Expecting a company that sells tablets to also provide tablet-oriented interfaces for the OS and major apps isn’t unreasonable. But Google hasn’t shown it is willing to provide those interfaces. My Android tablet advice still stands – I’ll take Android tablets seriously once Google does.
All the interface regressions since Honeycomb still make Android tablets feel like an afterthought. While the Pixel C is a great demonstration of these problems, it’s still not a great productivity device compared to the competition.
The side-by-side comparisons between Honeycomb and Nougat are damning. “Regression” isn’t an adequate enough word for what’s happening here.
The article is dead on, and mirrors my experience with Android on tablets. Apple and even Microsoft have a much better grasp of what a tablet should be able to do than Google does. They really don’t seem to care about their tablet experience, which would be fine if they’d stop trying to pretend otherwise.
Without being offensive. Which I believed main battle line, actually a No [developer’s] land.
I’ve been saying this for a while. I love tablets but I can’t help but feel that ICS on my HP touchpad(or webOS) was a much better UI than Marshmallow.