Microsoft has released another build to Windows XP SP2 labeled 2082. Many new features are included, most notable are the new security enhancements. Read more here.
Microsoft has released another build to Windows XP SP2 labeled 2082. Many new features are included, most notable are the new security enhancements. Read more here.
“We are particularly interested in any regressions from the beta release (things that worked in the beta release, but fail now).”
It strikes me that this release contains something at the foundation that has significantly changed. What are other’s opinions/thoughts?
Does this beta support simultanious Remote Desktop connections?
There is nothing in theory that would stop you from having multiple RD connections, but since the multi-user connectivity is provided through terminal services, there are probably licensing issues at stake more than anything else.
Given the fact that Longhorn is atleast a year away, I’m not surprised that SP2 will bring some major changes to Windows XP.
DUDE! Dammit. Ms stops you from having multiple connections because of their lame licensing. I’m just wondering if they actually decided to change that decision.
i would be very surprised if they allowed multiple rdp connections. i thought they were pushing 2003 server towards those who needed that.
Why do you need simultaneous rdp connections for your desktop, anyway?
“what did it really intend to show?
Only that the guy at flexbeta, who made the screenshots, also has fedora on his pc.
Nothing more, nothing less…
I just hope that the message at the right bottom doesn’t popup every 5 minutes
I had just finished downloaded Fedora Core 1. Im a huge Red Hat users and Ive never had a chance to try it out untill now that I signed up for cable internet access. Cheers
“Why do you need simultaneous rdp connections for your desktop, anyway?”
We need for the obvious reason of having multiple users working on the machine. whats wrong eh?
having multiple users access the same machine is useful to those running personal networks. Inside my network, is 2 streaming mp3 servers, a small intranet website, dozens of samba shares across each machine, a ftp server, I am going to add a nocat authentication server for wireless AP. I have to use linux for the servers(windows machines are there as clients) Everybody has a username and password. It allows the mp3 players be remote controlled, the samba shares to be secured, Such that if one of the laptops is trojaned outside of my network, they aren’t going to get far, once the laptop comes back in. Now how much does win2k3 or even win2000 server cost compared to linux, knowing that the rest,(training, time to set up) will cost the same
“Why do you need simultaneous rdp connections for your desktop, anyway?”
We need for the obvious reason of having multiple users working on the machine. whats wrong eh?
Why are you having multiple users on one machine, thats no longer desktop use. They don’t have it in there because there is no reason for it. Multiple users as in more then one person who uses the machine at differant times is fine, but WinXP is not ment to be used by more then one person at the same time.
Ok here is an example. At work we have an office full of WinXP workstations. If I want to adjust some settings right away, currently I need to go to each desk, ask the person sitting there to stop what they’re doing, and change it. With mult-user-logon I could just log on as Administrator in the background, do my thing, and nobody gets interrupted, I get my job done much faster.
Why do you need simultaneous rdp connections for your desktop, anyway?
Why are you having multiple users on one machine, thats no longer desktop use. They don’t have it in there because there is no reason for it. Multiple users as in more then one person who uses the machine at differant times is fine, but WinXP is not ment to be used by more then one person at the same time.
longhorn isnt “atleast a year away” its atleast 3 years away, i will actually be suprised if it ships 2007.
i mean its already 3 years before delivery and they are already pushing back the date. i dont recall MS ever releasing a product early (and even on time is pretty iffy)
MS said it would ship between 2005 and 2006… it’s 2004 now.
Also, do you know what ‘at least’ means?
—-If I want to adjust some settings right away, currently I need to go to each desk, ask the person sitting there to stop what they’re doing, and change it.—
Actually, you have been able to do this since win2k, with SMS. You can essentially highjack a client computer and work on it remotely. we never used it at my last job, tho, because we decided that it showed better diplomacy to turn up in person, smile, offer the person a coffee break and sit down at the workstation. In the long run, we looked better for it.
Ok here is an example. At work we have an office full of WinXP workstations. If I want to adjust some settings right away, currently I need to go to each desk, ask the person sitting there to stop what they’re doing, and change it. With mult-user-logon I could just log on as Administrator in the background, do my thing, and nobody gets interrupted, I get my job done much faster.
That’s a genuine use. However, I fear that most people wouldn’t use RDP like this.
You can do multiple RDP sessions in WinXP SP2 it just requires a registry hack to enable it. We use it alot at work since it won’t log the person off of the machine if you want to do some changes/work on it at the same time. Pretty sweet on the test boxes.
Anyways, here’s how you do it:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES->System->CurrentControlSet->Control->T erminal Server->Licensing Core
Click Edit->New->DWORD Value
Enter name “EnableConcurrentSessions”
Change the value of the new key to 1
There ya go
Works like a charm
Oh, btw, if that breaks your machine its not my fault. hehe. Like I said, it works for us but it IS a hack…
1. SMS is the same as asking the user to move over, except you don’t have to physically be at the workstation. It doesn’t enable you to control the PC behind the scenes.
2. spikeymikey has a great scenario for this use. Only problem is that the concurrent sessions doesn’t work when a computer is registered on a domain
3. When the wife is on the computer, and I want to rdp it from work to do something, I don’t have to ask her to wait a second…
4. Windows XP is meant for 1 user to logon.. it’s a workstation, not a server.. sure. but the fact of the matter is that this feature is available in SP2 v.2055. And it works great. So, what’s your point again?
5. Simply adding the EnableConcurrentSessions reg key doesn’t seem to be working on 2082.. that’s not a good thing.