O’Reilly Net features two interesting MacOSX Applescript articles: “Integrating AppleScript and Cocoa” & “Using AppleScript to Compile and Run Java Code“.
O’Reilly Net features two interesting MacOSX Applescript articles: “Integrating AppleScript and Cocoa” & “Using AppleScript to Compile and Run Java Code“.
AppleShit 🙂
Pete, please.
You may not like Apple, but AppleScript IS powerful. In fact, I was reading about it last night in the MacOSX book that I will be reviewing soon!
Assesments like these are just not fair.
AppleShit–AppleShit–AppleShit, fuck ’em.
Real mature Peter. Christ
The whole damn industry is immature. AppleShit is like something from when cars had tubed tires and crank started engines.
please to elaberate on that poor little analogy? while i have limited usage and access to macintosh software, the idea of a ingtegrated VB of sorts is very cool, it allows for another level of coolness.
AppleScript sucks because its from…..Apple, A company that prides itself on producing outdated hardware (1 GHz Puhleez! Give me a 2.4 GHz PIV) and an outdated OS that dosent even have protected memory or preemptive multitasking….just a pretty GUI.
Apple has always been and will always be for morons. If you want a real OS run unix. My friends dad works at a company where they have EitchPucks OS and he says its the best unix. But I know someone who runs linux and its supposed to be good too. As soon as my dad will let me install it on my PIII I am going to.
Apple SUCKS!
The comment threads on OSnews are too often pathetic.
just because it’s cool doesn’t mean it’s that great. we’re at the point where we need scriptnews.com just to keep up with all the different scripting languages. but my point is that AppleShit isn’t that special in that your neighbor lady isn’t going to be using it any time soon. I don’t know when AppleShit first came out, but it’s been around for a long time. take the percentage of apple users then take the percent of them that actually make use of AppleShit for something other than stupid hack tricks.
the people above are flamers, and obviously don’t have a clue of what they are saying with ‘my dad’ comments and such.
“Well my daddy can beat up your daddy so there!”
My daddy cannot use AppleShit, and probably not many daddies can. This is not flame, this is fact. The ‘my dad’ concerns are perfectly valid. AppleShit may be useful and very cool for a small minority but most will never bother.
But who cares, Apple sucks and I’m perfectly free to dis them at any chance I get. I don’t care if AppleShit is the best thing to ever hit the PC OS, after what I’ve seen Apple do I will never support them. EVER.
If I’m making you enflamed, that’s good.
>>I don’t care if AppleShit is the best thing to ever hit the PC OS, after what I’ve seen Apple do I will never support them. EVER.<<
For one AppleShit or AppleScript doesn’t run on the PC, it runs on the Mac, just wanted to fix any confusion this may have caused! Know one says you have to support them (Apple), because the stubborn bastards like me (who will never return to the likes of a Wintel PC ever again) will support Apple, and guess what… there is about 40 million+ of us bastards lining Apple’s pockets on a yearly basis and as long as there isn’t a viable alternative to the greatness of a Mac!
>>If I’m making you enflamed, that’s good.<<
No, I actually laughed more than anything ha ha. You really don’t have any valid points, but then again I praise you for your freedom of speech and can only take your comments with an open mind and add my 2 cents when possible (as I did above).
The bottom line here is that AppleScript is not the best thing since sliced bread, but it is pretty cool and Apple is trying to build something more powerful out of it and I like that AppleScript will have even more flexibility than ever before 🙂