Apple has released OS X 10.8.3. The biggest improvement is Windows 8 support in Boot Camp – although Windows 7 drivers seemed to work fine as well for running Windows 8 on Macs (or so I’ve read). You know how to get it.
Apple has released OS X 10.8.3. The biggest improvement is Windows 8 support in Boot Camp – although Windows 7 drivers seemed to work fine as well for running Windows 8 on Macs (or so I’ve read). You know how to get it.
It is irritating that despite having the computer set to check for, download and install updates automatically, I often only discover that there is an update available via OSnews.
So, thanks for posting things like this that many folks would consider to be a non-newsworthy story. You seem to be a critical resource wrt keeping my computer up to date.
Seriously Apple… I shouldn’t have to get news of updates from external sources.
Funny that, my MBP told me that an update was available within a couple of hours of it being released.
My notifications sometimes appear weeks after they have been posted….
But actually I prefer do not have any notification at all to having my Windows box pressing me over and over again to reboot my computer after some update.
So switch Windows Update from automatic to notify when updates are available. That way it won’t download or install any updates until you tell it to do so. It’s not that hard.
Edited 2013-03-16 12:44 UTC
Yet another reason to keep visiting!
i must admit since the lion/mountain lion era the update notification has been a little sporadic. Ive been using Mac OSX since tiger and the update notification has always been pretty much on the ball and pretty much instantaneous for me.
Since lion and mountain lion sometimes they come up right away sometimes a week or two can pass before it pops up.
Same for application updates, i thought that having them go through the apple store was meant to bring about better notifications, however it seems that only when i remember and open the app store application that i get presented with a list of apps that need updating.
From snow leopard, OSX sucks a lot.
I don’t know so much
I agree about the updates – I have suffered the same lag with this latest one for ML but having gone from SL to ML recently, I can’t honestly say I am pining for SL. My machine feels sleeker, permissions seems to be behaving themselves more, programmes are loading faster, and the OS seems more out of my way than ever before. I carefully avoided Lion but am enjoying ML a lot. I didn’t expect to (I simply upgraded since some programmes I was wanting to use were becoming increasingly unavailable-but that’s a different story) but there it is. I have been critical of Apple and OS X in the past: I just speak as I find.
May I ask why?
I think Mountain Lion is better than Snow Leopard in almost every way. I actually spent quite some time with Snow Leopard recently, testing out some applications and it struck me how old it felt and how much nicer Mountain Lion is to use. Especially all the trackpad stuff.
I agree that the notifications are a little slow to show up though, I think it’s the same with system updates on iOS, perhaps it is too offload the servers.
Although the notifications are a little effy i do prefer mountain lion to snow leopard, im just glad they brought expose back for mountain lion as i would have agreed.
I found ML faster and more responsive and better with memory than SL
And more stable as well, which I’m sure is related to the memory management improvements among other things. I know everyone else seems to think sl is some sort of gold standard, but I had nothing but crashes and freezes with it that I never could diagnose. Lion and ml, on the other hand, have been rock solid for me as were Leopard and Tiger back in the day. I had enough stability problems with sl that it drove me to Windows for a while, that’s how bad it was for me. I was glad to switch back when Lion came out and did away with those stability issues.
I have had exactly the opposite experience…. I have found ML releases to be way more buggy than any of the releases since before Tiger. They have added way too many useless and ass-backwards features when they should have been improving networking and replacing the filesystem. It seems like their A-team works on iOS these days, and OSX is left to the B-team.
Edited 2013-03-17 02:59 UTC
I do agree that it’s gotten more bloated with features that aren’t necessary. The problem is, that applies to just about every graphical os out there be it OS X, Windows, Ubuntu, iOS, Android, etc. Unless you want to use only the CLI, you end up with feature bloat over time and, unfortunately, using nothing but textual terminals isn’t possible with today’s modern web and applications. It’s a shame too, because if I could stay in the CLI for everything I’d never use a GUI again.
FreeDOS, CP/M and System V are still available somewhere.
It is quite common that not ALL macs on planet get update availability info at SAME time, right after release because massive DDOS will happen. So in fact notification lasts about week to reach all macs on planet. But of course you can always force it by checking manually.
I do get the impression that updates from the software updates arrived quicker than the ones from the app store.
For me it’s no big deal, because I get notified of new updates from my RSS feeds or via Twitter anyway.
There are way more iOS devices out there than OS X ones. If Apple can cope with iOS updates I’m sure they can also handle OS X.