Build 60 (aka Update3b) is now available for Lycoris. Changelog: Added support for S3 Twister, added kernel support for Palm Zire, added spanish translations for kdeutils package, added spanish translations for kdebase package, removed lock, logout icons from kicker, fixed OO [kde1] incorrect color bindings, massaged kicker color bindings, upgraded usbutils to 0.11, smaller CD automount timeout [6 seconds], fixed [?] non-root login hang issue, added kernel support for Konica KD200Z, added spanish translations for kdegraphics, kdesdk, upgraded gftp to 2.0.13, upgraded gimp-print to 4.2.2-rc2.
“added kernel support for Palm Zire”
Why should there be some modification to the kernel in order to support a single Palm Model. Shouldn’t these modification be done in the sync Application ? why where they done in the kernel ? ( I do assume a Palm/USB driver to be present)
Have they improved the font quality/rendering yet?
True that,
I installed build 46 a while ago, and was impressed. If they improve font’s i could get my brother on this linux distro instead of his crappy doze98. (cuz this is a linux he can understand.) But he objected to the crunchy fonts
Just wanted to let everyone know that The BeOSJournal is hosting it’s own poll of 61 names that were submitted last weekend here:
Please mark this down if I’m being a troll, or off topic, but I felt it was important to post this somewhere high traffic, and this particular story had so few comments anyhow.
You sound like a Linux geek… why not bang around the sides a bit to get better fonts? I like Rayiner’s Postscript howto, if I could find it (which thread was it?). Then when you are done (shouldn’t take more than an hour), your brother would have the best fonts around 🙂
First! You are really OffTopice, WTF?
Why don’t you submit this as a news item (if it deserves one)
Second! Why didn’t you offer this notice in time for people to actually submit names. You’re list is not only way inadequate (for not including the original names OpenBEOS listed) – but apparently, even the submitters don’t like them; over half have 0 votes. How can someone not vote for a name they submitted?!?
The reason there are more names than votes is that some people submitted more than one name.
However, these names are not written in stone. If there is a need, I will gladly put up a second tier poll, and then merge the two sets.
Nothing is written in stone. I’m willing to listen and accommodate anyone.
-Chris Simmons,
Avid BeOS User.
The BeOSJournal.