Apple on Tuesday afternoon began informing a select group of developers that it plans at least one more maintenance update to its Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger operating system ahead of October’s planned release of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Since developers have yet to received the first pre-release seeds of the software update, details outside of the version numbering – Mac OS X 10.4.11 – are few and far between.
Boh Engadget and AppleInsider reports that Apple will host a special event August 7 and it relates only to new Mac products. Sweet!
I better warn my credit card company in advanced.
“No my card hasn’t been stolen, I just went Mac-happy.”
or better yet.
“what do u mean some one used my card and bought a mac?! I had no idea. yes it was infact stolen. so the charges will be refunded to my account? great, thank you”
that’s great!
it’s nice to see that apple cares about his customers (not like microsoft: two service packs in 6 years).
That can only be good for us =)
it’s nice to see that apple cares about his customers
As a customer having waited 8 weeks for a new MacBook Pro, with still no computer in sight, I’d say that they could care quite a bit more about their customers.
Good to see that they’ll push out another update before Leopart, though.
*shrugs* for me, I’m waiting till next year when the new Intel GPU’s and processors come out – so I’m stick with my HP laptop for now running Solaris ๐
True – but it could ne a bad sign – backwards compatibility for some applications is being dropped – hence the need to support it longer than required. So it could be a double edge sword.
Tell that to the people still waiting for their orders or RMA claims.
Tell that to the people waiting for their 5th / 9th xbox replacement. Or to people waiting for Dell.
Im not excusing apple but when you process thousands/millions of computers and other CE your bound to get slip ups.
Personally i am very happy with Apple’s level of service, which i also think a large majority are.
Although getting back up topic, i would say the biggest update im waiting for is leopard
but it’s nice to see Apple keeping up with maintaince for their current release and not push it to the side lines.
Edited 2007-08-01 08:36
Yah, you didn’t know that Apple writes buggy software and has to quarterly upgrade just to keep 5% market? But MicroShaft offers bug free on delivery and the ‘service packs’ offered every 1-2 years are really just more goodness to debug for them.. Almost a means to keep their slopware developers employed during ice age release cycles.
I actually look forward to a OS X update. I’ll be looking forward to a new version of OS X.
New Hardware on the way.
And if you are tired of waiting for RMA claims and don’t mind getting a little dirty, OSx86 is still an option. Just make sure your computer has the drivers for it.
Mine works 100%, and I even bought a copy of tiger just to support Apple.
You’re comparing OSx86 to a new Mac? Sorry bud, they don’t compare. People who do have Mac hardware know hardware-software relation is the key. I’ve got a Mac Mini and a MacBook Pro and I would consider it repulsive to try run OS X on a standard PC, you’d lose everything that makes a Mac better than a PC to begin with.
People who know Mac hardware lol
Apart from the BIOS/Firmware what do you see different inside your Mac.
Google should provide a tutorial on how to remove the case cover, brace yourself!
apple also just released security updates for the iphone, safari 3 and osx panther & tiger.
…is the last funny thing abuot the apple switch.
well, in the end, will tiger exit from beta status?
By that reasoning Windows XP is still in Beta, and Vista will be too for all eternity.
maybe, but actually, i don’ t care: in fact my powermac has only os x, so i comment abuot this.
10.4.10 broke more than it fixed for me. First time an update caused me grief, but theres a whole grumbling list about the issues in 10.4.10 on Apples site. I’ve had a firewire audio bug open since 22nd June… lets hope this fixes it!
You simply don’t get the same user experience with a Generic PC that you get with Apple Hardware.
You can’t install updates without waiting for them to be checked and possibly patched. Especially OS point releases.
Some Apps might not run correctly. Depending on your choice of hardware you might not have sound, or wireless, or bluetooth.
I think it’s fun to run it as a “Proof of Concept” and for playing. But, I wouldn’t use a Generic PC with one of the Cracked MacOS X releases as a daily driver.
The instability, and the inability to update normally just doesn’t work for me.
If it were more transparent, and just like using Apple Hardware it would be a different story.
Strange, it sounds like you have never ran it.
The ONLY time I can’t install updates is the system updates, and right now I am using 10.4.10 with everything working.
I have yet to find an application that does not work.
All sata ports work, my video card works, my sound works, my cd burner works.
Everything works.
I use it as a daily driver, it works great, it is transparent. I don’t think “OMG I AM USING OSx86!” Every time I get on, I just use it as a pc.