At a company-sponsored conference in Japan, Microsoft announced that it has finished development of Windows Automotive 5.0. The update is based on the latest version of Windows CE, the CE 5.0 release that came out in May.
At a company-sponsored conference in Japan, Microsoft announced that it has finished development of Windows Automotive 5.0. The update is based on the latest version of Windows CE, the CE 5.0 release that came out in May.
Are they skipping to 5.0 so they won’t ever have to worry about a version 4.0, since everything from Microsoft at 4.0 has been know to crash?
I don’t know if it played a major part in Windows Mobile, but in Asia, the number 4 is bad luck (since when you say it, it sounds like the word “death”). So I wouldn’t imagine that they’d announce a 4.0 release of automobile software in Japan.
Not too sure what it’s for but as long as it concentrates on GPS and onboard music, it should be fine.
This takes “Computer Crash” to a whole new level. LOL
My question is, will my auto-insurance go up because I have Windows installed in my car? ^_^
I’d say that’s a surchargable feature!
Uhm no offence but do you even know what you’re talking about?
Windows Mobile 2003 is WinCE 4.21
and everything From MS thats version 4.0 crashes? so… WinNT 4.0 in the time i used it hardly ever crashed, and my WinCE 4.21 based Mobile phone has never crashed and it hasnt been turned off since getting it 7months ago.
I thought a lot of the automotive companies got their parts from other vendors. I’m surpried Microsoft didn’t go to Kenwood, Bose, OnStar, and a few others for the in-dash navigation and radio displays.
It’s one thing to have windows crash, it’s a whole different game when windows crashes YOU.
Worm infecting Windows Automotive 5.0 and spreading via bluetooth. Zombie cars driving off on their own and crashing… details at 7pm!!
I can see the arguments now…
* Now talking on #WindowsAuto
n00b13> WindowsAuto ruLz0rZ!!!111oneone
daemon> uhh no, AutoBSD is more stable.
metroboy69> MacAutoX has a nicer gui…
tuxboy> LinAuto is less prone to virus’
Uggh!! Here we go again…
– j
Before I buy any new cars I’ll be checking very carefully to see if they include MS software. If they do I will be letting the dealerships and the car manufactures know why I am not buying the car.
i never buy a car with ms system, sorry i don’t want to die for a ms system
Client access licensing for the situation when someone borrows the car? Do you pay for your Windows Mobile per user or per seat? And if you pay per seat, how about busses?
Long time reader…first time poster here.
Picture this, your all ready to head over to your friends house for the big game you go to start your car won’t even turn over, you check the battery, and all the regular culprits, the only thing you find is this strange blue LED on you dash console that you have never seen before. You quickly rumage for you users manual as the time to kick off approaches. You find the entry for the litle blue LED, it indicates the your Windows based car has blue screened and you need to call Geek Squad to fix the issue WITH YOUR CAR.
Say it isn’t SO :.(
“Geek Squad”?
Do you mean the guys on the best buy commercial in the Agent suits?
If so, they aren’t real “geeks”. Geeks don’t where suits.
This is a sector that Linux would had had it locked. I was one with a project for a car PC. I would like some body to come with small Linux Distro only for this purposes.
They should also turn the weel because there’s a massibe wall in front of the car.
Is Windows Automotive compatible with all roads ?
Imagine how many stupids will play solitaire now instead of paying attention to the road.
Say welcome to the new feature :
Blue Windshield of Death
just joking
I can’t believe after all this time you crazy /. and OS News people don’t understand it yet. Man are seriously messed up in the head? Windows Automative does not control anything in the car, it’s only for informative display and media functions in the car!!!
“Windows Automative does not control anything in the car, it’s only for informative display and media functions in the car!!!”
But, it will no doubt be connected to the vehicle network, and therefore has the potential of flooding the vehicle bus and/or corrupting critical vehicle safety functions.
I guess we get to meet Death, and it will have a familiar BLUE SCREEN
Do I have to pay a license fee for every seat in the car?
Ooops, sorry for not being very thorough when reading the thread. I should have known the license fee per seat joke would appear within 30 seconds of the story coming online!
…”if Microsoft made cars” reference.
you have to run defrag, anti virus, firewalls and spyware removers on you future car?
Can’t wait.
Get some new jokes, people…
You are driving on the busy interstate and suddenly there’s a flashing message in your dashboard…!
“Your Windows CE license has expired. Please contact the nearest Microsoft technical support center to renew your license. Your car is going to stop in 5..4..3..2…1…seconds!”
Boom… Bang…Crash!
Windows Automotive has arrived.
Motto: Circa 2005, always renew your car software license even before renewing your drivers license.
License violations can be fatal.
Now everything you do in your car, what you say, sing, or shout, and where you drive, will be sold by Microsoft to interested agencies. This will include how you drive and this will be sold to insurance agencies.
With invasive monitoring coming on all forms of mass transit, the infestation of the car by Micro$oft is the final piece of the dark design.
Just wondering if they auto manufacturers are going to have to do the tech support or is MS going to provide it?
I could just imagine the call… “Sir, We need you to perform the following updates on your car. Do you have an internet connection?”
None of these retarted comments are the least bit funny, because they are totally unrelated to what this OS actually is. And it also is yet another poor display of how no-one really knows why they hate microsoft, except because its the popular thing to do. Everyone says, “because their products are inferior”, or “they are a monopoly”, you know all those way over used lame reasons to conform to the crowd so you can avoid actaully thinking yourself. Your all in denial, linux blows, plain and simple. Its not ready for the desktop now, hasnt been, never will be, because of the constant down right STUPID design choices that seem to be made for the sole purpose of making things more complicated so that a bunch of deush bags can play computer genius for friends, neighbors, and relitives, without actually knowing anything. Trust me, id be much more worried about linux controling cars than I would be if windows did. If there were a linux car: to turn left, one would have to pull a keyboard out of the dash and type “cturn –direction=left –distance=12.3 degrees”. To stop the car one would have to edit /etc/movement.conf, and change the 5th line from “speed=55” to “speed=0”. To stop fast there is a special utility that can only be used by root. So: su, estop –reason=playing child –enable-front-brakes –enable-back-brakes.
Yours is the best joke til now.
Seriously now, have you ever tried Ubuntu or PCLinuxOS? They’re quite user-friendly, and do replace a MS Windows destop for common tasks, like simple to medium complexity spreadsheet and text documents. Actually, only thing I can’t do myself directly is to play games.
But for that I have Windows…
Don’t forget that MS has years of advantage (and loads of $$ muscle) in developing a desktop OS, and includes what it thinks is needed for the desktop function, and you are using it as reference! And peripheral manufacturers do include easy-to-install drivers for their equipment, so everything seems easy. Try looking undercover and you’ll see is not that different, and can even be more complicated that you think it is.
I do agree that the Linux distro scene is a bit fractured, and IMHO that is a negative aspect. It was something like that that ‘killed’ the Un*x market 15 years ago, when they should have been competitive.
But is also MHO that MS Windows, with some exception to Windows 2000 and XP, did and still does deserve some of it’s reputation. And even these two greatly improved versions do have their low points also, and can be unstable, specially with some low quality software installed, and there’s quite a bit around. And not talking about the ever abundant security problems. Granted, if Linux distros where widely used, there would be lots more quirky software being available and used, and lots more security problems known, but the security model is simpler and problems easier to control than in Windows, due to a simpler access permission model.
So, don’t bash (pun intended) Linux distros cause you have access to an desktop OS that is way more polished and neatly integrated than Linux desktops are (yet). Linux distros have been evolving at huge speeds, compared to as Windows did, and I do think they can be highly competitive in environments like office services. As for home users with no knowledge, well, that is another story. There I can agree with you that Linux distros aren’t yet quite ready. But they’re getting there.
otherwise the car wouldn’t work work kernel panic when i install new seat covers
At least the writer was kind enough to mention some of the models using Win A CE, at least now I know what NOT to look for
is did they have the car in forward or reverse at the time.
What a ton of lame/off topic comments.
Telematics cannot in any way control the car or do anything that could cause an effect to the safety systems of the car. This is by federal law. So all these lame comments about crashes are just pointless and make you look like fools.
Furthermore in cars that have used windows such as the BMW 5 or 7 series, can’t remember which it was, maybe both. They suffered problems. People wanted to blame to iDrive, but it had nothing to do with it, just problems in the car regardless that were BMWs fault. There quality as been poor for a long time.
Also, OnStar is not a 3rd party company, it’s a GM product, thus why “GM is the only one to offer Onstar on so many models” though they are beginning to license it to other car makers.
Heh – you say “So all these lame comments about crashes are just pointless and make you look like fools.”
And then go on to: “…that were BMWs fault. There quality as been poor for a long time.”
I’d say BWM is to you what Windows is to generic_geek then. To much feelings and to few cold facts.
Microsoft Software in a car….
What guarantees do I have that it won’t crash like its cousins (in my pocket, on my desk, or on the hosting platform) while I drive at 110 km/h ???
If anything, I do not want Microsoft Software in anything life-threatening or life-critical!
And you’ll update your car not because it is broken or unsuitable, but only to satisfy newere bloater version of Windows. Coz support for previous version is expired, and new one don’t run on older cars well.
On topic from now on.
I don’t know about Windows Pocket 2003, I only have 3.0 (is it 2000 or 2001 edition?). All I know is that it still crashes.
Now on the bright side. The advantage of such a system in cars, is a standardised (?? MS?) system and interface for in-car systems, leading to better GPS navigation, information when touring, etc.
Now on the dark side. I do hope they don’t use it for critical driving systems, or any related systems. I really don’t think a Windows OS is up to it. Unfortunately, MS has always been to leaned on the marketing side of things, instead of really producing extremely stable and debugged software. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should produce what people need or want, I’m only saying it should be done right!
Personally, I think cars are getting loaded with too much electronics for my taste.
Lesson 1: Change oil
Lesson 2: Change breaks
Lesson 3: Upgrade anti-virus
Lesson 4: Change oil pump
Linux is best for cars !! See
Now you can crash without even leaving your driveway:)