O’Reilly posted four interesting Mac dev articles on MacDevCenter:
“Ten Things I Dig About Xcode“, “Creating Easy-to-Deploy Unix Applications for OS X“, “Start Me Up: Writing and Understanding OS X StartupItems” and “Programming REALbasic, Part 1: Syntax of the Language“.
i cannot wait to start using xcode and panthwire. I just have no $$ to shell out for it right now… i have to wait or borrow a friend’s CDs
Also, REALBasic is a joke, plus it costs money to do anything useful with it. I recommend PyObjC ( http://pyobjc.sf.net )
I forgot to add that you can use Project Builder (and i hope Xcode too soon) and Interface Builder to help develop your PyObjC programs
Quite a good simple layout. I like it.
I used an earlier version of RB and it was actually very nice.
Real basic is as good as visual basic, but without the usual MS bloat.
Thanks for this preview of Xcode. Now that im working on a major end user application for Mac OS X, Xcode looks like it will only make my job easier. I seriously can’t wait to try it!
Also on Real Basic it costs too much money for what you get to be able to make programs for Mac & Windows. If your making a Mac only program then Xcode should be your soltion and not Real Basic. In general Objective-C is much better than basic and it’s a more flexible C++. If you want to make it for Windows & Mac then it’s ok, but then Java might be a little better to use.
“Also on Real Basic it costs too much money for what you get to be able to make programs for Mac & Windows. If your making a Mac only program then Xcode should be your soltion and not Real Basic. In general Objective-C is much better than basic and it’s a more flexible C++. If you want to make it for Windows & Mac then it’s ok, but then Java might be a little better to use.”
Java ought to be good, but there seem to be very few if any successful cross-platform application programs written in Java. Can anyone point to any good examples of programs coded in Java that run well on Mac, Windows and Linux?
And if not, why not?
…by signing this petition:
Please, anyone and everyone, be of a GREAT help to us the Greek Mac fellow users…
Java ought to be good, but there seem to be very few if any successful cross-platform application programs written in Java. Can anyone point to any good examples of programs coded in Java that run well on Mac, Windows and Linux?
And if not, why not?
Examples of Java programs that run on Mac/Win/Linux that I use daily include Netbeans, Eclipse, ArgoUML, and Joone. However, these tend to be developer tools, so they aren’t what your typical home user might use.
As far as typical home user applications go, LimeWire is written in Java. Don’t know any others, as I use my computer mainly to run Matlab/Octave and write code.
Why not more Java applications? Probably developer mentality. Many associate Java with slow, and they will not touch it with a 10 foot pole. However, a lot applications that are used by businesses internally are coded in Java.
Not a programmer, so caveat emptor & E&OE re this post.
ImageJ is a nice Java program written the the US NIH to replace the old Mac only NIH Image. It’s for processing medical images.
Limewire on the other hand is a bloody nightmare.
Maybe a person more knowledgable than me can explain why some Java programs seem to awfully slow and unresponsive? I had high hopes that Java would equal a greater amount of apps across many OSes, but the likes of Limewire worry me.
Moneydance: http://moneydance.com/
IntelliJ IDEA: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea
Eclipse: http://www.eclipse.org <- great !
JEdit: http://www.jedit.org/
Also, REALBasic is a joke, plus it costs money to do anything useful with it. I recommend PyObjC (http://pyobjc.sf.net )
REALBasic is OK. Being able to access serial (RS232) ports and have a GUI for Windows and MacOS 9/X from a single simple codebase make it well worth the price. When Linux is added to the list it will be fantastic.
Python is good stuff too. Panther comes with python 2.3 though TKincr is not included.
zombie toddler, ieeee