Bringing safety check to the chrome://extensions page

Starting in Chrome 117, Chrome will proactively highlight to users when an extension they have installed is no longer in the Chrome Web Store. This is limited to three specific cases:

  • The extension has been unpublished by the developer.
  • The extension has been taken down for violating Chrome Web Store policy.
  • The item was marked as malware.

We have designed this change to keep the ecosystem safe for users while limiting the chances that this will impact genuine extensions. If an issue is resolved, the notification is automatically cleared. The notification will not be displayed for an extension when the developer has been notified of a possible violation and has been given time to address the issue or appeal.

Won’t belong now until “violating Chrome Web Store policy” will be applied to ad blockers.


  1. 2023-08-17 7:45 am
  2. 2023-08-22 7:40 am
    • 2023-08-22 11:08 am