Moto 360 and Wear 5.0.2: an update

Ever since my Moto 360 and Android Wear review, I’ve been hammering on my disappointment in Wear’s unfinished, unpolished state, and the many issues that plague the platform. Since I’ve been using my Moto 360 again over the past few weeks, I think it’s time to give a few short updates, because a seemingly minor release – from Wear 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 – has changed a few things for the better.

One of the biggest issues I encountered with Wear on the Moto 360 was laggy performance, stuttering, choppiness, that sort of stuff. After using 5.0.2 for a week or so, I’ve noted that this problem now seems resolved – at least for me. Touches are registered instantly, responsiveness is perfect again, and animations no longer lag and stutter. It’s a world of difference.

A short note on battery life: after a full day of use, my Moto 360 usually sites at around 65%-70% battery left. In other words, with some careful planning, I could squeeze a full weekend out of my Moto 360, without needing to carry my charger with me. Quite nice.

None of this changes my overall perception of current smartwatches, though: they are too much computer, and too little watch. Still, these few improvements do lessen the blow somewhat, and that’s always welcome.


  1. 2015-03-05 8:21 pm
    • 2015-03-06 9:41 am
      • 2015-03-06 4:02 pm
  2. 2015-03-05 9:34 pm
  3. 2015-03-06 2:48 pm
  4. 2015-03-07 12:25 am