The 10.4.1 Update delivers overall improved reliability for Mac OS X v10.4 and is highly recommended.
It includes improvements for:
– file sharing using AFP and SMB/CIFS network file services
– using DHCP in wireless networks
– user login when accessing LDAP and Active Directory servers
– core graphics including updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
– synchronization with .Mac
– Address Book, iCal, Font Book, Mail, and Preview applications
– Dashboard widgets: Address Book, Flight Tracker, Phone Book, and World Clock
– creating and burning disk images using Disk Utility and System Image Utility (Remove)
– compatibility with third party applications and devices
For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website.
Anything in there to block the “malicious” Dashboard widgets?
Yes. Per the /. thread:
Second, Mac OS X 10.4.1 completely fixes the the widget auto-installation issue by adding widgets to the items that Safari prompts for before a download is complete. You will now receive a notice:
“(file) is an application. Are you sure you want to download the application (file)?”
…including when Safari is in its default state, i.e., “Open ‘safe’ files after downloading” is enabled. This issue is now completely mitigated, as no item can be downloaded or installed without the user’s express knowledge and permission. Therefore, this issue is now closed.
Don’t you just turn off the option to open safe files in preferences? You should have this turned off anyways.
./Applications/ /Contents/PlugIns/BaseSync.phoneplugin
./Applications/ /Contents/PlugIns/Formatter.bundle
./Applications/ /Contents/PlugIns/PhoneFamilySync.phoneplugin
./Applications/ /Contents/PlugIns/PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin
./Library/Widgets/Address Book.wdgt
./Library/Widgets/Flight Tracker.wdgt
./Library/Widgets/Phone Book.wdgt
./Library/Widgets/World Clock.wdgt
./System/Library/CoreServices/ ppleFileServer.1
./System/Library/CoreServices/ urces/common.bundle
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./System/Library/Extensions/AppleAltiVecDVDDriver.bundle/Contents/MacO S/mp2decv.bundle/Contents/Resources/mp2decvbin1
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleAltiVecDVDDriver.bundle/Contents/MacO S/mp2decv.bundle/Contents/Resources/mp2decvbin2
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleAltiVecDVDDriver.bundle/Contents/MacO S/mp2decv.bundle/Contents/Resources/mp2decvbin3
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AVA_HD _I4.dylib
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AVA_HD _I5.dylib
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AVA_HD _P4.dylib
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AVA_HD _P5.dylib
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleV ADriver
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleV ADriverG5
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/Resources/mp 2decvbin1
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/Resources/mp 2decvbin2
./System/Library/Extensions/AppleVADriver.bundle/Contents/Resources/mp 2decvbin3
./System/Library/Extensions/System.kext/PlugIns/ xt
./System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks /vecLib.framework
./System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks /vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
./System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks /vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
./System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources /ABCertController.bundle
./System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources /AddressBook.syncschema
./System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources /
./System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources /
./System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources /ImagePickerQTParts.bundle
./System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources /vCardSpotlightBundle.bundle
./System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/F rameworks/CoreGraphics.framework
./System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/F rameworks/LaunchServices.framework
./System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIT oolbox.framework
./System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Framewor ks/CarbonCore.framework
./System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Framewor ks/Metadata.framework
./System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Framewor ks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdimport
./System/Library/Frameworks/DirectoryService.framework/Versions/A/Reso urces/Plugins/Active Directory.dsplug
./System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Web Core.framework
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CALCore.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/iCal.syncschema
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DMNotification.framework/Versions/A /Resources/dmnotifyd
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/Res ources/diskimages-helper
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacLegacy.framework/Versions/A/R esources/dotMacErrorReporter
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacLegacy.framework/Versions/A/R esources/dotMacTranslator
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/Default.hints
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/PreviousSystemFolderLocalizations
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/baton
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/pkgExtractor
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/pkgReceiptMaker
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/rc.installer_cleanup
./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/runner
I just installed the update, now my mac is stuck on “Starting Mac OS X” (with the bar completely full).
And apple just closed their tech support a little more than an hour ago… dooh
Jesse, start up in single user mode. Restart your system and hold down the command key and the ‘S’ key until you get to a prompt. Run a file system check and update your prebindings again.
No problem here. It automatically disabled a mail plugin I had that wasn’t working with Tiger anyway, and prompted me to go the vendor’s site to get an update. Cool !
WMP still doesn’t work (has stpped with Tiger). Only the plugin.
Thanks, I only have the bluetooth keyboard/mouse, so I’ll have to borrow a keyboard to do that.
The signal strength indicator for WiFi has stopped working since I installed 10.4. Anyone else see this?
Do you mean you’re getting all the bars all the time, or no bars at all?
How does Safari asking you if you want to download the application fix the problem?
If you are downloading a malicious widget, you don’t know it’s a malicious widget, or else you wouldn’t have started the download in the first place. So of course you are still going to say yes to allow Safari to install it.
You get what I’m saying?
Everything installed nicely, it appears that things are a little smoother; I’d say that for those who want an über smooth system – wait till 10.4.2 is release, hopefully by then they would have sorted out 98% of the bugs, thus leaving the medocre, unimportant stuff to be shunted further down the list.
Hopefully soon there will be an eta on when Quartz extreme will come available
@ Manik
WMP, I assume Windows Media Player – the plugin works, along with the stand alone player. Have you done a complete check from top to bottom to make sure you don’t have any weird third party extensions or old configuration files hanging around that might cause problems?
@ big dork
Nice that you raised the issue; why haven’t you installed the 10.4.1 update to see if it has been corrected? best to do that before posting on the forum, aye?
RE: Manik (WMP still doesn’t work (has stpped with Tiger). Only the plugin.)
Try deleting the WMP prefs file and relaunch, worked like a champ for me
RE: Greg (If you are downloading a malicious widget, you don’t know it’s a malicious widget, or else you wouldn’t have started the download in the first place. So of course you are still going to say yes to allow Safari to install it. )
The bug was that widgets would get installed by visting a web page and the user would see no sign that a widget was installed. now any item/application installed, the user is made aware period.
I performed a fresh install of Tiger when I got it and, after this update, I’m noticing that my machine is slightly faster after this update. I’m using a 933 mhz iBook. Very impressed by Apple! My only problem is that google suggest still doesn’t work with Safari. I can do without it though.
If you are downloading a malicious widget, you don’t know it’s a malicious widget, or else you wouldn’t have started the download in the first place. So of course you are still going to say yes to allow Safari to install it.
No. The problem is that if the download starts and installs the widget without you knowing you are installing the widget. There is virtually nothing Apple can do to determine if a particular widget is ‘malicious’ or not, just as they cannot tell if you are downloading a malicious application. They can only warn you that you are downloading an executable so the user can determine if the source is reputable or not.
All bars or no bars, but usually it’s no bars. I had hoped that 10.4.1 would fix this problem, but no go.
I would update is software update would get anyplace, been trying for hours.
I had that problem with iTunes last week (or week before, whenever) when it was updated. It took nearly the entire week before it showed up for me. 10.4.1 was there right away this time, though. Perhaps they do some kind of cycle thing where they alternate updates between different servers with each update seeding at different servers and then spreading in such a way that certain regions of the net get the updates later than other regions. The distribution might be somewhat random in that case. I don’t really know, though, I’m just kind of guessing. 🙂
I have the exact opposite – mine are always full since Tiger (very rare are they lower) – but the signal strength is not right. I’ve got a widget that reports only 36% signal strength. In Panther I was only getting about one or two bars where I get 4 with Tiger now. I think its a miss reading and its not fixed in 10.4.1
If I understand correctly, they did something to show a more accurate set of bars in the Menu Bar. I don’t think it’s a miss reading.
My VPN to a gnatbox got so slow with Tiger as to be unusable, this update has it working again.
Ping time before update 1000+mS
Ping time after update 35mS
anyone tried latest cisco client?
It’s not that it doesn’t show up, it’s that software update hangs (gets a part bar across when checking and just stops moving. Just sits there checking forever) Never seen this before.
Oh well.
actually, since installing the update the vpn client has been a little flakey. It connected once, but it’s exhibiting kernel extension errors (like when it can’t find the network interface). Unfortunately it’s late and i haven’t had time to look at the logs or debug, but it seems flakey to me. If you’re stable under 10.4 I might hold off for a couple of days or install on a test machine…
“- creating and burning disk images using Disk Utility and System Image Utility (Remove)”
Listed above, can someone clairfy this statement. Does this mean that the capability has been removed?
When will we see ogg vorbis support for Tiger/EyeTunez/quiktime… I’d like to listen to my music collection without need to downgrade the quicktime to 6.2
I’ve been looking forward to 10.4.1, they’re very quick with it. No doubt they were working on it before the launch of Tiger.
On malicious widgets: the idea is that you are made aware that someone wants to install a widget on your machine. The fact that you were not actually expecting to install a widget and that you don’t know the source but they want to install a widget anyway is enough of a red flag to me not to trust the douche bag who wants to do the installing. This in contrast to IE which installs anything that expresses the desire to be installed, whether you as a user actually approve of that or not.
I like Apple’s take on that. Yes I want to know if someone wants to slip me something in the background. Sure, I don’t know whether it’s malicious or not, but you wanted to install it without my active involvement. My default answer to that is: take a long walk on a short pier, buddy. It ain’t happenin’.
Besides, suppose you did agree to have it installed, you know you should hit the F12 key immediately to check out what the blazes that thing is that just got installed [if you elected to have it installed in the first place].
Again, Apple is using the right approach to this problem. I don’t feel vulnerable for it, on the contrary: I’m more aware about what happens on my system. Tell me why this is a bad thing.
I look forward to learning what the better video drivers mean.
I hope they solved the upload problem for the photo books [not the most critical thing, but it’s annoying when you want it and it’s not there].
Let the update install. Works like a champ. The problem with the magnification and right clicking the DOCK is gone as is a small network problem I had with an XP box. So far everything I noticed as a bug is fixed. Very happy with this update.
I know that deleting the prefs file is the first thing to do when you have some problem with an app, but I always forget 😉
WMP working perfectly now.
So Safari, Mail en ichat are down. Since I don’t have my Tiger DVD on hand, because I’m on the road (three week business trip) and Apple kindly refuses to let you download SafariRSS, update Ichat AV from their site and the old versions do not install on Tiger, I have a serious problem.
Everything working fine. 800MHz G3 14″ iBook. Also noticed the machine taking a little extra time after the “Starting Mac OS X” progress goes to full, but it didn’t hang, first reboot after the update, it’s bound to take some extra time to load up.
All bars or no bars, but usually it’s no bars. I had hoped that 10.4.1 would fix this problem, but no go.
Interesting that you live up to the nickname you chose; if you took a little time you’d realise that that what you’re looking at isn’t a signal bar.
“Your signal strength isn’t any lower with Tiger. The AirPort signal strength indicator has actually been retooled to show, not the signal strength, but the speed of the connection. This is a change from Panther.”
thanks Wenzelas.. i guess your list answers my question if the Radeon 9800 Pro was updated
By Martin (IP: — – Posted on 2005-05-17 05:27:16
If I understand correctly, they did something to show a more accurate set of bars in the Menu Bar. I don’t think it’s a miss reading.
No, I don’t think this is the case. Sitting only a few feet away from my router, quite often, it will read only one/two bars and occassionally drop to nil. At that point, I will have issues with my connectivity. This never happened with 10.3.x so assume it must be an issue with Tiger.
Kaiwai you foolish fool. Do you honestly believe that? It wouldn’t make any sense what so ever. When you click open internet connect it clearly says signal level. Also in the help is says: Four signal bars appear in the AirPort status menu. The more bars that are black, the higher the signal quality.
I hope you stop and think next time you feel like calling some one a “big dork”.
I know AdmitMAC isn’t saying that a working model will be till August but working on AD again from my MAC would be great if it were early or if Apple helped to fix some of the issues with it.
a new title for your post:
“Why You Should not update your work machine when you are doing work”
it is an issue with YOUR Tier install.. not mine. I have 4 bar and full strength.
I dicided to go on what Chuga said and look in Help, and it clearly states:
“Four signal bars appear in the AirPort status menu. The more bars that are black, the higher the signal quality.”
“signal quality” could be construed as signal level, or throughput, I suppose.
Could someone look in Help on Panther and see what it says, I really want to try and get this sorted out.
@ Chuga
“big dork” is only one of the many aliases that I use here. Generally I just pick something on a spur of the moment thought.
And one more thing…
I’ve noticed in the past that there always seems to be the one person in a thread who feels the need to flex his “geek muscles”. The animosity here at times is amazing.
Did update to 10.4.1 …. crasht webcore. Safari, Ichat and mail went dead. Could not fetch any updates from Apple site. The system became more and more instabile and in the end I rebooted and only firefox worked. Used that to download 10.4.1 again and ran it. it performed the installation flawless, but it appeared to be a bad choice, since it corrupted the Kernel and it was game over. Strange statement in the normally white+apple screen at the beginning of a boot phase and dead.
Restored to Panther in 37 minutes, didn’t loose any data (besides 2 days of mail and DotMac doesn’t work). No good. No good at all.
I wait til 10.4.3 to try anything with Tiger.
If you try to connect via finder (either command+K or browse) it still renders it impossible to connect unless you give the full path (server + share) and the finder still goes into pizza-spin-of-death if you try to browse to a server and connect.
And my GPGmail plugin for mail stopped working. Seems they built in more checks or whatever.
Did you remember to Repair Permissions after the update?
Yes, I did. Also checked the console to see what was wrong. Did systems check … but no luck. Applications kept on dieing, thought at first it was some kind of hardware problem, because never had any troubles with this PB at all.
Kernel f*ck up … so to speak. Can happen, still have all the data. Anger has gone away, but trust in Apple is dented.
All these fatal problems people have seem weird, as I update both of my Powerbooks everytime an update comes out and i have never had a single problem. This update caused me no problems, but then again it didn’t speed it up either.
The signal strength bar still doesn’t work properly
Looks like it may have just been a one-time flakey thing on the CIsco VPN. I did not reboot, i just unloaded and reloaded the kernel extension using:
sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/CiscoVPN.kext
and then
sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/CiscoVPN.kext
From terminal of course.
For those who are wondering about how to deal with the fact that Tiger installs widgets without asking you. Here’s a trick to be notifed when a widget is installed and gives you the oppurtunity to remove it:
1) Select ~/Library/Widgets in the finder
2) Right click on this folder and select “Attach a Folder Action…”
3) In the dialog that pops up select ‘/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/add – new item alert.scpt”
Now you will be alerted whenever a new widget is installed.
Anybody having issues with the intellimouse drivers for 10.4? For some reason when running the 5.0 drivers I have no tab to set the scroll wheel properties. Everything else works and I can change the configuration of all the buttons but I can’t control the wheel.
With version 5.1 of the drivers I have even less functionality. I can’t configure the buttons at all and the picture of the mouse has a big red X on it.
My main goal here is to change safari so that it scrolls down a page at a time when i move the mouse wheel.
I think when I first installed tiger I kept my 5.1 drivers and noticed no problems. But I re-installed and haven’t install any of the MS mouse drivers. Didn’t have a reason to since Apple finally added a check box to make the mouse left-handed with Tiger.
I just wish MS would add support so that the mouse wheel can be programmed as middle button, or 3rd mouse button. Instead they start going to double clicks and such after second mouse button, which drives me nuts, since to get safari working the way I want, means firefox does not.
If there is a problem with the MS drivers, maybe they will get an update out soon, but then again they are the ones who had the download page for the 5.1 drivers dead for months.
Thank b’jeezus Apple’s continually working on updating their system… if issues need to be dealt with in the other camp, we’d have to wait years for a service pack.
Works perfectly here. I had no problems with 10.4 (Power Mac Dual 1.8 here) but now the system is faster.
Best operating system ever!
I’m was with 10.4.0 it was running ok until it started crashing. First the DVD player didn’t want to start … gives a message reopen or report to apple. Same thing started to happen with Software update and Installer. I updated to 10.4.1 … same thing … any ideas?
p.s. Powerbook G3 (firewire) 400mhz, 40GB HDD, 512RAM.