Apple Computer this week released to developers the first pre-release update of its next-generation Leopard operating system since the initial preview in early August. Build 9A283 delivers “Significant user interface changes to iCal” and “Basic editing in Preview,” according to the report. It also adds “new Parental Controls […] for content filtering, apps, and curfews” and “3D audio cues to indicate locations of items on the screen in the VoiceOver screen reader.”
there must be something BIG in this release, esp when you consider they havent included the heavily rumoured new finder
There is rarely anything really big on the outside that isn’t there at the start. The iCal changes are the big visible items. I suspect that they’ve changed things to make them look less like the calendar in Vista since there have been some direct comparisons.
What they’re doing underneath the GUI layer should be more significant, like building a new kernel. They’ve put out a new Finder in 4 different releases since Mac OS 9 and it’s still not all that pleasant to use. Of course, if there is one, they’re either trying to figure out what it should be or they’re hiding it until the last minute so no one will show it before the date.
…they rarely list the “structural” changes of the operating system/file system in these blurbs. That’s too bad because I am more interested in the underlying changes being made because those are the building blocks of future releases.
Make it a user choice to use “Unified”, “Metal” etc. for all applications?!
I’m glad there is basic editing in Preview, that is one thing that is needed. I mean there is some now, but I wonder if down the road if there will be layer editing to or maybe it will be in this one.
Did Adobe aquire Mac Paint? Mac paint was before my mac time.