Modern Combat 5 has been cracked and uploaded to multiple torrenting websites over the weekend. MC5 is a first person shooter for iOS, Android and Windows 8. The developer and publisher, Gameloft, ran a contest recently and invited players into the game early. One of those winners apparently cracked the game and began distributing it online.
Modern Combat’s dev team is not pleased with the situation.
Horrible. You win a contest for early access, and then you turn around and stab them in the back like this. You must be a pretty terrible human being to do something like this.
To be fair, Gameloft haven’t had an original idea from anything I’ve seen them do.
In the end, this sort of “early access” stuff is mostly for advertising. It seems crying about someone pirating your game is also part of that advertising. News sites report on it, company makes some sympathy sales, and everyone moves on.
It’s rather more crazy to me that people can act with this kind of secrecy for what is conceptually similar to a recipe or a song. “Oh no, someone got ‘special access’ to my game and they weren’t super grateful”. This modern day Prometheus has stolen fire from the gods.
Exactly. Everyone is horrible, so horrible, that the word has lost its meaning. Like the word epic. Gilgamesh,Homer, and the Nordic Skalds are rolling over in their graves/burning ships.
[quote]Horrible. You win a contest for early access, and then you turn around and stab them in the back like this. You must be a pretty terrible human being to do something like this.[/quote]
Use your adjectives sparingly. If you use such names for someone who pirated a game in infringement of artificial supply limitations, you’ll soon run out of appropriate labels when you face wall street leeches, politicians, serial killers, or outright psychopaths.
I would probably have felt a lot worse about it if it hadn’t been Gameloft. Considering how often they rip off other games, new as well as old, I can’t say they didn’t have it coming. The only way I could care less is if it had happened to or Zynga.
Edited 2014-07-22 10:49 UTC
Now that isn’t fair, King was only protecting what they rightfully stole from a smaller player. And poor Zynga, why does everyone pick on them just because they spammed their players with ads that would then steal their identity? What’s wrong with that?
That what it looks like to me. Same old story.
Anyhow I would like to see piracy eradicated, because this kind of “free software” damages the real Free Software.
Pirated games don’t damage Free Software. There are no Free Software games to damage to.
Well, this list is moderately long… ;p
I’m not defending piracy and I obviously do not know anything about the person who did the leak, but..leaking a game or some app doesn’t automatically make a person terribly.
There are gamers, for example, who every now and then leak stuff on the Internet out of love for gaming and wanting everyone to have a chance to join in — they do it for the love of the game, for the love of the activity, for the passion in it and often as a tribute to the company behind it. It may be wrong, it may be shortsighted, but they are trying to do good instead of bad in their own way.
The person in question here, I do not know his motivations, but I’m just pointing out that labeling a person as a horrible one right out of the gate doesn’t do you any favours, either.
I can think of one possible motivation for the leaker: Status or reputation with a particular torrent scene community. For some people, such social status among fellow scene members is akin to rock star status, and pre-release games are a hot commodity, or so I’m told.
There are Bank robbers who do the same thing including a killing here and there, all for their passion for stealing money.
Passion is never an excuse for a crime.
Except killing people is quite a step up from leaking a cracked pre-release game.
Simple truth there. People will tell themselves whatever they need to to justify why they should get more free shit though. Piracy isn’t proof that information wants to be free, it’s proof that people are lazy and greedy.
Bullshit I have several pirated games because the lazy publishers never removed the 32bit DRM, you ever see what 32bit DRM does to a 64bit OS? Its fucking NASTY, oh and the SecurShit and Starfucked DRM removal tools DO NOT WORK!!
So I’m sorry but there ARE legit reasons for pirated a game, and until I can take a broken game back and get my money returned I won’t shed a tear if I have to grab a pirated game or a crack to get my money’s worth!
If you think this is only about ancient games? Go look up how many games that depended on GFWL haven’t had a GFWL removal patch released, last I checked there is something like 2 dozen AAA games that anybody makes the mistake of picking it up they get a coaster.
Damn pirates.
Oh wait, it’s Gameloft? Bwahahahahahaha!! Justice has been served!!!
Edited 2014-07-22 16:13 UTC
“You must be a pretty terrible human being to do something like this.”
This will probably get that person hired at Apple or Microsoft
No Thom. It’s horrible when 298 people die, because some terrible human being shot a civilian airplane down. You should chose your words wisely, especially these days.