MandrakeSoft announced today Mandrake Linux 8.1 as the newest alternative to Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The new version features Kernel 2.4.8, KDE 2.2.1, Nautilus 1.04 and other latest versions of well known Linux packages as well as choices of installing ReiserFS, XFS and even JFS in place of the EXT2 file system.
Did you make it there and back?
We are still in France. Our passports are currently in the US embassy in Paris, as we need to validate our new visa before entering again USA. I still have limited Internet access, I am using my father’s in law PC. I expect to be fully back on track end of October unfortunately… If all goes well with the visa timing and our reserved tickets, we will be back in USA next week, but I will not have my PC handy, as all our things is in a public storage place, until the end of October which is the time we will be getting our new apartment.
The wedding was excellent, my parents were very happy, and I ate so much that night that the wedding dress was barely fitting me. ;D
ps. Jbq dances horribly…
And.. hey you use the same provider as I
Glad to know ur weeding was fine.
best regards,
herve (from paris)
Hi Eugenia.
Nice to see that you could have your wedding, at last.
Welcome France!
If you’re still in Paris by saturday 29th september,
would you like to show up at Profuzion BUG Geek Day #3 event?
It would be so great to see you there!
It take place at 14th, Tombe-Issoire street, in 14th Paris area.
Nearest subway station is “Saint Jacques”, line 6.
Here are all the details: (in french only, sorry).
Oh, well… please accept my apologizes on all french males behalf for our *horrible* dancing skill. 😉
Congratulations! I think I remember you saying something about having to be married in France as well (this was the second ceremony, right ? or am I just hallucinating ?)
ps. Jbq dances horribly… LOL! Don’t worry, all the best men do (or at least that’s what I keep telling myself
MandrakeSoft announced today Mandrake Linux 8.1 as the newest alternative to Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
Wow, looks like people here are soooooo excited.
>Wow, looks like people here are soooooo excited.
Not really. This sentence was just an excert of Mandrake’s press release. No time to think for myself on the 15 minutes of internet connection I get every day.
>If you’re still in Paris by saturday 29th september, would you like to show up at Profuzion BUG Geek Day #3 event?
We would love to come, but we have been twice in Paris this week for dropping my parents to the airport and coming back for the Visas too (which btw, they got through so we are flying back to USA on Wednesday)… Time for a quiet weekend here, after all this stressing with the wedding and the visas.
>(this was the second ceremony, right ? or am I just hallucinating ?)
Yes, this is the second ceremony, this time in a church, not in the town hall. This time my parents were there and we had about 120 people invited (as opposed to 6 people in the first time) and we had a nice party time in the old French Castle my father-in-law had rented for the wedding night. BTW, David, thank you for the e-card.
Eugenia and Jbq-
Congrats on the wedding! I’m glad you were able to get there
Have a nice stay in France!
I’ll try it. I’ve never tryed a mandrake release so, I’ll give it a shot. Any hints or things I should know about?
Yes, congrats on the Wedding!
The installation is much better, but 3 CD? (one is needed for the installation)
You´ll need the third one if you wan´t to install RPM packages (Maybe Iam wrong). I have used BeOS for over a year now, I know that Windows is slow, but Linux is even slower. Try copy a file when you playing a mp3 song…
or even listining on a CD.
The partion manager that come along with the installation CD, didn´t work, after an hour with Partion Magic it worked.
KDE Konquer is really fast (Browsing). Much better than Opera and IExplorer.
I don´t know why people complain over/about BeOS, its the best MediaOS.
And will be for a long time….