Monthly Archive:: September 2007

Three Men, a Cow, and the Beating of the Dead Horse

The Amiga world is an interesting one to follow. As an outsider, it is almost impossible to fully understand all the processes at work over there. The various companies, the individuals, the developers, The Three Men And A Cow who own an AmigaOne - they are not making it any easier. The past few weeks have seen quite a few news items regarding the Amiga platform. Did they help in creating a clearer picture of where the Amiga stands?

Fedora 8 and the Online Desktop

"The world is changing and online applications are becoming more and more popular, whether for e-mail or word processing. The developers behind Bigboard and Gnome's 'online desktop' initiative think it's time our desktops started catching up. Read on to find an interview with Colin Walters, more information about Bigboard, the online desktop and the obligatory screencast showing it off!"

Code Analysis of Linux Wireless Team’s ath5k Driver

SFLC has released a code analysis of the infamous ath5k driver in Linux. SFLC has also - in the aftermath of the OpenBSD-Team vs. Linux-Team 'License Flame War' - released a paper on what 'copyrightable' means, as well as one on proper usage of non-GPL'ed code in GPL'ed projects. All as part of guidance for developers wishing to use permissive licensed code in GPL'ed projects. Groklaw naturally also has a take on this.

LLVM Compiler 2.1 Released

The LLVM Project recently released a new version of their compiler, optimizer and code generators. LLVM includes a drop-in GCC-compatible C/C++ and ObjC compiler, mature optimization technology (including cross file/whole program optimization), and a highly optimizing code generator. For people who enjoy hacking on compilers and runtimes, LLVM provides libraries for implementing custom optimizers and code generators including JIT compiler support. This release is the first to provide beta GCC 4.2 compatibility as well as the new "clang" C/ObjC front-end, which provides capabilities to build source-to-source translators and many other tools.

‘Viridian’ Is Huge Draw for Windows Server 2008

"Microsoft's Windows Server 2008 RC0 hit the Web earlier this week on the road to its scheduled February 2008 release, toting a new Internet Information Services role for the product's lean and mean Server Core incarnation and a laundry list of small fit-and-finish tweaks. However, the most significant component of the RC0 code drop is one that won't go gold until three or so months after Server 2008 hits general availability: Microsoft's brand-new virtualization services feature, also known as 'Viridian'."

AmiKit 1.4.0 Released

AmiKit 1.4.0 has been released. AmiKit is a free compilation of more than 300 Amiga programs. It runs under emulation on your Windows system (Linux install guide included). The new version has been graphically improved, is faster and supports dual core CPUs and Vista. For AmiKit to work, you do need Amiga ROMs and the AmigaOS, which can be obtained via AmigaForever, for instance.

First Version of Symobi Released

Miray Software has released the first version of its newly developed embedded RTOS, Symobi. "Symobi was introduced in professional circles for the first time on the Systems 2006 exposition. Symobi is a graphical RTOS with a newly designed architecture, according to state-of-the-art technology. It is based on the microkernel system µnOS, which was also developed by Miray Software. Therefore, Symobi has its main characteristics - real-time, stability, portability, and modularity - and expands it with new services. The research team of Prof. Dr. Uwe Baumgarten of the Technical University Munich is also involved in the development." There are screenshots, as well as a live CD (for x86 and the Pegasos II/ODW).

LC2000 Series Ubuntu Linux Laptops

LinuxCertified today announced its next generation laptops optimized for engineering and scientific community. Powered with Ubuntu 7.04, these laptops focus on high performance and scalability. The laptops come pre-configured with many of the common tools used by technical users. The two new laptop models are: LC2464DC, a 64 bit (based on dual-core Turion 64X2) laptop, and LC2520DC, sporting a 17" screen with accelerated 3D Graphics based on nVidia GeForce Go 7700.

Quantum Chip Rides on Superconducting Bus

For the first time the components that underlie quantum computing's great potential - qubits - have been linked on chips like those in conventional computers. Two US research teams used superconducting circuits to make two of the quantum components linked by a quantum information cable or bus. The bits that work together on calculations in a normal computer can exist in two states - either 0 or 1. But qubits can inhabit both at once, allowing them to process many calculations simultaneously when they get together.

David Lanham: Inside the Mind of an Artist

"David Lanham is one of the most popular Mac designers today, best known for his icons and illustrations on his website, his two themes Amora and Somatic, and the designs for sites My Dream App and MacThemes 2.0 (along with Renato Valdes Olmos). He currently works at the Iconfactory, creating freeware icons as well as commercial designs for clients like Canonical, Microsoft (Vista, XP, XBox 360), MacPractice, and Sybase. Austin Heller and Sam Gwilym of MacThemes sat down with David to get a closer look at his life as a designer, his thoughts on desktops, and his opinions on Aqua and other themes." My take: David Lanham is one of my favourite artists - ever. His work is amazing, and almost instantly recognisable. It is definitely recommended to take a peek at his portfolio.

JNode 0.2.5 Released

"After nearly a year of hard work the JNode team is proud to announce the release of JNode 0.2.5, the new intermediary development version of the JNode operating system. JNode is a free, open source Java technology base OS written fully in Java language (with a very small assembler nano-kernel). This release features OpenJDK integration, Java 6 support, substantially impoved consoles, experimental support for isolates and a large set of bug fixes and improvements to all parts of the system, including better memory mamagement and increased performance."

HP, Apple Working on Automated Printer Driver Delivery in Leopard

In a move that's sure to be welcomed by customers of both parties, HP is reported to be working with Apple to allow users of Mac OS X Leopard to instantly receive the the latest versions of HP's printer drivers over Leopard's built-in Software Update mechanism. In seeding Leopard build 9A559 to its developer community last week, Apple listed only two known issues with the software, one of which instructed testers with HP printers connected to their system to perform a custom install of the next-gen operating system and de-select the HP printer drivers in the installer. "The HP printer drivers will be delivered post-install via Software Update", the company told testers.

Community Interview: Novell

"Two months ago, the Brazilian Linux community gathered around BR-Linux invited Novell to answer 10 questions sent and selected by the users, about the company's stance on Linux, open source, licenses, document formats and other subjects." "Novell has been very consistent on this issue and we have publicly stated that we do not believe that Linux infringes on any Microsoft patents. That being said, our agreement with Microsoft takes the patent issue off the table for customers. We have simply made the patent issue a non-event as part of a customer buying decision."