XP theme engine for DotGNU WinForms; Other .NET-related News

Shortly after the QT theme engine release, DotGNU announces the availability of the XP theme engine for its implementation of WinForms. The new XP engine allows DotGNU WinForms to use literally thousands of custom designed “visual styles”, such as those available from ThemeXP.org. Screenshots 1 and 2. On other .NET-related news,
Monodevelop 0.5 is released, #develop Fidalgo RC2 was released 3 days ago and wx.NET Beta 2 was released late last week.


  1. 2004-06-30 7:11 am
  2. 2004-06-30 7:20 am
  3. 2004-06-30 11:44 am
  4. 2004-06-30 12:26 pm
  5. 2004-06-30 3:33 pm
  6. 2004-06-30 3:56 pm
  7. 2004-06-30 4:37 pm