“Quartz is the heart and soul of Mac OS X’s graphics layer, which directly supports the defining features of the Aqua desktop experience. Quartz is largely based upon Adobe’s PDF specification, but it has roots tracing all the way back to PostScript. The two defining components of Quartz are Quartz Compositor and Quartz 2D. Tiger introduced Quartz 2D Extreme and Quartz Composer, an alternative way to explore the power of Quartz through a powerful visual programming environment.”
and I thought Quartz was a job scheduling system.
>and I thought Quartz was a job scheduling system.
you’re getting confused with Quartz _watches_.
He says that if you switch to white on black, you can save battery life on a portable. This is incorrect, unfortunately. To produce black, LCDs just prevent light from the backlight from coming through.
Yea… No kidding. But if you turn down the brightness you can save battery life
. I bet if you shut off all the animations you could save a tiny bit of battery life. If you don’t open big programs you can save battery life…
Quartz is a freaking sand!
/me is happy there is no topics like “What is Windows”. First, ‘are’ not ‘is’, second, that’s devices to look through walls of arbitrary thickness.
And, of course, quartz is used to make glass and windows are typically made of glass.
be turned on by default? It was touted as a major improvement in Tiger and then was left turned OFF.
Any ideas?
I really can’t wait for it to be turned on by default. I hit some major performance problems with Quartz while working on a screensaver in my spare time. 20 animated BezierPaths sent my CPU crying. I’ve tried turning on Quartz2D Extreme via the Quartz Debugger, but apparently my GPU doesn’t support it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Quartz… but it just didn’t do the trick for what I wanted to do, which sucks cause it was rather nice looking. I wasn’t able to make the OpenGL version of my screensaver as nice, so I abandoned it.
I’ve heard it’s on on most new systems, other than iBooks and the small powerbooks… Well, prolly mini’s too.
It was not turned off. If it had been CoreImage or CoreVideo would not work, and they do.
What was turned off by default, but John Siracusa of Ars Technica found anyway, was using Quartz 2d Extreme apple had implemented resolution independent display.
Using the Quartz Debug application bundled with Tiger’s free developer tools this can be turned on. However Apple didn’t as it would require that all of the user interface elements be redrawn using vectors rather than their current bitmaps. Considering the current level of user interface widget experimentation from Apple it is a fair guess that the redrawing will happen next major revision once they have decided what they will look like.
Quartz is based on the PDF drawing model, but it has nothing to do with PDF as a format (except that you can use Quartz commands to build a PDF document, but this never gets passed to WindowServer, it just lets you make a PDF file)