Asteroid is a free and open-source community-centered smartwatch platform based on Qt5, OpenEmbedded and libhybris. Qt5 is used to create a rock-solid user experience, OpenEmbedded provides the build system and core components of the distribution and libhybris allows Asteroid to be run on top of Android Wear devices. It shares a lot of technological and philosophical choices with smartphones projects such as SailfishOS, NemoMobile, WebOS-Ports, SHR or Ubuntu Touch but adapted to the needs of smartwatches. For now the project is still in early stages and is in need of contributors.
libhybris is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Well, it just went missing in action apparently.
Still for them to use Qt, I wonder if it isn’t yet another Qt fork, given the current support for mobile OS.
Not to mention the available disk space vs Qt size.
None of those have been successful either technologically speaking, nor commercially. It seems libhybris is a siren song that lures projects to their death.
Edited 2015-10-28 15:17 UTC