The new version of KDE has a completely new email client, in one of many improvements designed to close the features gap with Windows. The final release of KDE 3.3, an open-source Linux desktop environment, is due in a few days and will give users greatly improved email facilities.
This is not true, KMail evolved – and also Kontact was released before with KDE 3.2 already.
KMail did indeed evolve. However, the release of Kontact that came with KDE 3.2 was a technology preview, as was also stated in all accompanying documentation.
Closing in on windows? KDE 3.2 currently has features windows can only dream. Yeah, I know, windows has more apps, more drivers and may have other advantages but in pure desktop funcionality KDE is miles ahead. You can’t even easily make any window stay on top in MS windows, for god’s sake… let’s not start talking on network transparency, or tabbed file management.
Whats ups with OSnews today. I can view new articles only thru Yahoo rss feed.
A KDE developer says in the article that a bunch of improvements are coming in 3.4, and 3.4 will be out in 12-18 months. I’m confused. I thought that after 3.3 they were going directly to 4.0. What am I missing?
Glad to see that I’m not the only one having refresh problems, I thought it was Firefox acting up.
I only saw changes because of the Slashdot RSS feed.
That’s only one of several inaccuracies in this story. 🙁
Yeah, in 18 months both QT4 and KDE 4 are supposed to be ready. This article is not really worth the time.
Actually we don’t really know for sure whether the next version should be 3.4 or 4.0. With Qt 4.0 still in the works and lots of stuff in KDE PIM on our TODO list there would be enough reasons to create a 3.4 release around christmas.
The final decision will be made during aKademy (
That’s right, but 3.4 wouldn’t take 18 months anyway
Thanx for the explanation, and for all the great work you all are doing. KDE rocks!
Thanks for the explanation. i think you should say this in in an article after akademy what you guys decided on. a lot of people are obviously curious to know
I just apt-got kde 3.3 & it rox on suse 9.0 It feels soo polished nowadays. However, the stupid bug that’s been irritating me for years (KDE 2.0!!!) still exists.
The bug is simply that konqueror goes crazy in multicolumn view when cruising the files by keybaord. I tried voting for the bug, but still no luck.
Here it is:
Can I dream of it getting fixed any time soon! May be coz it’s so old, somehow it looses priority!
Ahmed Kamal
KDE should focus on the desktop interface. Not on the secondary apps that run on the interface. I think time would be better spent in other places.
I have one single wish for KDE 4.0: Please define all kde-related folders! Every distro now has it’s own idea where these folders are. That’s why various RPMs create those folders all over my disk. Just say /opt/kde ! (or anything else for that metter)
And you expect consistent and integrated applications with this?
12-18 months for the next KDE release … I don’t think so. We’ve moved from 3.0 to 3.3 in about than 2 years, an average of one release every 6 months. The 12-18 months probably is referring to KDE + QT4 (I assume KDE4), and as soemone said, probably around december-january another release of KDE3 series will see the light.
BTW, I haven’t found much info about KDE 4 but is not that I’ve tried that hard either (try googling KDE 4
). Does anyone have references about the KDE4 feature plan ? AFAIK it is expected on last quarter of 2005, and Control Center will be redesigned, but that is as much as I know.
BTW, I haven’t found much info about KDE 4 but is not that I’ve tried that hard either (try googling KDE 4
). Does anyone have references about the KDE4 feature plan ? AFAIK it is expected on last quarter of 2005, and Control Center will be redesigned, but that is as much as I know.
yes thats going to be decided only on akademy in a few months time. qt 4 is expected in the second quarter of 2005. kde 4 will probably follow shortly. people are already working on it with tech preview versions of qt 4
I’ll reproduce here some comments from Richard Moore on
“The trouble is that no one is 100% sure what we’re going to do yet! There are a large number of things planned, for example:
– A new multimedia architecture
– An improved notification mechanism
– Better support for MVC in the APIs
– Various API cleanups are already prepared (and marked in the header files)
– Maybe the introduction of a bridge to DBUS
A lot of the changes will depend to some extent on what ends up in Qt 4.0. “
Coming from some loser on an aol account who probably believes that aol is the Internet, your comments are actually a compliment.
For me, KDE (with the Linux kernel and the GNU tools) already greatly exceeds Windows XP, in terms of usefulness, configurability, attractiveness, ease of use, fun, more readily available standard apps, speed, efficiency, stability, and development tools.
The only things Windows XP does better is have a monopoly on the desktop market, making it so that most software vendors write their code for it, and most hardware vendors write their drivers for it.
But the amount of hardware support in the Linux kernel has improved immensly and continues to improve rapidly. Also, the amount of apps written for KDE, as well as all the other apps that can run with KDE, is amazing. And most of it is free and/or readily accessible.
For sure, I can’t really think of anything offhand that I prefer in Windows XP..
Some of the great advantages of KDE over Windows XP (yes, not KDE specific)
– Multiple desktops with a pager and mousewheel over desktop changes virtual desktops (that last bit is very important)
– Proper focus follows mouse. Yes, you can enable this in Windows with TweakUI but it really really sucks in comparison. It only focuses windows, not components in that window which is crucial.
– Moving windows around by holding a key and dragging anywhere on the window. This is so useful. Instead of having to find the titlebar you just hold the windows key (or anything else you define) and drag anywhere on the window. Much much faster to organize windows.
– Konqueror. Explorer is so clumsy in comparison. Why can’t I type in “c:myfolder*.cpp” and filter the files in that directory? That’s a very useful konqueror feature.
There are always some things where Windows is ahead of Linux/KDE so we tend to forget that there are just as many areas where KDE has surpassed Windows.
Sure it takes me longer to set up my new webcam in Linux than in Windows, but how often do I really buy new hardware? Perhaps once a year, whereas I use my computer every day so the little time saving advancements that KDE is good at make a big difference.
Looks like someone else has noticed that the “report abuse” links aren’t working…
I tried the kde-3.3 (rc2, beta2) packages on slackware 10.0 and i think there is a bug:
If you select an icon in konqueror file browser with the mouse (by draging a box around it) and then press “F2” to rename it a other icon will be renamed (in most cases).
I didn’t delete my ~/.kde directory before installing the new version, so i don’t know if this a bug or it’s only on my computer
Can anyone test it?
Thank you…
bug in 3.3-rc2 and 3.3-beta2
of course it might be a bug. file a report just in case