“You expect a few surprises on a visit to the headquarters of Apple Computer Inc. But Jordan Hubbard? What’s he doing here? The same thing he’s been doing for the past decade: trying to take over the world. Or at least the part that uses desktop computers. Did you miss last week’s column? Check the archive to stay up-to-date. Hubbard [a leader in the FreeBSD scene] is one of the leaders of the open-source software movement, along with guys like the legendary Linus Torvalds, cocreator of Linux. Their goal is to supplant traditional software with powerful programs that come with raw computer code and programming tools, so skilled users can modify the software themselves.” Read the interview with Jordan at Boston.com.
Who’s the other cocreator of Linux? I understand there’s a billion people contributing to it at this point, but I thought Linus was the only one who wrote v0.1. Who’s the other guy?
Probably none. It is either that the journalist is confused, or he simply refers to newer versions of Linux, which are made with lots of contributions.
1 Linus
2 Trovalds
That’s a poorly written article, and is full of inaccuracies. How can you start of with the line “But Jordan Hubbard? What’s he doing here?” and then have a need to explain you Jordan Hubbard is…He should have started with who Hubbard is, explain Apple’s closed-source history, and then ask what Hubbard is doing there.
I won’t even go into all the mistakes within the article cus it would take too long.
Perhaps the only interesting info within is the fact that Jordan “had to beg for the job.” I had always thought that apple had made the smart move of approaching him, rather than the other way around. He had to go through 3 months of interview?! wtf, i’m surprised he had the patience. i would’ve of been like “listen pal, i’m a founding member of bsd, core-team and visible figure-head. don’t waste my time, and gimme some candy!” They could wan’t him or not, but what’s the need for 3 months of interviews? You’re building your OS on a bsd core and you make a bsd paladin go through that…repugnant i tell ya.
i meant founding member of “freebsd” not “bsd”
I would not have say it better benji. I agree 100%. I even had to add this [a leader in the FreeBSD scene] in my quotation to make it more apparent as to who Jordan is! 😮
As for the job thing, I know that Apple is very “slow” when recruiting someone. I friend of mine had apply there, and while the chief kernel guy at Apple was very interested in him to get him in, he had to go through all the legalities and slow movement that one find in a large corporation.
“Their goal is to supplant traditional software with powerful programs that come with raw computer code and programming tools, so skilled users can modify the software themselves.”
What they are defining is not a “skilled user,” but a programmer: more than likely a C++ programmer. I wish them well, but what percentage of computer users fit their definition of “skilled users?” They haven’t supplanted much so far within the total user community and software base, and probably won’t. Among those they consider “skilled,” they probably already have. Most of us use a computer to get something done. We find software that performs the task so we can meet deadlines and get to other things (and becoming a C++ programmer is not likely to be one of them). Of course, most penguins consider that blasphemy, but that’s life. I wish I had the time and aptitude to fit into the “skilled” category.
I’d say Andrew Tannenbaum is the indirect cocreator of Linux
After taking out all the inaccuracies, and other filler material, I was left with:
A lead FreeBSD programmer (Jordan Hubbard) nows works for Apple Computer Inc.
Ugghh. The interviewer comes across as one of those Linux fanatics who believe open source is only about crushing proprietary software. The lack of sanity amongst these people makes me want to use The Club*.
*http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/dungeon_b.html no.206