Original OSNews Interviews Archive

Interview with Jeff Waugh On Ubuntu Linux

The Debian-based Ubuntu Linux was unveiled today and a preview release is available for download. Ubuntu uses Gnome 2.8, kernel, OOo 1.1.2 and comes with a text-based, but dead-easy, installation procedure. Ubuntu has disabled the root user (sudo is used, same way as OSX does it) and it endorses the "less is more" philosophy. There are still bugs on the preview release, but the team welcomes feedback via their mailing list. Read more for an interview with team member Jeff Waugh (also of Debian and Gnome fame). Screenshots also included, and more are here to be found.

Interview with Element Computer Regarding ION Linux

What happens when ex-Lycoris employees join a Linux-friendly hardware computer reseller? Apparently, a new desktop Linux distro with a kick: the hardware that comes with it is meant to give you the Apple experience. ION Linux is a Debian-based distro that is meant to work well with the hardware it sells with. Read on for our interview with Element Computer's Mike Hjorleifsson (one of the founders and CTO) regarding their new upcoming products and a screenshot of ION.

Interview with Matthew Dillon of DragonFly BSD

Today we feature a very interesting interview with well known *BSD hacker Matthew Dillon over his latest project, DragonFly BSD (also known for his Linux kernel contributions, Amiga C compiler hacking back in the day and the Backplane distributed database). Matthew discusses DragonFly's status, goals, the overall BSD platform, innovation, and more. Update: Added one more question at the end of the Q&A.

Interview: PalmSource’s George Hoffman on PalmOS 6 Cobalt

The voice, the man, the... machine. That's George Hoffman for you. According to people who have worked with him (including my husband) he is one of the brightest Be, Inc. engineers ever. These days, George works at PalmSource, Inc. as the Director of Applications and Services. In his free time he sings with an (a cappella) vocal band of 4, Hookslide (check out their .wmv promo video clip)! In this interview we talk about PalmOS 6, aka Cobalt. We discuss the architecture of the OS, its capabilities, its market targets and more. Screenshots of Cobalt are included.

Dave Milici on Porting SciTech SNAP on OnTime RTOS-32

On Time specializes in providing software development tools for real-time embedded systems on Intel x86 compatible CPUs. Founded in 1989, On Time has offices in Massachusetts and Hamburg, Germany. On Time offers a complete range of real-time operating systems and development tools for 32-bit flat address protected-mode and 16-bit real-mode environments. Recently the company got a port of SciTech's SNAP graphics suite. Here is an Interview with SciTech's Dave Milici, who was responsible for porting SciTech SNAP to On Time RTOS-32.

Q&A: Lindows.com’s Kevin Carmony; Get LindowsOS Dev 4.5 Free

Today we host a long and interesting interview with President & COO of Lindows.com, Kevin Carmony. We discuss about the desktop, the OSS community, Microsoft, LindowsOS 5 and much more. More over, just for the next couple of days, Lindows.com offers the LindowsOS Developer Edition 4.5 for free to the OSNews readers! Read more for details on how to use the OSNews text coupon and download this digital version of LindowsOS free of charge.

Interview: Red Hat’s Owen Taylor on GTK+

Today we are very happy to feature an interview with Red Hat engineer Owen Taylor. Owen is the project leader of the GTK+ multi-platform toolkit, also known for his contributions on Pango. It is also important to note that a few days ago he received the highest number of votes for the Gnome Board of Directors elections. In the following Q&A we discuss about the features on GTK+ 2.6 and beyond, RAD tools, performance, GL and other widgets, GTK# and lots more!

The Big freedesktop.org Interview

Today we are very happy to publish a very interesting Q&A with major freedesktop.org members: the founder Havoc Pennington (also of Debian, Gnome and Red Hat fame), Waldo Bastian (of SuSE & KDE fame), Keith Packard and Jim Gettys (of X/XFree86/fontconfig/w3c fame) and David Zeuthen, a new member who's taking over the ambitious HAL project. In the article, we discuss about general freedesktop.org goals, status and issues, the role of KDE/Qt in the road to interoperability with Gnome/GTK+, HAL (with new screenshots), the new X Server aiming to replace XFree86 and we even have an exclusive preliminary screenshot of a version of Mac OS X's Exposé window management feature for this new X Server! This is one article not to be missed if you are into Unix/Linux desktop!

Havoc Pennington: Linux has its Nails on UNIX’s Coffin

Today we feature a very interesting interview with Havoc Pennington. Havoc works for Red Hat, he is heading the desktop team, while he is well known also for his major contributions to GNOME, his GTK+ programming book, plus the freedesktop.org initiative which aims to standardize the X11 desktop environments. In the following interview we discuss about the changes inside Red Hat, Xouvert, freedesktop.org and Gnome's future, and how Linux, in general, is doing in the desktop market.