ScaraOS 0.0.4 Released

ScaraOS is a 32bit mutiboot OS kernel for IA32 (PC/AT) systems. I wrote it to teach myself OS fundamentals and just to have a bit of fun. It already has PCI support, the beginnings of a paged memory management system, and the start of a VFS layer. It supports the basic PC/AT stuff such as timer, PIC, keyboard, floppy.”


  1. 2010-04-01 1:44 pm
    • 2010-04-01 1:56 pm
  2. 2010-04-01 2:59 pm
    • 2010-04-01 9:19 pm
      • 2010-04-02 11:32 am
      • 2010-04-02 3:13 pm