Since it’s year end, I thought I’d post one more “fun piece” for everybody. After Thom posted an article on his customized KDE desktop, I thought it might be interesting to compare desktop screengrabs and see what other OSNews’ers desktops look like. Are you cluttered or clean? Are you minialist? What’s your wallpaper? Upload a picture to an online service or your own website and show off your desktop. I’ll start: Adam’s desktop (312kb).
Solaris is the OS I use most after my Mac (which has a cluttered but boring desktop). Here is a screenshot of my Blade 100 with a highly customized CDE.
I think it’s a great idea if you’re on a *nix system to include a uname -a as well.
I have a Sun Blade 100 running as a (poor mans)network storage at home. When I feel like logging in thru remote X11, I’m welcomed by a nice and uber lightweight E17 desktop that almost makes me forget I’m using an old low end sparcv9 workstation. I encorage you to grab everything off cvs and compile it for yourself. I can send a tarball of my e17 local compile and a list of CSW packages you would need have installed.
Happy new year y’all
Thats cool but I don’t like Enlightenment at all.
I’m not too fond of e16. but e17 looks great so far. It’s pretty customizable, so most people’s likes should be covered.
I run Ubuntu Edgy on my main workstation at home. Here’s a somewhat spartan screenshot showing the background and the Gnome system monitor:
i use Ubuntu Dapper Drake
Edited 2006-12-30 17:03
Very nice wallpaper.
Cool wallpaper – whats it from?
found it at (there’s a age limit and lots of pictures aren’t work safe
Hmm… it “contains” a character by Dmitry Popov from his image called “Ninja” -> . You can find more of his works on that site. In other words it’s a rip, not that it matters here but I just wanted to give credit to the original artist.
Here is my desktop right now:
I use a pretty standard KDE, running on Mandriva LE2005.
I am a hardware developer, and I find that wallpaper very nice (I use it about two years…).
I have a lot of incons on it because when I download a file or copy, and dont know where to put him, I place on desktop because its the only folder I look everytime, and its th eonly way to delete files I dont use anymore. Someday I will change my temp dir o Desktop
And of course, I like blue a lot!
Edited 2006-12-30 17:05
I use ReactOS 0.3.1 (pre-release) and as main operating system still WinXP SP2.
Basicly, both ReactOS and WinXP have a very similar GUI and change settings is a piece of cake. Usually I change the GUI settings once, after the initial OS setup. Later I change only rarely my desktop wallpaper(s).
The following screenshots show my ReactOS installation in September 2006. You can see more screenshots of my ReactOS 0.3.0 installation on the ReactOS website:
Heh, not much to see for my desktop really, apart from my love for old British cop shows from the 70s.
(Running Dapper).….
Definitely cluttered, since I have most of my working files on the desktop. I assume there are more of my kind than the average screenshot suggests, since showing a screenshot with all those files isn’t very tempting. 🙂 If I make screenshots, I usually either hide the icons or use a clean user account, so it wouldn’t be very representative.
This may give you an idea though. 😉
I think you need a new monitor, everything looks kinda fuzzy.. o.O;
A custom WindowsXP desktop:
I am using:
an Olive Verde MSstyle
and TweakUI to remove the recycle bin
The taskbar is in autohide mode, btw.
I am also trying to use the dexpot desktop pager to better organize my workflow. So far, I have had mixed results.
MacPro Dual 3GHz beast…. top machine, top os
The crack down the middle is because it drives two monitors 🙂
for those who want to know what’s in the dock (I’m always interested in people’s icons). From left to right: Finder, AppleMail, iCal, QuickSilver, Dashboard, Address Book, Safari, Firefox 2.0, Colloquy, iTunes, Terminal, iPhoto, System Preferences, Adium, TextMate, CyberDuck, MPlayer, QuickTime, VLC, OmniOutliner, XCode.
Edited 2006-12-30 17:12
Really really nice wallpaper collection.
Honestly, I find that stock KDE suits me perfectly.
You could take on the world with that setup X3
Where did you get that terminal background??? I WANT IT!!! Can’t be the original game graphics…
Not much to look at but it gets the job done.
Please gimme your wallpaper!
I think I’m going to be the first person to commit the sin of posting a Windows desktop.
Nope, Wintermute beat you to it.
Nah, you weren’t the first and there is no sin in posting s Windows desktop here; they asked for your desktop not for “Any OS but Windows” desktop
Desktop modding is an obsession with a large number of Linux users… It’s not surprising that they’re very well represented in this thread.
I used to do it as well:
Hey Windows Desktop is still pretty modable. Mine isn’t that ‘alien’ because I am into minimalist design.
I suggest you use TweakUI from MS to remove that recycle bin!
gpedit.msc will also allow you to remove the recycle bin.
“user configuration” “administrative templates” “desktop” “remove recycle bin icon from desktop.”
Enable it.
Edited 2006-12-30 21:04
I’m right behind you.. tempered a bit with Fedora on VMware.
Here’s my Vista laptop’s desktop (my main machine, basically). The .png is huge, I am too lazy to resize.
Now we know you have to fix your taxes 😉
This is my KDE desktop on debian(etch) with a bit of SUSE flavor..
Love the background screen for your KDE desktop. Do you know where in Europe this image was taken. My wife used to live over there and we cannot remember the name of this location.
Well the image is called “truecolorsofstrasbourg” so i gues it’s taken in Strasbourg.
My linux desktop
windows manager: dwm
other apps: irssi, mutt, cmus…
Thats amazingly minimalist!
A true minimalist wouldn’t even use a window manager.
He’d type out the X11 functions to call himself?
Just use GNU screen with out X – now that’s minimalism.
then again, a dwm package (were anyone silly enough to package it) would definitely be smaller than a screen package. Screen 4.0.3 package on Arch Linux = 480 K. DWM full source directory with everything compiled (i.e., uncompressed, WITH source) = 228 K.
> A true minimalist wouldn’t even use a window manager.
> Just use GNU screen with out X – now that’s minimalism.
Well, I live in the real world: I use screen, it’s a wonderful tool, but I don’t see any reason why I don’t have to use X. Shall I have to write my svg files by hand, or edit audio session using split? I don’t think so.
I’m a concrete minimalist, I follow what is – for me – the most efficient and pleasant way to make things done
> Well, I live in the real world
I did operate with X and without a window manager for a few months, at least on my work machine. The work didn’t involve very much, so the lack of a window manager freed up some screen real estate and ensured that the interface elements were always in predictable spots (the geometry parameter is a very useful tool).
I also setup a computer for my father without a window manager. All he wanted was a web browser and email client, and anything else on the screen confuses him terribly. Having Navigator launch full screen, without the possibility of other stuff appearing on the screen or of things moving around greatly reduced the burden of his technical support team (me). And it saved the aforementioned support team from being awaken at strange hours by the telephone.
To this day I regularly use screen and bypass X altogether. It is great because you can simply detach the screen, login to the machine from a remote site, and continue from where I left off. I understand that you can do that graphically with tools like VNC, but screen is faster and ssh is more available.
The minimalist approach may not appeal to everyone, nor is it useful in all circumstances. But it is a valid approach in the real world.
As for my desktop: in normal circumstances, I use whatever is stuck in front of me. Bouncing around between computers (including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X) means that I cannot have a consistent desktop experience anyway. It also means that I would have to spend considerable time tweaking each system. So why bother?
I love it when people customize their system to the point I can’t even figure out how it functions anymore! That is an awesome config XD
yes, this is not wimp(1)
The screenshot I posted a few days ago on one of the articles:
And after that I tweaked my black/white/gray theme Nightshade which I’m using now until I feel like using the KDE default again. I tend to change colour schemes once in a while, wallpapers more often, usually after I have drawn a new portrait, but then I use 6 virtual desktops with different wallpapers each.
GTK uses the KDE colours now as well btw.
(and yes, I do like to look at asian idols :-P)
I use a moving background so I used my camera phone’s video recorder. Quality sucks, and I’ll replace the video when I get home, but you get the picture.
I like the transparent terminals.
My iMac G5:
My HP Compaq nx9010 (work laptop):
My Celeron D 335 PC:
WM: Ion3, most programs are kde, style is polyester
look closely at what? windows xp or the midget porn?
Below “midget porn” is a folder called “haha I got you.”
Edit: Freudian slip.
Edited 2006-12-30 18:54
fsckit I got you.
If any of you don’t read digg. See
for the real accident.
hehehe, must be the midget porn folder.
Fedora Core 6 (actually current rawhide, will be FC7)
Gnome 2.6.17
Default fedora theme with Tango icons (really big png ~1.3Mb)
This is a screenshot from my notebook since I’m far from home but the only difference from my desktop computer is smaller resolution and laptopish tools in the tray.
I’m a window dresser, I admit
multiple links, just in case:
Nice metal music there on your folder!
May I suggest some bands you might like?
Demise of Eros
Arch Enemy
Edited 2006-12-31 03:04
This time I’ve settled on darker colours. I run all apps maximized and there’s no desktop background image.
Yes i know its not the actual desktop
and yes all three are one scree
, cant wait to move to mac osx 
Hubba Hubba.
Um… that carpet, that wall paper, and those drapes…
Nuh uh.
Is no one actually inspired to customize their desktops?
Here is a screenshot from my OpenBSD desktop from a couple of years ago.
FVWM 2.5
Every time you minimize a program it takes a screenshot and makes a small icon that you can click to recover the program. Probably with XGL these days you can get them to be live icons. Translucent menus (if you need them) because everything is key driven (ctrl+n for mozilla, etc)
Anyway, just figured to step this up a notch.
Am I inspired to customize my desktop? sometimes
Am I inspired to go back to fvwm’s configuration? No, it makes baby jesus cry.
No, it makes baby jesus cry.
hehe, sometimes
I think most people who use Windows, OS X, KDE, Gnome and XFCE don’t customize as much as those using the lighter WM’s.
Using Fluxbox on my media pc I think I’d sooner customize that one than the KDE I use on my laptop. I haven’t looked into it, but I think it might be easier to do so as well.
Heh, you know I do really like to see a fancy desktop but only when they belong to other people!
when it comes to my own I can never be arsed to bother.
Heh, you know I do really like to see a fancy desktop but only when they belong to other people!
when it comes to my own I can never be arsed to bother.
I guess that is why i posted mine. I was really hoping to see some tricked out desktops.
Some of the wallpapers are fabulous but everything else is kind of blah. heh.
oh well. just a good waste of time on a saturday morning.
I think every geek passes ‘desktop madness’ at least once in their life
I mostly modified kde to the extreem, tuning it here and there , day in day out, making improvements and then suddenly, the next day, start out a complete different theme. My poor friends had to endure these user-hostile desktops each time
But these days I gotten lazy and only want 4 things:
1) Quick acces to multimedia (musi, complete movies)
2) Quickly developing my small projects
3) No cluttering, I need to have overview (the bigger the screen the better
4) My daily dosis of internet news & comics
you customized it so much it looks like a green version of every other desktop
My current Vista screenshots:
I use pretty much every OS I can get my hands on however, I also use SkyOS and BeOS quite a bit 🙂
I am always pleased to see that there are other Bad Religion fans in the world
We were driving through New Mexico recently by the VLA, and I played American Lesion for my wife, and she was fairly shocked (having been exposed to incessant blaring Bad Religion from me for years). Can’t beat that dirgey version of Cease…(Living on the Fault Line is also particularly fantastic)
Nice screenshots there, innerlogic (AUTOMATONS IN BUSINESS SUITS, SWINGING BLACK BOXES!)
SuSE 10.2/KDE here. I’m usually on Debian which looks quite similar, but using Gnome. Kernel is Screen is CRT at 1152×864.
What a wonderful wallpaper…I like to go one of two ways, either full-bore techie or the opposite extreme to remind me that there’s more to live than glowing pixels, and you’ve definitely gone the other way
Nothing to fancy, simply running gnome.
I can’t truly withstand cluttered desktops, so a minimum of icons on the desktop and no desktop applets etc
I’m mostly doing development on these desktops.
“What is your wish, Oh Great One?”
Uh, a little ego problem there?
I mean, leet is leet, but come on!
It’s all just for fun, nothing ‘leet’ going on. Heck the idea is not even original.
I hope you’ll be harassed by scrip kiddies for having no humor
Looks nice and clean. The Tree with the birds is beutifull wallpaper, u know where I could get it?
Here ya go:
thx alot 8)
I have no desktop.
Ratpoison is the awesome.
Screenshot from my Macbook
Used to be a *box user, but once you add the usual stuff (bar/conky/fm/etc) it just got too darn slow. Plus, E is pretty
Thanks, I wanted to see a recent shot of e17
. I haven’t used it for about a year now…
It’s looking really good, is it reliable again (I used it about a year ago and it was solid, then 5 months later it wouldn’t run for 5 minutes without crashing)?
>e17 … wouldn’t run for 5 minutes without crashing)?
Happens with some modules, if you only use the stock ones then you’ll be fine. Going on a year here.
very nice
can you tell where you got the wallpaper ?!
and is the teaser also your system?! nice theme
My previous desktop yes, the light got to me in the end, I prefer something reminiscent of the hazed dark cave I live in.
The desktop on my iMac:
I may post my Linux desktop later if I’m not feeling too lazy.
Can I get that wallpaper from you?
what is the the name of that wallpaper?
I believe it’s from here : . You’ll just have to cut it out and resize it yourself
OS: Windows XP
Theme: HmmXP
Icons: Tango
Musicplayer: Foobar2000 (stil working on the visual)
IM: MirandaIM (made the HmmXP theme myself)
Background: (tile)
Hosted straight from my server at home! I know it doesn’t make much sense to have a server with X up, but I don’t do much with it beside personal stuff anyway.
Edit: Wrong image type. Also added Windows workstation desktop.
Edited 2006-12-30 18:12
I’m guessing you don’t get out much then.
What makes you think that?
Mac OS, with BuuF icon set. I love the Firefox icon!
Photo of the physical desktop too
Edited 2006-12-30 18:15
I LOVE your desktop.
Did you notice I used Buuf too after you told me about it??
Yes, I was going to comment on that. There’s so many icons you can customize all the folders too (I even did the folders ~/library XD)
I used Pixadex and CandyBar. I should put togehter a Buuf IconPackage so people can easily apply all the BuuF icons quickly.
Fluxbox on Fedora Linux
Using a slightly modified “FluxAqua” theme
Showing GAIM window minus decorations (titlebar, close/minimize, etc.)
Showing two xterm windows tabbed together (hence the split titlebar)
Running conky resource monitor as my only “desktop” item. I dislike decktop icons.
Wallpaper is pretty typical for my machine (always a girl, but my wife doesn’t mind)
No apps open:
I’m surprised you have a wife.
Ladies and gentlement I introduce to you: WindowsMess.
Mac OS 9.2.2
i know my isp didn’t like the trafic
win xp sp2 / zune theme / dawn of ubuntu wallpaper
This is my main desktop, running openSUSE 10.2, dual 1280×1024, beryl with xsnow effect, and a very nice wallpaper by Nuno Pinheiro (one of the authors of KDE’s Oxygen).
I like to keep it simple and clean, but not too minimalistic.
Screenshot and Desktop
Ubuntu (Edgy) with TwinView. Works nicely. Happy new year!
Edited 2006-12-30 18:33
Which wallpaper is that? I’ve been looking for some good dual monitor wallpapers and I really like that one.
I stumbled across it on DeviantArt:
You’re right, there is a severe shortage of good dual-screen wallpaper art!
aha, thank you
gdi2k, PLEASE leave us a link for that wallpaper, that’s amazing!
I tried to reply yesterday with the link, but apparently it didn’t work. Anyways, it’s one I found at DeviantArt:
I should have a new BeOS machine set up shortly… well, an OLD machine… but I haven’t had BeOS running since I moved last August.
ahhhh beos. it has that magical touch of apple engineers, just like NeXT did.
# uname -sr
I am using Ubuntulooks GTK+2 theme with colours tweak. The colours are same as Glider theme. The rest such as Metacity, icons and etc are default.
Allo Mezz
FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE, KDE 3.5.5 + custom changes
Hey moose, I love the simplicity of your desktop.
Here is mine:
Just cleaned the desktop for your convenience. Usually it fills with unused crap.
And then the unbelievable. Win XP is actually faster on this crap than any recent Linux distro KDE, GNOME or XFCE. Arch Linux with KDE comes closest.
and here is my “cool” Tiger Desktop 😉
it’s an old PowerMac G4, with 1 x 512 MB, 2 x 128 MB and 1 x 64 MB SD-Ram 😉
I run a lot of different OSs. Right now I’m running Slackware 11.0 and Debian.
Here’s one of my Slackware 11.0 boxes, running KDE 3.5.4.
I highly recommend Slackware, it is my favourite OS.
Mandrake Linux 10.0
Xfce 4.0.3 with BeOS icons and Microcurve window decorations.
The panel and task bar only appear when I move the cursor on them.
What do you use to generate the star wars message(s)?
It’s ‘fortune’ with a Star Wars packet which is run from a script in /etc/profile.d.
You can find the Star Wars packet here:
Running SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 here, with dual 20″ Samsung monitors, so 3200×1200, split down the middle.
No, not much imagination here. I stay close to the defaults as my clients typically do the same. There also is a lack of 3200×1200 backgrounds out there.
I think these URL’s are live.
The desktop
Typical apps open
Happy New Year all…
How do you get your panels to span both screens? On mine (see a few comments up), I can only get them to span the main screen.
Got a pic of the actual screens, sounds like an awesome setup!
To be completely honest, I’m not totally sure what I’m doing that makes it span both.
My Sax2 config looks like the monitors are both in 1600x1200x16.7. I have Dual Head Mode check for Xinerama at 1600×1200. 3D acceleration is on.
In Screen Resolution in the Control Center, I have it set to 3200×1200–maybe that’s the key for stretching the entire desktop across……
Would be happy to send any config files that might help you….. let me know.
Oh, BTW, Desktop Effects work fine across both monitors as well. Have the cube spanning, which is very cool!
Clearly OSNews users are anything but standard or typical
Some years ago. I Love the old UNIX style“>
Kubuntu edgy on an AMD64.
I prefer the simplicity of IceWM, and you’ll notice I’m very dependent on terminal windows.
Note that FreeCell is the real Windows game (the best thing Microsoft ever did) running in Wine.
What about Hover, the game that came on the Windows 95 CD?
NT 5.1
Windows Classic theme (modified with 3DCC)
icons modified with Resource Hacker
it was a lot of work. or waste of time?
Looks very snappy. Must be a real bike every time a modified resource gets reset by Windows Update. I once had a very customised shell space but it was a lot of work to maintain!
Debian Sid with KDE.
Not much customization – I like the defaults.
From my main desktop computer.
I like a clean desktop area, it makes the life easier to know that everthing is in it’s right place and not in an “I put it here in the meantime”-location.
Another thing I disklike is the Finder, for more than one reason.
Fedora Core 5 – 3200×1200@75Hz – Custom made background (available upon request 🙂
Can you do that in 1600×1200?
A few of my screenshots, I’ve got a few more but I’ll have to put them on my webserver
Microsoft’s icons have _majorly_ improved in Vista, I’m impressed…
The extent of my mods are KBFX and Beryl.
XP Pro (sorry guys and gals) with Opera 9 showing the OSNews page and VMware running Fedora and Ubuntu (with the Fedora screen showing.
Xfce is under-represented
Here’s my desk:
I use Ubuntu Dapper, I usually stick with the default human theme but I get rid of the bottom panel and move everything to the top. I get most of my wallpapers from th astronomy picture of the day.
I do the same thing with my desktops (Ubuntu and WinXP). I’ve gotten accustomed to having just one taskbar at the top.
You have a great font there compared to most Xorg screenshots. What font are you using? Any antialiasing settings or default ones?
I find that most xorg systems have too much AA, fonts look almost bold against a light colour background!
Font settings are default Ubuntu Edgy as far as I remember.
Gnome settings:
Font is ‘Sans’, though I don’t what Ubuntu actually maps it to I’m afraid.
Subpixel smoothing (LCDs)
Full hinting
Pixel ordering is RGB
Running Xubuntu Dapper. A clean desktop with a few system monitors. Normally the panels are on autohide.
First is after boot, second with normal use and unhide panels.
Here is one of my ubuntu-ce desktops
OpenSolaris 53 JDS build 55
lg3d desktop too
Edited 2006-12-30 19:10
My laptop:
HP NX9105 AMD-64 3000+, 1Gb, 120GB
Nvidia Geforce 400 GO 64Mb
Gentoo 2006.1 ~amd64, Gnome 2.16.1, Beryl 0.1.4
Works like a dream….
I often use KDE with my OpenSuSE 10.2, but I prefer Windowmaker.
It is clean, light and fast.
Edited 2006-12-30 19:15
Here is my XFCE4.4 beta 2 desktop running Fedora 6.
I am using the Clearlooks graphite theme for the windows. The Browser is Seamonkey 1.1 beta with the SeaGnome theme running the MonkeyMenu extension making it blend in nicely with Gnome applications.…
The sticky note in the corner is Xpad.
Edited 2006-12-30 19:18
OK, here is my walk through my desktop evolution
since gnome-2.4 and enlightenment-0.16
I wish I did screenshots earlier.
And THIS IS MY current desktop:
Less candy, more touch and inspiration.
Okay i might Post my first message here as an introduction to 2007
here is my 300 mb (Xpbased)Windows HN 300 mb finished install (i never go anywhere without my install cd for that syst) Comes without internet explorer , advantages are no overactive desktop to munch ram and no Themes service among many other things
i just run my programs/projects and it works fast
The Best security is remove insecure Programs/functions and control the services that are running
Maybe OSnews will write about it one day? u never know
Most recent shot of xfce, going for nice and simple:
Older xfce layout with a bunch of screenshot editing
Windowmaker after my first Slackware install
My Windows XP Home desktop with WindowBlinds ‘Royale Vista’ skin. I have been using Windows now for a week or so since my Ubuntu Edgy has been refusing to work with wireless networks and USB hard disks…
I don’t want anything on my desktop, as you can see
Haven’t been through all the screenshots but am I the only one with a hot chick as a wallpaper?
I’m running Ubuntu Edgy with Beryl for the window manager using AIGLX. The wallpaper is from deviantART and the Beryl theme is from I think the GTK theme is a mix of Alphacube GTK 0.5 controls and nuoveXT-1.6 icons.
Typical desktop screenshot
An empty desktop
Showing off the cube and 3d windows plugin
Where can I get those icons?
It’s BuuF, available here
If you want my icons, download or purchase Candybar from Panic Software. Then you can use this icontainer package. Remove the spaces and visit this URL:
http:// /uploads/ adam-buuf.icontainer
It is about 2.5mb, and, as Kroc mentioned above, it contains the BuuF icon set configured for OS X as *I* chose. You may choose to tweak it for yourself.
I am unable to download it, although I can see it, the browser (Opera, Safari, FFox and Camino) all do the same… could you please compress it?
Thank you.
Note: Also tried wget… the file is broken or incorrectly handled.
Edited 2007-01-02 15:04
Try this link:
The server didn’t know how to serve an icontainer file.
That did it, thank you.
edgy eft
Not the most up-to-date (about a month old or so), but my SkyOS desktop, as posted at Wikipedia:…
Aside from that, I use Ubuntu Edgy with Beryl.
I’ve remoted to my PC in the office and taken a screenshot plus I’ve taken a screenshot of my work laptop
Nothing too special. Fluxbox with Debian:
With apps running
The top right corner is a secure shell to my old desktop, currently used as a router. It’s about as much of a screenshot as possible 🙂
Just the desktop
😀 Loooove the Nightmare Before Christmas wallpaper with Lock, Shock and Barrel!
KDE 3.5.5 (knifty + my own theme) on Gentoo Linux.
Edited 2006-12-30 19:50
tidy wallpaper.
Edited 2006-12-30 20:00
Current development on project Zirconium. Not running any session manager. No GTK theme selected – default.
ZDE project page with more (and more interesting) screen shots:
A bit more than a year old.
A boring standard WinXP desktop, but so far the coolest wallpaper
My Linux Server has no desktop, I use Cygwin + SSH to administrate it…
Edited 2006-12-30 20:12
You are sick…
Not really
I got it from deviantart, some time ago. It’s always funny to see how ppl react when the enter my lair and see the desktop …
Hard to beat the shock value. Ha Ha!
Brings back childhood memories – but that was what made the string and door knob seem like a good idea in comparison.
You can see it full screen by clicking the thumbnail:…
here’s mine…
Ubuntu Edgy with Gnome DE
Sherilyn Fenn
Here is a screeny of my AfterStep desktop:…
Looks good and is fonctional
Clean, unbloated, simple, and attractive. Dare I say, more aesthetically pleasing than even OSX…
Edited 2006-12-30 20:53
Updated KDE to 3.5.5 today and trying transparency with shadows again to see if it’s more stable.
Still using CLI a lot..
i like white/black/grey with very simple icons
can be found here..
dont be shy
For my “Play Time”, this is what I “still!” use.
Edited 2006-12-30 21:04
Here’s my usual desktop setup:
FreeBSD-6-Stable, it’s an old screenshot, but it still looks pretty much the same. Now 11000km away, I miss that machine!
This is my laptop:
Ubundtu Edgy, since FreeBSD won’t play along with my 3945 WLAN card…
Edited 2006-12-30 21:08
I didn’t see any other WindowMaker desktops sp here is mine.
Here’s kde 3.5.5 on an acer aspire 3102 WLMi running at 1280×800, OS is openSUSE 10.2:
This is my main KDE desktop. I’ve tried messing with beryl, radical color schemes, etc. and I can make it look a lot cooler, but it becomes a lot less usable in the process.
Window decoration is something called “powder” from kde-look which I like a lot.
Because I am running at 1920×1440, I see no reason to be minimalistic. I like a desktop with everything a single click away, which is pretty clear. My main consideration is being able to have 4 terminals simultaneously displayable; this fits the bill.
The wallpaper is a Perl script which grabs weather data and maps (Weather::Underground, available through CPAN, is particularly useful!), along with other system data, and composites everything into a single jpg and then sets it as wallpaper once per hour. ImageMagick can be used in a variety of interesting ways – especially in KDE, whose weather applet is awful.
Anyway, nothing exciting here except I really like my weatherpaper script