API/ABI-stable bindings for the GNOME 2.6 Development Platform, for C++, Java, and Perl are now released. That means you can seriously consider those programming languages (and others) when developing GNOME-based applications, and you can be confident that your applications will not break when future versions of these bindings are released. OSNews hopes that the Python and GTK# bindings will become part of this great set in the near future too.
I hope too
I hope too. It’s a rarity when Eugenia and me hope the same thing, but I hope too
Me too, hope i can code using C# with gtk# on Gnome with full stablity like other bindings. But how bout Qt# in KDE, still in progress?
There are two C# bindings in progress now:
Qt# works now.
Kimonno will work real soon now.
Kimono, IMHO, seems more future-proof, because its based on libsmoke, KDE’s general-purpose bindings library.
we see python boindings. More, I hope to see ruby bindings. Face it everybody wants blocks to do callbacks
That was a April Fools joke 🙂
Is that true??, or u just kidding
can anyone point out if there are any tutorials for using the java bindings for gnome ?
can anyone point out if there are any tutorials for using the java bindings for gnome ?
See the document section of http://java-gnome.sourceforge.net/
And search the gcj mailing list for java-gnome carefully if you like to get it run with GCJ.
Unfortunatly there seems to be no IRC channel to get a quick info.
I’d like to see my favorite programming language, i.e. ruby, catch up as well. I know ruby had gnome and gtk bindings for older gnome/gtk versions… Actually I just went to http://ruby-gnome.sourceforge.net which was the former home of the project, but it’s not there? Nothing on http://rubyforge.org either. =(
it’s on sf’s japanese site. sourceforge.jp afaik. do a google
ruby-gnome2 it is
Uh? Come on, did you read in the website? It shows:
Ruby-GNOME2(GTK+-2.0, GNOME-2.0 version) is now available. <– is link to get over at http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp ..
No, its not a joke. The dot.kde.org story about moving everything to Mono was a joke, but Kimono really is a set of Mono bindings for Qt/KDE, and KaXul really is a XUL -> XML-GUI bridge.
No it isnt a joke, here is the developer blog about the issue:
I also hope too.
ruby-gnome *is* obsolete.
ruby-gnome2 allows you to use gstreamer, libgda, glib2, pango, gtk2, atk, glade, gtkhtml2, gtksourceview, gnomevfs, gnome-canvas..
And rbbr is a wonderful tool for browsing docs.
Don’t be afraid of the .jp link the page is even translated in many languages
I guess you can tell I’m not a hardcore ruby hacker huh? =) Thanks for the info!