MenuetOS 64’s first release is available for download, to AMD64 and Intel EMT64 users. It was released on the 23rd of June, but appears to have only been known to viewers of the MenuetOS Forum.
MenuetOS 64 is free to use provided you agree to the license.
It must run wicked fast. O_O
Too bad I still have a P4 Willamette class CPU.
excellent work guys.
Interesting, It sounds like 64 bit asm is not that hard
Why are they releasing something unstable? (that’s what their website says, for June 22nd)
No thanks. Novell SuSE Linux all the way for me, from now on til my own OS is complete.
If you mean it must run fast because it’s 64 bit you couldn’t be further from the truth.
if you meant because it’s coded in ASM forgive my comment
Not to nitpick but this phrase:
“MenuetOS 64 is free to use provided you agree to the license.”
Couldn’t you make that statement with just about every piece of free software?
Cool OS, but what is a good use for it? Embedded systems? can i run a webserver?
“Cool OS, but what is a good use for it? Embedded systems? can i run a webserver?”
I think it’s a hobby OS.
I think it’s a hobby OS.
I am aware that its a hobby OS.Perhaps i am looking for the simple answer….Why? other then the same reason often given for climbing a mountain.
I think we looked at this a few months ago and decided this was more of an academic / demo project, less even than a hobbyist OS. But interesting and innovative none the less. it looked like a little command line DOS-like OS. But 64-bit native.
i included this because it is an exemption of warranty license, escentially
if MeOS 64 kills / screws your system you can not hold Ville responsible
Sorry, wrong OS. The one I was thinking about was Japanese. This one appears to be Finnish and with much more app support.
“Because you can”.. Only answer you people need..
It’s just a hobby OS.
> Why are they releasing something unstable? (that’s what
> their website says, for June 22nd)
> No thanks. Novell SuSE Linux all the way for me, from now on
> til my own OS is complete.
> –EyeAm
It’s a _hobby_ OS. It’s not intended to be a competitor to Linux, Windows, or BSD.
Good luck with your own OS…
– j
It must run wicked fast. O_O
Not necessarily. OS speed is mostly a function of data structures, and very little a function of low-level optimization. What makes an OS fast is good algorithms and data structures. Are MenuetOS’s data structures good? Perhaps, but I’d warn you that its takes longer to write good data structures and complex algorithms in ASM, so its likely that the authors traded-off much more on the “simplicity” side of the performance/simplicity balance.
it is a hobby os but man….it is amazing if you know how hard is assembly language.
i included this because it is an exemption of warranty license, escentially
if MeOS 64 kills / screws your system you can not hold Ville responsible
The GPL has a similar “No warranty” clause, along with practically every other open-source license I know of. There is nothing unique to MenuetOS’s license.
Not just open-source licenses, but commercial licenses too.
Every where Ville and others have talked about MeOS 64, there has been special mention of the need to read the license, this is one of the reasons it was mentioned.
In the 32bit releases of MenuetOS the warranty and parts of the license are shown during boot up, i guess this may not be the case with MeOS 64
The majority of screen shots shows it’s playing games. Is that a normal focus for developping a hobby OS, get some nice games working?
It is EM64T not EMT64 and it means (Intel) Extended Memory 64 Technology.
You’d think that an OS written in Assembly, and running on 64-bit desktop systems (which only go from 2800 MHz and up I think), would be ultra-fast. Then why does Doom in that screenshot run with a decreased screensize?
It’s slightly dissapointing until you realize it all boots up from only 1 floppy.
MenuetOS is a complete OS and applications written entirely in assembly. Its as fast, small and efficient as can be. Heres the features listed on their website:
– Pre-emptive multitasking, multithreading, ring-3 protection
– Responsive GUI with resolutions up to 1280×1024, 16 million colours
– IDE: Editor/Macro Assembler for building kernel and applications
– TCP/IP stack with Loopback, PPP & Ethernet drivers
– Network applications include ftp/http/mp3/smtp servers,
– irc, http, nntp and tftp clients
– Free-form, skinnable application windows
– Hard real-time data fetch
– Fits uncompressed on a single floppy
MenuetOS 64 appears to be the beggining of a 64bit port, though still far less mature then the original.
“Then why does Doom in that screenshot run with a decreased screensize?”
Because it can’t use 3D acceleration from graphic cards..
— “Because it can’t use 3D acceleration from graphic cards..”
WTF? 3D acceleration???
Dude… its DOOM.
3D acceleration? It’s Doom 1, for god’s sake.
Downloaded and ran the 32 bit version on my Dell server. Very impressive little OS. Wish it had more use it would make an awesome webserver or mail server. It did have a few problems it eventually crapped out on my machine.
“It must run wicked fast. O_O ”
Only on a Mac IIfx 🙂
Those guys are nuts. What kind of portability can a ASM-based OS have? Damn, this is nothing more than a hobby. It can’t be anything else, it simply doesn’t make any sense. Not even taking in account the development time, etc…
The point is this: the people who use assembly language to write 32 applications on windows constantly have to defend how writing an application in assembly and in C/pick your language is just as easy and the same amount of development time. The essence is that you can structure your code just like C since all major assemblers are macro aware. So as a proof of concept, he goes off and writes an entire OS in assembler. Because it’s not that big of a deal to do it. There’s apparently some voodoo aura around modern assembly which it no doubt inherited from the old 16 bit days. It’s not supposed to be useful, but suppose you were writing an OS and needed to get a handle on memory protection, vm mechanisms, etc from a practical hands-on perspective.