From DistroWatch: “The first beta of the brand new Mandrake 9.0 release has hit the mirrors. Get the three CD images here: MandrakeLinux-9.0beta1-CD1.i586.iso (700MB), MandrakeLinux-9.0beta1-CD2.i586.iso (700MB) and MandrakeLinux-9.0beta1-CD3.i586.iso (498MB) (if these URLs don’t work, try here). The version increase from 8 to 9 has been justified by a jump to KDE 3.x, Gnome 2 and GCC 3.” Update: It seems that Mandrake Software does well these days. Thanks goes to Michael Matthews for the pointer.
I just put 8.2 on my computer two days ago…
well, time to burn some more ISO’s
I got to say that I use Mandrake Cooker for a month now and I observed that KDE 3 is faster on Mandrake than on my Gentoo on the same machine!! I believe that it is because of the use of GCC 3.1 everywhere.
“The first beta of the brand new Mandrake 9.0 release has hit the mirrors”
the link on the word Mandrake has the wrong domain.. ( feel free to delete this once seen! )
It’s a shame my cd-r only supports 650mb cd’s is there anyway do fit it on these disks.
I realise i could most probably to an ftp/hd install on something, a cd is just handier.
As I said some time ago, a responsible distro would have waited for GCC3 to release better software and a new version of the OS. This kind of versions one after the other is not good for the users of a particular distro, RedHat is doing the same and others will too and I think this would not happen on BSD’s.
chicobaud: “The version increase from 8 to 9 has been justified by a jump to KDE 3, Gnome 2 and GCC 3.”
chicobaud: “The version increase from 8 to 9 has been justified by a jump to KDE 3, Gnome 2 and GCC 3.”
Hey… Why bother to read the article nowadays? It’s easier to post uninformed observations, and find out what he article really said as people correct you.
Or so seems the trend…
> a responsible distro would have waited for GCC3 to release
> better software and a new version of the OS
Why waiting for a new kernel version? Regading GCC 3 is already a better C++ compiler than gcc 2.9x. If you don’t want to upgrade, just don’t do it. I need the better ISO C++ suport of gcc 3 and happily run Cooker.
Another point: You speak of responsibility. Just read the Cooker mailing list. I think Mandrake is VERY responsible for their users. Many users request the newest versions of KDE, Gnome, GCC, etc. Mandrake is known for having very recent versions of everything. If someone wants more consavative software (i.e. older but better tested software versions) he can find this in other distributions, like Debian (or maybe BSD). But to say: “Mandrake is unresponsible, they don’t should update” is nonsense IMHO.
> I think this would not happen on BSD’s
A lot of things whould not happen to BSD. So your point is that BSD is the better OS? Great arguments. I don’t believe in a best <disto,OS,compiler, etc.>. To define what is best you first have to define a metric in which you take measure. Different metrics, different best things. Or in other words: There is no best everything, but maybe a best in this or that context. If BSD is better suited for you, thats okay, just use the best tool for a given job. I want (and partially need) the new features of the newer gcc and binutils in Cooker, so BSD is no option for me.
chicobaud: “The version increase from 8 to 9 has been justified by a jump to KDE 3, Gnome 2 and GCC 3.”
I read that.
I think I’m going away for long.
I said that releasing a Mandrake full of bugs 3/4 months ago and having now a beta on ftp server cooking is bad for the customers who buy official CD’s, didn’t I ?
Mandrake have people working on KDE team and they version 3 was about to come out but they wanted to release before RedHat. There was also a beta version of GCC and Gnome almost to come out. So why didn’t they waited for the end of August ? They needed cash ? Or just to enfuriate the customers a few months back ?
I did read the articles (but not completely many times 🙂
Goodbye all.
Is there any more info on what is included in this version? Is OpenSSH up to 3.4p1? Is KDE up to 3.0.2 or just 3.0? I wonder if they will wait for KOffice 1.2 to reach release. I would love it if they could wait for KDE 3.1 to reach release too (October). It looks like it has some nice new features (
But at the rate Mandrake is going, 9.1 will be out by December.
Oh well, I guess if they waited for every new goody to come out, we would never have a release.
Sorry, but excitement has gotten the better of me.
Redhat’s beta was released before Mandrake’s. So your point is what exactly?
…have a way to go till they reach the level of Be Dope Linux Version 27.1 , As you can see Be Dope is way more adavanced than any other distro.
This Beta comes with KOffice 1.2beta2 and KDE 3.0.2
Here is the DW page for Mandrake.
That site is ausome.
With the inclusion of Gnome 2, will we see only GTK 2.0 apps? What’s the deal with this?
> With the inclusion of Gnome 2, will we see only GTK 2.0 apps?
no, there is backwards compatibility.
> there is backwards compatibility.
Not exactly. It’s just that both the GTK+ 1.2 and GTK+ 2.x libraries are included in the distribution, so no matter if your applications are older or newer, they will run just fine. So while GTK+ 2.x is not compatible with the GTK+ 1.x code or binaries, it does not make a difference for the user.
I’m installing it on my laptop right now. Hopefully it will fare better than RedHat which wouldn’t boot
are those links working for other people? are they just overloaded or what? I went to the Mandrake mirrors list but none of the mirrors seem to have these images.
Mandrake releases a FREE BETA VERSION of their 9.0 distro, which will not be released until SEPTEMBER. The FREE BETA VERSION is only intended for those tech-y people who actually like to test BETA VERSIONS of software and are prepared to deal with any consequences that might arise. Like Eugenia and others who frequent this site.
How exactly is this irresponsible and infuriating to Mandrake 8.2 users? Can someone please explain this to me? Why are we supposed to be hating Mandrake for giving us free software to play with?
Personally, I hated 8.2 and thought that it was a very poor excuse for a release. That doesn’t mean that I automatically hate 9.0 and wish the company to disappear from the face of the earth. I would like to see 9.0 become a very nice, fast, easy-to-use distro.
I just woke up, went to and said “allright!, a YellowTab interview”. Damn, it was YellowDOG, not TAB (asleep).
Now I read of this release, wonderful drake with GCC 3.1 and GNOME2. What should I install now? Drake or SuperDano? ‘Gonna give SD a ride.
You Have Found The Prisoners’ Dilemma
im thinking i might get an error message with these since i use 700MB disks.
do they make 800MBs or do i need to stop sniffing glue?
yes and yes =D
geez, i gotta get out more often…
That Mandrake placed in some alpha software when there is a stable release? That for example Links and lynx. or KOffice 1.2. 🙂
> That Mandrake placed in some alpha software when there is a stable release?
Even Microsoft is doing this, although they sometimes don’t call their alpha software ‘alpha software’ 😉
But there are cases where an alpha releases can be better than some old’n’buggy stable release. I can’t comment on Links and Lynx but for example take a look into their GCC: it’s based on some cvs snapshot with a lot of additional patches which are in CVS but not yes relaesed, also additional patches from Redhat, SuSE, and many others. If you browse the long list of bugs which this gcc fixes you realize that it is much better than the gcc 3.1 which was released from the GCC people. I never had problems compiling KDE with a Cooker GCC, can’t say this for the released gcc 3.x.y.
Regarding Links, I see that many other distros also have Links versions with a ‘pre’ in their distro. So I guess there must be a good reason to include an newer alpha version instead of the last released version.
It would seem that mandrake did the only sensible thing when releaseing 8.2…
They didn’t wait for KDE 3, mozilla 1, gnome 2 (and everything compiled in 3.1)? Well would this really have been a smart move? IF they were to include these apps in their dist, burn them on disk and take money for it, the responsible thing would’ve been to wait a month, maybee two to let bugs appear and get fixed. 8.1 was getting horribly old and there were lots of fixes in the packages released with 8.2, and if mandrake needed the money, so what? I do too… doesn’t make me a bad person ;P
Going the redhat/suse way seems way more irresponsible to the customers. Now, a few months later, the apps are tested thouroughly, and can “safely” be included on the dist.
Getting a well tested/stable release doesn’t infuriate the customers the way a bleeding-edge/unstable release does. To those few of us who want bleeding-edge software, cooker have contained these apps almost as long as 8.2 have been out, allowing us to test it for a safer introduction in 9.0
Go mandrake!
Looks like themes are broken in 9, I can’t get any themes/decorations/styles to work in KDE 3.0.2. Tried the Keramik RPMs for Mandrake that were created, but the theme does not show up in the control center. Has anyone else had problems with Themes/styles/decos in 9? I had this set of RPM’s working on my 8.2 system with KDE 3.0.2. hmmm something is broken…
> Looks like themes are broken in 9, I can’t get any
> themes/decorations/styles to work in KDE 3.0.2.
This is because some binary-incompatible changes in the new Qt version. The changes were to ensure binary compatibility for plugins in future Qt versions. The fix is just to recompile the kstyle stuff in kdelibs. I think it’s already fixed in Cooker. AFAIK a new better will be released in two weaks.
I wrote ‘better’. I meant ‘beta’ 😉
Thanks for the heads up! I guess I can grab the cooker than…
If you were trying to use the Texstar RPMs for keramik and liquid, the issue is that those RPMs expect KDE3 to be in /opt/kde3, while in 9.0 (presumably to remain as binary-compatible with RedHat as possible) KDE3 is back in /usr.
The KDE3 update RPMS (Made by Mandrake and Texstar) put KDE3 in /opt/kde3 so as not to overwrite KDE 2.2.2 in /usr … so the Texstar RPMs ARE installing properly (if you look in /opt/kde3), KDE just can’t actually see them. For some keramik/liquid RPMs that work (as well as Ogle DVD Player RPMs and lots of other stuff), go to
Check out (left side of page has some links) for more info (such as Ranger’s RPMs, which includes and OO.o Quickstart.
Nooooo, I want kde 3.1, 4-CD distribution, and kernel 4.8.19
they need even larger 90min/800mb CD-Rs for the ISOs now? if this trend continues mandrake 10 will probably require multiple 4.7gb DVD-RWs.
yay more bloat! looks like i won’t be trying mandrake for awhile now. i’m not picking up more CD-Rs for a beta.
I burned the 9.0 ISOs to 700Mb CDs without a problem. I don’t see how attempting to fit more in less space is “bloat” … of course, “bloat” is often just a meaningless catchphrase anyway. After all, Mandrake isn’t forcing you to use their distro, and if you DO use Mandrake, you can customize the install on a per package basis and install ONLY the packages you want.
If Mandrake is trying to offer the greatest number of packages possible in order to satisfy the broadest possible number of users, more power to them. Just because the packages are part of the distro doesn’t mean the install program is going to force them down your throat.
But as for the need for new CDs … nope. 700Mb will do just fine (and I DID install everything, since this is a BETA VERSION, in order to test it — since that is all a beta is good for, you shouldn’t actually expect to USE it). Sorry if I seem harsh, but Mandrake is a FREE product, in every way, and they are doing an excellent job against the odds. Cut them some slack. If you don’t like the way they do things, avoid them. But bitching and whining about “bloat” and wrongfully informing people they can’t use this beta without new, bigger CDs is just counterproductive.
that was posed as a question, asking if it required 90min discs. no, i will not cut a distro some slack if the include 12 tools for each task. it’s counterproductive to new users.
every release becomes bigger, and bigger, and bigger… and everyone gripes about windows having useless tools and bloat?
and i’m allowed to criticise as i feel fit to do so, just since it’s free or opensource doesn’t give it immunity.
So far I am impressed with 9.0 beta, It fixed a lot of problems I had with 8.2, Infact I could not use 8.2. I tried upgrading from 8.0 and everytime I loged out It would lose my windows manager and I would have to add it manually everytime. A clean install gave the same problems. Rather than writing a script to fix it I chalked it up to a bad distribution, I have ran mandrake since 6.0 and it was my first disapointment, so I started looking at debian when 9.0 beta came out. I thought It couldn’t be worse than 8.2 and it seems more stable to me. I use it at work with no problem. I didn’t even have to configure my sound or USB mouse for once! Gnome 2 rules! I could care less about KDE 3.
I know the risks of beta’s. I think this is a good example of how linux should work. If you want a solid OS get debian just don’t expect anything new for a while.(not bashing debian, they just make sure everything WORKS Perfectlly before releasing it in their stable release anyway)