The newly added SEE/SEE2 extensions enable enhanced performance on scientific/engineering modeling and 3D multi-media applications
Wow, besides 3DNow, SSE and SSE2, they have SEE and SEE2… something Intel doesn’t have!
AMD is gaining critical mass for AMD Athlon and AMD Opteron platforms with broad partner support for the 64-bit future.
It had gain support of software makers (Microsoft, SuSE, Mandrake, etc.), but hardware makers? Maybe HP and Compaq would use it in their AMD model, but what about servers? No one announce plans to support AMD.
I don’t know how reliable the benchmark is for the above Athlon XP, I benchmarked my XP 1800 and the result was about 20% faster on the 512 bit test. (ASUS/KT266A/PC 2100)
sign/s verify/s
rsa 512 1358.3 17117.5
rsa 1024 280.7 5680.7
rsa 2048 45.9 1469.9
rsa 4096 7.1 478.6
That’s also about 40% faster than the hammer…