The 10.3.1 Update via Software Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for the following applications, services and technologies: FileVault, Printing, WebDav, and FireWire 800 drives. This update also includes the latest Security Updates.
Installed it, works fine. When you reboot it will take a bit of time for osx to load, I think it does some updates on reboot…
BTW, anyone else experiences the problem that when middle-clicking a link on safari the new page won’t load on new tab/window, but instead it completely blocks all mouse-overs OS-wide? It does not happen always, but it happens 3-4 times out of the 10. I was wondering if I was the only one experiencing that…
So im used to Windows updates, that just fix holes/occasional bugs.
Does this update really offer more functionality(like something you would notice), or is that just “ad-speak”?
It offers fixes to existing functionality and security updates. Future updates they usually offer more functionality too. Like the updated USB stack on 10.2.6 etc.
Everytime when my computer goes to sleep, my mouse won’t work after I wake the computer up…. maybe the mouse is too lazy…
I wish that they would add SSL support for their WebDav client! This is dring me nuts using Goliath. I don’t get why they haven’t implimented this yet. Konqueror and Nautilus both have it, even Windows has it, and not Panther???
Does this directly address the “killing of Firewire drives” issue I’ve been reading about? (I know, I could go read the full details myself…)
Hell’ I can’t even connect to my WebDAV server here since 10.3…
and 10.3.1 (just updated) didn’t help… 🙁
Yes, but in many cases they are under the hood.
The most common example is that each 10.x.x releases generally adds many new drivers to support all sorts of devices: camers, HDs, CD/DVD burners, phones, scanners, printers, etc.
Occasionally things like increased network performance, better SMB support, better file system management, etc…
But primarily these improvements and increased functionality will not be discernable/visible.
However and to summarize, Apple updates are not limited to bug fixes and exploit repairs. They generally will include: bug fixes, performance gains, increased device support, and some minor new functionality.
Important exploits are updated in their own Security Updates. These Security Updates only affect security issues and do not affect functionality. Occassionally, these may be rolled into a System Update if the timing is about the same.
There are two issues here that were very serious: the issue with FileVault that can potentially make you lose all your data as is the problem with the Firewire drives. How can this be considered additional functionality?
These fixes were mean to address rather glaring problems that should have never been there in the first place. I like OS X a lot and I think it holds a lot of promise, but at a yearly price of $129-200 a year, it seems exorbitantly expensive.
I installed the two security patches a couple of days ago and they gave me problems. I have an iBook G4 12″ and soon after I updated Panther with those security patches, my iBook would not wake up from sleep. After looking around at apple and other sites found on google, I found the solution. I had to reset the PMU (Power Management Unit) with a series of keystrokes and re-adjust the time and everything was fine. I wonder if anyone else has had this sort of a problem.
Also, just updated to 10.3.1, and everything works perfectly.
What are you talking about?
There were two issues that people complained about. But who says that was all that was addressed?
Even Apple’s own notoriously vague announcements cites improvements to printing and WebDAV.
Clearly you don’t know much about Apple’s development cycle. This update began the very day one build was considered GM… they started a new build that day to add new functionality and improvements. This began (apparently) even before Apple was aware of the two issues fixed.
Let’s call a spade a spade: you are either intentionally or unintentionally FUDing for no apparent reason.
You obviously did not read my post as it was very clear.
Losing data is no fun. The two issues that I described could wipe out all your data and should have never made it on an official release. I will cut Apple some slack on the firewire issue as that seemed more of a hardware issue. Still the Oxford firewire chip is incredibly common and they should have tested against it.
No FUD in my post whatsoever. I am merely stating that while additional functionality might have been added, and fixing CUPS isn’t it, this is more of a fix release. And that’s fine. But let’s call things by their names.
YOu obviously don’t know how to read your own comments, or, probably even worse do not udnerstand logic.
You say this: “There are two issues here that were very serious: the issue with FileVault that can potentially make you lose all your data as is the problem with the Firewire drives. How can this be considered additional functionality?” Why would you consider that added fucntionality? No one I know would. Why must fixing those two issues account for the sum of what is delivered in the update? Why wouldn’t additional features be ADDITIONAL features?
“I am merely stating that while additional functionality might have been added, and fixing CUPS isn’t it, this is more of a fix release.”
Actually you implied nothing else was fixed and that there was ZERO additional functionality. There was not the slightest suggestion that you believed any other features were provided or improved.
You then say: “I like OS X a lot and I think it holds a lot of promise, but at a yearly price of $129-200 a year, it seems exorbitantly expensive.” but now say “The two issues that I described could wipe out all your data and should have never made it on an official release.”
Did you ever stop and think that you don’t have to run out and buy a new Operating System the day it comes out and install it before there are any reporting errors or reviews? That you can even wait to buy it ’til the first 10.x.1 release is out since they usually follow within a couple of weeks? Did you even consider that you could wait even longer and get 10.3.1 in a BOX? Oh, my, freakin, God!!
Oh wait, I forgot… You probably don’t own or use Panther or any release fo OS X at all, do you?
I did call things by their name: your comments have been FUD or completely misinfformed twaddle. Take your pick.
BTW, anyone else experiences the problem that when middle-clicking a link on safari the new page won’t load on new tab/window, but instead it completely blocks all mouse-overs OS-wide? It does not happen always, but it happens 3-4 times out of the 10. I was wondering if I was the only one experiencing that…
Were you experiencing this before 10.3.1, or just after the update? I updated my Mac to 10.3.1 this evening, and so far, haven’t experienced that particular problem.
BTW, your earlier email was correct, Apple did release a point patch fairly quickly.
Mr. Anonymous,
For what is worth, I use OS X at work and like a great deal.
I implied nothing. But your overzealous reading of my comments give away that you cannot live with someone stating what thousands of other enthusiasts have said. Data corruption should not make into a gold master release. So my comments stand. This is a bug-fix, nothing more, nothing less.
By the way, telling people to wait for what is a released product is absurd, particularly when the said product comes preinstalled in new Macs.
If this offends your sensitivities, tough. The issues are well documented.
And stop the personal attacks and the condescending tone. They are uncalled for.
I truley love my mac, but once I installed 10.3.1 I have had file corruption. Actually anything I placed on the desktop became corrupt. I have filevault running (well I did, and I have since disabled it). All my settings for Itunes, Mail, Safari, etc have been lost. Alot of my digi pictures were corrupted (that were on the desktop). I’m pretty pissed.
It’s my own fault for not having a backup, I know. I do regular backups, but I installed panther 2 days ago, and the pictures were from today. Prior to the update they worked fine… after … corrupt.
Sorry for posting this again but no one awnsered my question in the other article.
How long does a cold boot take with a Dual 2GHZ G5 system?
Will IBM sell the 970/G5 as a server anytime soon?
They are planning on releasing Linux Servers based on the 970 in January. The fact that they are planning on using this chip in their own product should reassure everyone that this chip will see GHz increases within the year, IBM wants to sell the best servers, so they will make the best chips.,3959,1197763,00.asp
Thank you – i have been trying to find this information for months now.
I implied nothing. But your overzealous reading of my comments give away that you cannot live with someone stating what thousands of other enthusiasts have said.
I have to agree with Mr. Anonymous; there was no other reasonable interpretation of your message, than that the 10.3.1 release was merely a bug fix, and added no functionality.
True, your second paragraph makes the valid point that the bugs should never have appeared in the first place, but your first paragraph quite clearly implies that 10.3.1 has no added functionality.