This SkyOS release includes a lot of bugfixes and many new features like OpenGL, Quake and Quake II, Developer Studio, GCC, Resource files and more.
This SkyOS release includes a lot of bugfixes and many new features like OpenGL, Quake and Quake II, Developer Studio, GCC, Resource files and more.
I like seeing hobby OS’s like SkyOS and AtheOS making advances. SkyOS is specifically becoming more mature with it’s core, I like the fact that they are polishing off the OS before working on the UI. Too many people push for UI’s at the beginning of OS projects before maturity, and UI’s can cause a tonne of instability.
but are there any 3D drivers available for it yet? I know it has OpenGL support, but is there any accelerated driver?
Of course not. A hardware accelerated GL driver and stack is not something you do for a hobby OS, and especially when you have to code and evolve the whole of the rest OS.
I find it amazing that a one man project has come so far.
Sure I will try it out some day.
I like the name
It’s starting to look cool, better then before but still the UI needs more polishing.
Just like in “Knight Rider”! 🙂
I am utterly amazed that one person, alone, is making such strides with their OS. HobbyOS or not, it is utterly amazing what he has done thus far…
I didn’t expect that it would be a major priority, but I thought that maybe he had it working with just one card or chipset to test Hardware Acc. on the system, kind of like Oberon and ATI (though they also have support for a 3Dlabs chip i believe, though it is proprietary).
I tried myself to code my own OS. And jezz it’s an amazingly HUGE task. So that this on-man project got so far is beyond my understanding.
Congratulation !