At its annual Press Day Wednesday, Google introduced three new services while attempting to kill the popular story in the media that it is involved in a fierce winner-take-all battle with Microsoft. Instead, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that there would never be a single victor. Schmidt said that having a single search engine would stagnate innovation. Competition, on the other hand, would support growth as well as advertising prices, and he added that there was room in the industry for more than one strategy.
…against the 800lb Gorrilla you must.
1: Not have anything he wants. (netscape)
2: Don’t look him in the eye (google)
3: Pretend to be of some use to him. (apple)
I’m afraid it’s bit late for 600lb Gorilla to be backing down now.
So, google is not involved in a fierce winner-take-all battle with Microsoft over the several niches of the global internet business for the future!!!???
Who are they involved in a fierce winner-take-all battle with, then??? with Chupa-Chups…
you’ve got to love google and the way it plays MS. E.Schmidt reeked with confidence. In no way are they insecure about their position in the market/industry.
you’ve got to love google and the way it plays MS. E.Schmidt reeked with confidence. In no way are they insecure about their position in the market/industry.
Just a few weeks ago they were complaining about MSN Search being the default search engine for IE 7, and they’re funding a Destroy IE campaign. I don’t think they’re too sure about their position.
“and they’re funding a Destroy IE campaign”
Stick to the facts. Google had firefox referrals long before the destroy IE campaign came along. The destroy IE campaign simply shows you how to use Google adsense in conjunction with their code.
I suppose Microsoft supports piracy because third parties happen to use Windows to pirate software, or run pirated software?
Stick to the facts. Google had firefox referrals long before the destroy IE campaign came along.
You do know that Google funds FireFox development and has employees working on the codebase, don’t you? They are also the default engine on FireFox (and Opera and AOL and Safari).
The destroy IE campaign simply shows you how to use Google adsense in conjunction with their code.
Except level 3 which totally blocks IE and doesn’t work with AdSense. If they are so secure in their position, why do they encourage people to try and control other people’s choice in browsers?
Pro-Choice. But, is Google being really honest? Are there any conspiracies out there that Google will OWN the world’s information?
I wonder…
Google makes better desktop applications. Their search engine is unbeatable and their desktop search tool is years ahead of Windows Vista. I think Microsoft should be fearing Google right about now.
Have you even tried MSN desktop search? You really should before you declare Google the winner in all areas. MSN desktop search is easier to setup and to use in my opinion.
None whatsoever 😀
Don’t belive me?
Google for it :-p
The verb ‘to google’ has now become part common vernacular (in the uk at least)not yet officially part of the OED, but soon will be I recon
When I google something, i use google…
When I search for a topic, I use MSN and google…
Google hasn’t won yet in my mind.
Google shall not be defeated by Microsoft!
They only 50% market share, respectable, they like ‘trial and error’
Great for consumers!
Yes today Google is one of the companies posing threat to the might of MS. This undoubtedly is true, but is google really not following MS path ?
You might say that Google apps are free — unlike MS. Unfortunately all the apps that google is offering currently have a FREE MS counterpart. MS has free mail, search, blog, browser, media player — list goes on.
Hey I am not trying to priase MS .. No way. I dont even like Windows on My desktop, for me it is either Arch Linux or Ubuntu.
Coming to Linux, we all know that google internally uses Linux for all its servers and even on Desktop. We all have heard about GOOBuntu ( or Variants). Google freely uses a free software for all its needs, good enough. But does google actually pays something back to linux ??
I am not talking about paying cash to some Linux company, NO, but does Google offer any of its software on Linux.
The most popular software, part of google pack ( google talk, google earth, picasa, google desktop, google Video player) all are for Windows XP.
Quoting from
“Google Pack is only available for Windows XP ” .
So Google uses Linux to Run its cluster, for the desktop usage and almost all its work, and in return how many software it release on Linux — Zero, Zilch..
Wow this is great.
Does Google believe only in using Linux but not contributing to Linux.
By making good google software “Only for WinXP” is google not prmoting WinXP in an indirect manner ??
But in the end Google is a respectable company and is one of the biggest “Competetor” for MS.
Way to go google.
“But in the end Google is a respectable company and is one of the biggest “Competetor” for MS.”
“Respectable” companies dont collaborate with oppressive regimes.
There was some news on Slashdot about Google porting some of their stuff, including Picasa, to Linux with WineLib.
Unfortunately, Picasa and Google Virtual Earth (I think) were not developed by Google but purchased. I remember using a non-Google Picasa, and it wasn’t free. So, when Google got their hands on the code, they had to do a lot of work to make Windows-only apps Linux-friendly. However it’s indeed strange why they didn’t port Google Desktop, as it doesn’t seem to use much of Windows’ API and runs in a web browser (no Windows-native widgets).