Etoile Live CD 0.2-RC1 Released

The Etoile project has released a release candiate for the 0.2 version of their live CD. “The Etoile project aims to produce a document-centric desktop and post-desktop environment. The project is built on top of GNUstep, a high-quality Free Software implementation of the OpenStep specification from Sun and NeXT and popularised by Apple as Cocoa.”


  1. 2007-06-27 11:11 pm
  2. 2007-06-27 11:42 pm
  3. 2007-06-28 12:17 am
    • 2007-06-28 12:50 am
  4. 2007-06-28 12:55 am
    • 2007-06-28 2:30 am
    • 2007-06-28 8:17 am
  5. 2007-06-28 8:19 am
    • 2007-06-28 9:05 am
      • 2007-06-28 9:08 pm
        • 2007-06-29 7:03 am
  6. 2007-06-28 10:08 am
  7. 2007-06-29 8:17 am